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Chee, SDP and the letters!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't think that GMS (or any other politician) is obliged to endorse or condemn anything said by other politicians. Why don't you ask whether CSJ endorses or condemns what GMS and others said?


No. You have not had the guts to give an unequivocal answer. :biggrin:

The question was simple - do you endorse or condemn the letters? Answering a question with another question to evade answering is disingenuous but won't work if you are exposed to be doing as such.

Why don't you ask PAP MPs is they approve of LHL buying supporters and fixing those that oppose him? Why don't you ask LHL if he agrees with LSS that the PAP is deaf to criticisms?

There is a lot of talk cock coming from the PAP camp. Since the 154th media prostitutes do not want to ask these simple yet important questions, you can do us and yourself a favour and ask these questions to your master.


Why don't you ask PAP MPs is they approve of LHL buying supporters and fixing those that oppose him? Why don't you ask LHL if he agrees with LSS that the PAP is deaf to criticisms?

There is a lot of talk cock coming from the PAP camp. Since the 154th media prostitutes do not want to ask these simple yet important questions, you can do us and yourself a favour and ask these questions to your master.

So Mr M S Goh, do you endorse those letters or condemn them? Or you going to hide beind ChaoPappyPoddle's tirade? :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
So Mr M S Goh, do you endorse those letters or condemn them? Or you going to hide beind ChaoPappyPoddle's tirade? :biggrin:

It's a letter written by SDP (CSJ) to PAP (LKY). What has it got to do with NSP (GMS)? Why don't you ask SPP/SDA and WP? Why don't you go Hong Lim stage a free speech and ask the people?


Thank you. The rest of Singapore had it completely misunderstood. Clearly as you pointed out, the strategy behind the letter is now crystal clear. I dare say, it will go down in Singapore's political history as a watershed and a turning point for the citizens of this country.

I do recall another momentous and the first watershed in our short history - the complete embarrassment of the Prime Minister of Singapore in Washington as he was receiving his Doctor of Letters from his Alma Mater. That was a masterstroke and it immediately translated into votes for the SDP and their subsequent victory. Again the the timing was impeccable allowing for maximum impact. I saw the PM clearly rattled and when it was screened on Singapore TV, the unmistakable Kallang Roar was heard in HDB heartland.

Let us know if you got any other valuable insight that you like to add before going back to lead the learned and profound thinkers in 3in1.

CSJ probably chose to release this letter at this time due the the focus of the country is on KGC's death and her funeral. Letter is timed for the maximum impact with the most people getting to read the letter.

What I persumed I understand from the letter is that - it is a mix of sincerity to plea MM to repent and let him(CSJ) off coupled with intent to list out the facts of his past evil deeds and to goad at him.


We have to understand that Dr Chee is writing the letter not only to his political foe but to someone he considers a dictator.

A dictator is a dictator is a dictator .... may be good poetry but bad politics in democratic system of governement.

In a free society, there is no such thing as a good and benevolent dictator.


Tell us something we don't know. I have been spending 11 years drip feeding you guys on the excesses of this govt and the temerity of one man. I have revealed things that no one has.

There are many ways to skin a cat. Some are effective and some are downright silly. The vast majority in this forum know that he is dictator and a spiteful person. Except for those from the fishing village of 1959, the rest of us know the deal.

Ever wonder why KJ did not reply in kind when many people would have understood. The guy has got a double first from Cambridge so I reckon he got his marbles intact. Why you think he did not do the same. Ever wonder why Teo Soh Lung, Chia Thye Poh, Lim Hock Siew did not do the same.

We have to understand that Dr Chee is writing the letter not only to his political foe but to someone he considers a dictator.

A dictator is a dictator is a dictator .... may be good poetry but bad politics in democratic system of governement.

In a free society, there is no such thing as a good and benevolent dictator.


Dear Liquid

And there in lies the nub of the problem , not enough of us consider LKY a dictator and Chee a Heroic leader against a merciless enemy. We have pet peeves with the PAP, we have dislikes disagreements a plenty with MM SM PM MPs etc but we do not have an obsessive hatred with the PAP.

We seek to bring the PAP down a peg or two, chip away at the edifice, but neither do we want to bring the whole PAP house down tomorrow in the next GE, , Perhaps in four five GEs as things evolve but not tomorrow. Dr Chee well from his actions he wants to bring it down tomorrow on a tidal wave of public emotion constructed from letters and on issues such as the ISA, all I can say is good luck and keep on dreaming.

Btw if LKY was the dictator chee makes him out to be. he would be dead or in exile and his children and wife in labor camps, such is the harsh nature of dictators.



We have to understand that Dr Chee is writing the letter not only to his political foe but to someone he considers a dictator.

A dictator is a dictator is a dictator .... may be good poetry but bad politics in democratic system of governement.

In a free society, there is no such thing as a good and benevolent dictator.

Even if the majority of Singaporeans believe that LKY is a dictator (which I most assuredly think is not the case), this is not the smartest way to deal with a so-called dictator.

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, the dictator has alot of things at his disposal: power, money, the army, the civil service, the grassroots machinery but there is one thing that he does not have and which he's lost it the minute he turned autocratic. That thing is called "moral high ground".

In the face of overwhelming odds, all opposition parties have but this to hang on to and from which to confront the PAP. A moral high ground.

CSJ used to stand on a pretty high moral ground but I am dismayed to see how he's slowly but surely chipped that away as years gone by. KJ, LTK, JBJ, CST stood on their moral high ground come what may: PAP intimidation, internal party squabbles, etc.

They've never lost it and they are all the better for it.

CSJ is clearly not interested in winning elections nor forming a government.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am an anonymous moniker. But the politician here is evading the question: does the NSP endorse or condemn the letter? :biggrin:

He has no comment. It's up to SDP to write whatever letter they wish to anyone. SDP doesn't report to him.


I am an anonymous moniker. But the politician here is evading the question: does the NSP endorse or condemn the letter? :biggrin:

Silence does not necessary meant evasion. He's under no obligation, more so just as you said, you are anonymous.

As far as the letter is concerned it's between the sender and the receiver, it has no bearing on anyone else whatsoever. It does not need to be endorsed nor does it need to be condemned.


Tell us something we don't know. I have been spending 11 years drip feeding you guys on the excesses of this govt and the temerity of one man. I have revealed things that no one has.

There are many ways to skin a cat. Some are effective and some are downright silly. The vast majority in this forum know that he is dictator and a spiteful person. Except for those from the fishing village of 1959, the rest of us know the deal.

Ever wonder why KJ did not reply in kind when many people would have understood. The guy has got a double first from Cambridge so I reckon he got his marbles intact. Why you think he did not do the same. Ever wonder why Teo Soh Lung, Chia Thye Poh, Lim Hock Siew did not do the same.

To inteprete CSJ, one has to decipher 3 things.

1) His character
2) His motive, intention and target
3) His purpose and what he wants to achieve

In fact, we tell the intentions of any humans through this.


Dear Liquid

And there in lies the nub of the problem , not enough of us consider LKY a dictator and Chee a Heroic leader against a merciless enemy. We have pet peeves with the PAP, we have dislikes disagreements a plenty with MM SM PM MPs etc but we do not have an obsessive hatred with the PAP.

We seek to bring the PAP down a peg or two, chip away at the edifice, but neither do we want to bring the whole PAP house down tomorrow in the next GE, , Perhaps in four five GEs as things evolve but not tomorrow. Dr Chee well from his actions he wants to bring it down tomorrow on a tidal wave of public emotion constructed from letters and on issues such as the ISA, all I can say is good luck and keep on dreaming.

Btw if LKY was the dictator chee makes him out to be. he would be dead or in exile and his children and wife in labor camps, such is the harsh nature of dictators.


I would suggest you look up what the word dictator means. LKY is a dictator, albeit not the kind that you have in mind. Running opponents out of the country, depriving them of their livelihood and ruining their lives, incarcerating people in solitude for decades, making laws that ensure he stays in power makes him a dictator through and through. To suggest that he is not one just because he didn't kill Dr Chee is like saying a thief is not a criminal because he didn't murder anyone.


Good points.

I would suggest you look up what the word dictator means. LKY is a dictator, albeit not the kind that you have in mind. Running opponents out of the country, depriving them of their livelihood and ruining their lives, incarcerating people in solitude for decades, making laws that ensure he stays in power makes him a dictator through and through. To suggest that he is not one just because he didn't kill Dr Chee is like saying a thief is not a criminal because he didn't murder anyone.


Marvelous, spot on. If some of the benefit went to the citizens, we call that a benevolent dictator, a dictator nevertheless. If someone thinks that the elections is fair and we can actually throw him out and therefore could not be a considered dictator, they are sadly mistaken.

The fact that this man did not require any politician to declare their assets or place it in blind trust, tells you that he had more to hide. This is from a man who considers himself whiter than white and incorruptible.

As there is no independent press and with the privy council gone, there are nothing and no one to provide independence.

Note the temerity of the PAP government. His Nephew-in-law publicly stated that he was forming an independent commission to investigate the escape of a detainee but cheekily put the immediate staff of his direct report on the commission.

Does the sound like a dictatorship present or what.

I would suggest you look up what the word dictator means. LKY is a dictator, albeit not the kind that you have in mind. Running opponents out of the country, depriving them of their livelihood and ruining their lives, incarcerating people in solitude for decades, making laws that ensure he stays in power makes him a dictator through and through. To suggest that he is not one just because he didn't kill Dr Chee is like saying a thief is not a criminal because he didn't murder anyone.


I would suggest you look up what the word dictator means. LKY is a dictator, albeit not the kind that you have in mind. Running opponents out of the country, depriving them of their livelihood and ruining their lives, incarcerating people in solitude for decades, making laws that ensure he stays in power makes him a dictator through and through. To suggest that he is not one just because he didn't kill Dr Chee is like saying a thief is not a criminal because he didn't murder anyone.

I think it's the paradigm dictators fall into - they are usually associated with the cruel Hitler, Stalin, Pinochet etc. but if you tear down the word dictator it comes from the word "dictate" which is merely to forcefully direct, not kill. These are leaders who ram policies down people's throats. LKY is clearly one. We weren't talking about killers. Hitler was a killer but LKY was not. But both were clearly dictators.

You can say Bush Jr was also a dictator in some sense. In terms of the Iraq war, at least.


Silence does not necessary meant evasion. He's under no obligation, more so just as you said, you are anonymous.

As far as the letter is concerned it's between the sender and the receiver, it has no bearing on anyone else whatsoever. It does not need to be endorsed nor does it need to be condemned.

Well, let the voters be aware that Mr M S Goh had acknowledged existence of the letter, commented on it but refused to condemn it. Read between the lines, the voters know that NSP probably endorses the letter.

Thank you, Dr. Chee, you literally poured honey onto the ground. :biggrin:


Well, let the voters be aware that Mr M S Goh had acknowledged existence of the letter, commented on it but refused to condemn it. Read between the lines, the voters know that NSP probably endorses the letter.

Thank you, Dr. Chee, you literally poured honey onto the ground. :biggrin:

No offense, but your insistence that he and his party take a stand is making you look like a spurned lover, dont you think so? Endorse or condemn, that letter has no bearing, voters or whoever like I've said before.