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This is probably what Jesus actually looked like.


You already are more enlightened than over 1 billion dumb moslems. Go and enjoy your life and vote for PAP!

Morons and perverted pigs would say that Jesus forgiving sins is a license to sin. The reality is that a life redeemed by Christ is a new creation. They have the freedom to sin but choose not to, rather than compelled to not sin because of fear of burning in hell.

Christians, please do not use facts, simple logic and common sense to justify your religion. You have nothing to stand on.

You insult people who question your your religion. (Did Jesus teach you that?) In the end, you didn't answer the question , and make yourself look stupid instead.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Christians, please do not use facts, simple logic and common sense to justify your religion. You have nothing to stand on.

You insult people who question your your religion. (Did Jesus teach you that?) In the end, you didn't answer the question , and make yourself look stupid instead.

I don't support banditry, pedophilia, launching religious wars against people for not sharing my religion. I'm already smarter and more upright than you ever will be.


Old Fart
Freezing cold bro. Certain area teres snow.

Ok. I know ur an atheist. Respect. Rem. God can just out of the blue created the Quran. But i bet human would still reject it n also said someone else wtitten it.:smile:

U mentioned bible predated the quran. So ur point is?:smile:
Abang, before I forget, I don't think I am an Atheist. I believe there is a Creator, Energy Source , a Consciousness, God, Allah or whatever it is called. Hard to explain. But I do know the teachers referenced in holy books, prophets and so on were trying to interpret and point their followers in the direction they believed was/is the right one. Just that their teachings became religions, their followers jazzed up/hyped up everything, and unfortunately divided the world.


He was crucified. Don't buy into the Quran's tale of a switcheroo. Whether he died or not, remains the point of contention. Yet we know that dead people are quite incapable of walking and speaking.
I am surprised till date no one has ever mentioned that the Qur'an account of Jesus is derived from the Gnostics. The switcheroo etc is from the Gnostic books n the Gnostics are heretics. So the Quranic Jesus is false but if course the Qur'an is a false book anyway.


Jesus was alive. When the scribes n pharisses asked for a sign, Jesus mentioned Jonahs episode where he was alive in the whale belly for 3 days/nites. So jesus did not die but was raised physically to heaven. :smile: U see, when Quran mentioned smthing similar to bible the xtians will say Quran copied it. But when Quran mentioned stories tats not in the bible xtians will say the Prophet spinned the stories.
The Qur'an about Jesus is from the Gnostics which are heretics. They are all gone but survive in Islamic teachings. Wat an irony


Old Fart
You already are more enlightened than over 1 billion dumb moslems. Go and enjoy your life and vote for PAP!

If you want a book of rules to live by, you can make one up yourself. There's enough information on the internet for you to compile one yourself, for work, for health, for relationships. You surely can do better than people who live hundreds or thousands of years ago.

Most Christians believe that Jesus is different in the sense that he died as atonement for Mankind's sins. Otherwise, when we meet our Maker, we have to answer for our own sins. We can't use our good deeds to negate our sins in the afterlife any more than we can do so in this world. My grassroots work won't save me from jail if I break the law.

Morons and perverted pigs would say that Jesus forgiving sins is a license to sin. The reality is that a life redeemed by Christ is a new creation. They have the freedom to sin but choose not to, rather than compelled to not sin because of fear of burning in hell.
WHAT?!:eek: Are you nuts?? Voting for the PAP is akin to going to bed with the devil!

A book of rules to live by? Perhaps one day someone will compile a book consisting only of all the good morals taught by each religion. And everyone in all the world is encouraged to read and adopt the morals expounded by this one book. Slowly, all the traditional religions will be made obsolete. Probably wishful thinking on my part. Because there will never be consensus on what happens in the Great Unknown. And that's the singular problem.

John, you believe in what you want to believe. As long as it has made you a better person. Go for it!


Bible not completely words of god. It contains plagiarism, fabricated too. Below is the teaching of jesus pbuh.

"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments (Matt 19:17)

Keep thy commandment. But xtians do away with all the OT commandment. See the hypocrisy of the churches.
OT was done away with after Jesus died.

Did Christ Abolish the Law of Moses?
“Some teach that Christians are not under obligation to keep the Sabbath day in this age. If that is the case, how is Matthew 5:17-18 to be explained? Did not Christ say that the law would not be destroyed; that it would last as long as heaven and earth?”
In Matthew’s record of what is commonly called, “The Sermon on the Mount,” these words of Jesus are recorded:
“Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets; I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished” (Mt. 5:17-18).
It is frequently argued that if Jesus did not “destroy” the law, then it must still be binding. Accordingly, such components as the “sabbath day” requirement must be operative still, along with, perhaps, numerous other elements of the Mosaic regime. This assumption is grounded upon a misunderstanding of the words and intent of this passage.
We may confidently affirm that Christ did not here suggest that the binding nature of the law of Moses would remain perpetually obligatory. Such a view would contradict everything we learn from the balance of the New Testament record. Consider the following points.
(1) Of special significance in this study is the word rendered “destroy.” It translates the Greek term kataluo, literally meaning to “loose down.” The word is found seventeen times in the New Testament. It is used, for example, of the destruction of the Jewish temple by the Romans (Mt. 26:61; 27:40; Acts 6:14), and of the dissolving of the human body at death (2 Cor. 5:1). The term can carry the extended meaning of “to overthrow,” i.e., to “render vain, deprive of success.” In classical Greek, it was used in connection with institutions, laws, etc., to convey the idea of “to deprive of force” or to “invalidate.”
(2) It is especially important to note how the word is used in Matthew 5:17. In this context, “destroy” is set in opposition to “fulfill.” Christ came "...not to destroy, but [alla — adversative particle] to fulfill.
The meaning is this. Jesus did not come to this earth for the purpose of acting as an adversary of the law. His goal was not to frustrate its fulfillment. Rather, he revered it, loved it, obeyed it, and brought it to fruition. He fulfilled the law’s prophetic utterances regarding himself (Lk. 24:44). Christ fulfilled the demands of the Mosaic law, which called for perfect obedience or else imposed a “curse” (see Gal. 3:10,13). In this sense, the law’s divine design will ever have an abiding effect. It will always accomplish the purpose for which it was given.
(3) If, however, the law of Moses bears the same relationship to men today, in terms of its binding status, as it did before Christ came, then it was not fulfilled, and Jesus failed at what he came “to do.” On the other hand, if the Lord did accomplish what he came to accomplish, then the law was fulfilled, and it is not a binding legal regime today.
(4) If the law of Moses was not fulfilled by Christ, and thus remains as an obligatory legal system for today, then it is not a partially binding regime; rather, it is totally compelling system.
Jesus plainly said that not one “jot or tittle” (representative of the smallest markings of the Hebrew script) would pass away until all was fulfilled. Consequently, nothing of the law was to fail until it had completely accomplished its purpose.
“But,” some surmise, “does not the text affirm that the law would last until ‘heaven and earth’ pass away?” No, only that it would be “easier” for the universe to pass away than for the law of God not to fulfill its mission (cf. Lk. 16:17).
And so, if one contends, on the basis of Matthew 5:17-18, that Moses’ law is still binding as a legally required regime, he must take all of it — including its bloody sacrifices, annual treks to Jerusalem, purification rituals, etc. As Paul later will argue — if a man receives one portion of the law [as binding for justification], he is a debtor to do all of it (Gal. 5:3). This is the logical consequence of the misguided “sabbatarian” view of this important text.
(5) In addition to the points listed above, Paul clearly argues, in his letter to the Ephesians, that the “law of commandments contained in ordinances” was “abolished” by the death of Jesus upon the cross (2:14-15). The Greek term for “abolished” is katargeo, literally suggesting the idea of reducing something to a state of inactivity.
Paul uses this term twice in Romans 7:2,6 — showing that just as a wife is “discharged” from the law of her husband when he dies, even so, through the death of the body of Christ, men were “discharged” from the obligations of the Mosaic law. That the law here contemplated is the law of Moses, including the ten commandments, is demonstrated by the reference to the tenth commandment in Romans 7:7 (cf. Ex. 20:17).
The harmony between Matthew 5:17-18, and Ephesians 2:15, is this: The purpose of the law of Moses was never to come to naught; its original design would be perpetual. On the other hand, as a legal code, it would be abolished, being cancelled by the Savior’s sacrificial death (cf. Col. 2:14ff.).
And so, a consideration of all the facts leads only to the conclusion that Matthew 5:17 does not afford any support to those who maintain that the observance of the sabbath day is a divinely-required obligation for this age.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A book of rules to live by? Perhaps one day someone will compile a book consisting only of all the good morals taught by each religion.

How about the Golden Rule: Treat others how you want to be treated?

But it has a weakness when dealing with scum whose values teach its followers to believe in attacking you because you don't believe in their crap.

John, you believe in what you want to believe. As long as it has made you a better person. Go for it!

That already makes you far more enlightened than any imam or ustz in the entire history of islam. Saying such a thing will get you killed in the middle east.

WHAT?!:eek: Are you nuts?? Voting for the PAP is akin to going to bed with the devil!

It's thanks to the PAP that you have the freedom to believe in what you want to believe. It's a privilege, not a birthright. In malaysia and indonesia, religion politics makes it clear that you don't have freedom of choice. Singapore is one of the few places that moslem minorities like the Ahmadiyyas have a breathing space while they are hunted and killed in indon and pakistan. The moslem ahmadiyyahs happen to be one of the very few moslem groups that I respect. I have very little respect for orthodox sunni or shia ideologies.

Oppies have not been executed or beaten to death in prison for opposing the PAP. In jiuhu, oppies have been kidnapped without a trace for years. In Indon, oppies have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands. Ah Gong here is already very mild with the oppies.


Old Fart
I am surprised till date no one has ever mentioned that the Qur'an account of Jesus is derived from the Gnostics. The switcheroo etc is from the Gnostic books n the Gnostics are heretics. So the Quranic Jesus is false but if course the Qur'an is a false book anyway.
Thanks for pointing out the Quran account of Jesus is derived from the Gnostics. I didn't know that.

To my understanding, the Gnostics (Gnostic Gospels) were branded as Heretic only because their teachings did not fit the narrative of the Jesus that the early church wanted to paint of him. Namely, the Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Thomas, etc. OMG, does this mean the Quran is more accurate in its account of Jesus?:eek:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
But u support the lynching n execution of oppies

Well, if oppies have the chance, they'll gladly put us establishment people up against the wall to be gunned down.


Greta Thunberg has apologised for saying world leaders should be "put against the wall" in a speech.

The teenage climate activist made the comment while addressing a Fridays For Future protest in Turin, Italy.

In English the phrase is associated with execution by firing squad, but Ms Thunberg said it had a different meaning in her native language Swedish.



Well, if oppies have the chance, they'll gladly put us establishment people up against the wall to be gunned down.


Greta Thunberg has apologised for saying world leaders should be "put against the wall" in a speech.

The teenage climate activist made the comment while addressing a Fridays For Future protest in Turin, Italy.

In English the phrase is associated with execution by firing squad, but Ms Thunberg said it had a different meaning in her native language Swedish.

Not true, Najib is not gunned down yet


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thanks for pointing out the Quran account of Jesus is derived from the Gnostics. I didn't know that.

To my understanding, the Gnostics (Gnostic Gospels) were branded as Heretic only because their teachings did not fit the narrative of the Jesus that the early church wanted to paint of him. Namely, the Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Thomas, etc. OMG, does this mean the Quran is more accurate in its account of Jesus?:eek:

The quran can't even get the family of Jesus correct. The quran confuses Mary, mother of Jesus with Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron in the old testament.

19:27 - Then she brought him to her own folk, carrying him. They said: O Mary! You have come with an amazing thing.
19:28 - O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a wicked man nor was your mother a harlot.
19:29 - Then she pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy ?
19:30 - He spoke: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and has appointed me a Prophet,
19:34 - Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt.


Thanks for pointing out the Quran account of Jesus is derived from the Gnostics. I didn't know that.

To my understanding, the Gnostics (Gnostic Gospels) were branded as Heretic only because their teachings did not fit the narrative of the Jesus that the early church wanted to paint of him. Namely, the Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Thomas, etc. OMG, does this mean the Quran is more accurate in its account of Jesus?:eek:
All these books were written way after Jesus ascension. So why do u say they are accurate?


How about the Golden Rule: Treat others how you want to be treated?

But it has a weakness when dealing with scum whose values teach its followers to believe in attacking you because you don't believe in their crap.

That already makes you far more enlightened than any imam or ustz in the entire history of islam. Saying such a thing will get you killed in the middle east.

It's thanks to the PAP that you have the freedom to believe in what you want to believe. It's a privilege, not a birthright. In malaysia and indonesia, religion politics makes it clear that you don't have freedom of choice. Singapore is one of the few places that moslem minorities like the Ahmadiyyas have a breathing space while they are hunted and killed in indon and pakistan. The moslem ahmadiyyahs happen to be one of the very few moslem groups that I respect. I have very little respect for orthodox sunni or shia ideologies.

Oppies have not been executed or beaten to death in prison for opposing the PAP. In jiuhu, oppies have been kidnapped without a trace for years. In Indon, oppies have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands. Ah Gong here is already very mild with the oppies.
Oppies not in prison? Wat talking u?

Chia tai poh
Francis Seow




Thanks for pointing out the Quran account of Jesus is derived from the Gnostics. I didn't know that.

To my understanding, the Gnostics (Gnostic Gospels) were branded as Heretic only because their teachings did not fit the narrative of the Jesus that the early church wanted to paint of him. Namely, the Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Thomas, etc. OMG, does this mean the Quran is more accurate in its account of Jesus?:eek:
If you believe that the gnostic books are accurate. U are more retarded than I thought



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

They both have been out of prison for years. Both will die as free men. Both were not beaten to death in prison for being sinkie oppies. Try being a jiuhu oppie or indon oppie or minority. Some of them have been vanished for years. Our PAP government also did not order goons to stick explosives into the mouths of models, unlike in jiuhu.


Old Fart
How about the Golden Rule: Treat others how you want to be treated?

But it has a weakness when dealing with scum whose values teach its followers to believe in attacking you because you don't believe in their crap.

That already makes you far more enlightened than any imam or ustz in the entire history of islam. Saying such a thing will get you killed in the middle east.

It's thanks to the PAP that you have the freedom to believe in what you want to believe. It's a privilege, not a birthright. In malaysia and indonesia, religion politics makes it clear that you don't have freedom of choice. Singapore is one of the few places that moslem minorities like the Ahmadiyyas have a breathing space while they are hunted and killed in indon and pakistan. The moslem ahmadiyyahs happen to be one of the very few moslem groups that I respect. I have very little respect for orthodox sunni or shia ideologies.

Oppies have not been executed or beaten to death in prison for opposing the PAP. In jiuhu, oppies have been kidnapped without a trace for years. In Indon, oppies have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands. Ah Gong here is already very mild with the oppies.
Yes, certain religions can be so inflexible and unforgiving. Even murderous and ruthless. Those were ancient practices when the world was barbaric, and still kept alive today because they serve the purpose of the religion.

It's a revelation to me that you actually respect some muslims!:biggrin:

The PAP was, is, and never will be concerned with religion. All they are concerned with is $$$$$ and that all religions live in harmony and do not disrupt the inflow of $$$$$ into their bank accounts.


They both have been out of prison for years. Both will die as free men. Both were not beaten to death in prison for being sinkie oppies. Try being a jiuhu oppie or indon oppie or minority. Some of them have been vanished for years. Our PAP government also did not order goons to stick explosives into the mouths of models, unlike in jiuhu.
Oh yes..treatment of dissidents by the pap is soo humane that it's like a holiday camp.
