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Sia lan ang moh "ft" cyclist at vivo city!


I disagree. He kept to the right and filtered into the left most turning lane which he has every right to do. There is no need for the car to drive up his arse. He won't get to his destination any faster. There's a traffic light at every junction.

Cyclists do not belong on our roads. This is not Old Peking nor New Zealand. They are a menace to motorists.


These ang mos are pussies....

There was once, me and my friends met a kuai lan ang mo while driving in my car...same road hogging thing happened.

He came to us and we got out of the car...I kept hammer and spanner in my car, and we took them out, no need to talk and say much, just whack and hantam him, army combat style until the ang mo lay near motionless on the ground and beg for mercy....

Unfortunate for the ang mo, I am a guardsman while my friend is a commando during NS time...

We called him "white motherfcuker", "white gay boy" and "pussy"...n dont try to be funny with S'poreans....and "fcuk off to your country"...many bystanders lcapped their hands...

S'poreans should also help each other when they see such things happening when a S'porean is being bullied...PM LHL has hinted this on the "kampong spirit"

It's a tough world out there...learn from the Asians in US, see how united and tough they are...

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/1iuc5uwkSJM?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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These ang mos are pussies....

There was once, me and my friends met a kuai lan ang mo while driving in my car...same road hogging thing happened.

He came to us and we got out of the car...I kept hammer and spanner in my car, and we took them out, no need to talk and say much, just whack and hantam him, army combat style until the ang mo lay near motionless on the ground and beg for mercy....

Unfortunate for the ang mo, I am a guardsman while my friend is a commando during NS time...

We called him "white motherfcuker", "white gay boy" and "pussy"...n dont try to be funny with S'poreans....and "fcuk off to your country"...many bystanders lcapped their hands...

S'poreans should also help each other when they see such things happening when a S'porean is being bullied...PM LHL has hinted this on the "kampong spirit"

It's a tough world out there...learn from the Asians in US, see how united and tough they are...

27 vs 3, yeah very tough! Bugger off to your plain cloth commando unit...
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Ang moh on CNA. Guess he works for a bank, has deep connections and unwittingly told the whole world that his bank launders money for the dark side. :biggrin:

Name him, name the bank. Shame them. The power of PR can do a lot of damage.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
He came to us and we got out of the car...I kept hammer and spanner in my car, and we took them out, no need to talk and say much, just whack and hantam him, army combat style until the ang mo lay near motionless on the ground and beg for mercy....

Can you please stick to the facts instead of telling us what happened in your dreams. :rolleyes:

You story is so far fetched that it's ridiculous. You know as well as I do that 2 sinkies would not dare take on one Ang Moh. If there were 5 of you in the car, the story would be slightly more believable.


Motorists pay CEO and duties for the car. Of course must have priority over other users of the road mah.

Most cyclist on the road also own cars lah!!
The angmo was right, motorist must be honking him continuously
I would do the same tell the driver to fuck off!! he didn't use centre finger
he waved at the driver to come closer, he was turning right lane, therefore
keeping on the right was alright! But the motorist must have honk him so hard
to tell get off the road was too much to swallow!!


Can you please stick to the facts instead of telling us what happened in your dreams. :rolleyes:

You story is so far fetched that it's ridiculous. You know as well as I do that 2 sinkies would not dare take on one Ang Moh. If there were 5 of you in the car, the story would be slightly more believable.

2 Chink Sinkies won't! But I am not too sure if it will turn out the same if it were 2 Malay Sinkies. If it comes to a civil war in Sinkieland, Malays win hands down!


Please don't kill him, please make him permanent disable.

I will dig out his eyes.


is not about cyclist or motorist , is about shit people with shit attitude.


May I suggest all motorists just make a sudden cut into cyclist lane. haha when he fall justt pretend to come out and offer help. hahaha. if i bump into leong sam i will do it. haha

trust me, TP will say is civil case.

I bet if difficult for cyclist to win the case.


If bicycles can travel on the road, there will be bicycle lanes like in Europe or China. You see any here?
Having the right to use the road does not mean you can anyhow zig zag on the road at your own speed. Pedestrians have the right to use the road although they don't pay road tax but can they walk on the roads together with the cars?
If you drive a car or ride a motorbike at 20km/h on the main road, what do you think will happen to you? Will the TP give you a ticket for road hogging? So what makes you think cyclist have the right to do that?

The recent increase in the number of cyclist on the roads is another social problem brought about by the influx of (low quality) FTs.
Why low quality? - We have expats for donkey years but back then, those are better quality FTs with expat packages who travel in cars and not bikes.
LTA, like the rest of the garment depts and the public transport companies, simply did not bother to think about such social problems brought about by the FTS and are now incompetenet to do anything about it. They are turning a blind and wish that it will just go away.

This problem will not go away and will not become a political one because there a bunch of Sinkies out there who are on the Ag Mo side and are now going on TVs and radios demanding their rights to cycle on the roads. I always wonder where were these Sinkie cyclists before the Ang Mo came. You see tons of these Sinkies with expensive gears on the roads now.


So what makes you think cyclist have the right to do that?

The Road Traffic Act gives them the right to use most roads. Of course, nobody has the right to block traffic, no matter what you drive.

The recent increase in the number of cyclist on the roads is another social problem brought about by the influx of (low quality) FTs.

I don't understand. How so? Any data to back that up? A vast majority of cyclists are local. Lots of people picked up the hobby in the past few years because the cycling infrastructure improved a lot and people are generally tired of road traffic conditions. Add the ever increasing car pricing and the cyclist population can only go up.

Pedestrians have the right to use the road although they don't pay road tax but can they walk on the roads together with the cars?

They can use the roads as described in the Road Traffic Act. Don't you use pedestrian crossings, zebra crossings or just cross roads?

This case is simply blown out of proportion because it involved a foreigner. I see plenty of road rage by any race on a daily basis. You should get a bicycle to get a better idea of how it is out there.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Vast majority are the locals but we hardly see such incident involving local. How come ah? Why? Ang Moh big fuck? Kan Ni Na Bu Phua Chee Bye to all Ang Moh.:oIo:


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