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Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no respe


Alfrescian (Inf)
Foreign cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no respect
Posted on 18 October 2013 | 31,948 views | 137 comments | 0 shares
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The cyclist who was involved in a spat with a driver near VivoCity has spoken up, saying the driver in question had shown him no respect.
The cyclist, who wanted to be known only as Keneth, reportedly also lost his cool with another woman driver near the Telok Blangah area in September this year, reports The New Paper.
The incident at VivoCity went viral online after a two-minute video from an in-car camera was posted on Youtube on Oct 8.
It showed Keneth weaving through traffic towards Harbourfront walk and gesturing angrily at the driver in the middle of the road.
"We were both approaching the red light," said Keneth.
"The car was so close to my bike and he kept honking at me.
"There was no other vehicle behind him. He had no reason to honk me."
He added that he approached the driver to ask why he had honked, but the driver's wife simply told him they had a camera.
As for the Telok Blangah incident, Keneth declined to comment and insisted that it should be handled by the police.
But, he added: "She tried to run me over."
The incident, which took place on Sep 16, involved a 41-year-old housewife.
She was returning to her condominium, Caribbean at Keppel Bay, when her SUV nearly collided into Keneth's bicycle.
In a video captured on a closed-circuit television camera, Keneth is then seen banging his fist on her car window, reaching through the window when it was rolled down in an attempt to open the door, while shouting abuse.
The housewife said: "He was violent, aggressive and used vulgarities. "He even threatened at one point that he'd make sure I got my licence revoked."
Keneth is believed to be Australian and has been in Singapore for 14 years.
He chooses to cycle regularly although he owns a car.
He claimed to be a safe road user who has been cycling since he was three.
To read the full report on the cyclist's spat with a driver near VivoCity, click on the story below:
Cyclist beats red light then provokes driver into confrontation near VivoCity.
Video 1 below shows the incident at VivoCity, while video 2 shows the incident at Telok Blangah.

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Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

Ah Sam's cycling gang member? :eek:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

Why do I get a sneaky feeling that this ang mo asshole is on this very forum? :wink:

Hint: one of the more vocal ones on threads relating to cycling or cyclists.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

I hope he smashes those fucking motorists.


Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

Where is Bui Kia? Please flash the Bat signal.



Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

Singaporeans! Ptuiii! Any outsider having a good life here can show their cocks to your face and you can only....what can I say?.....Lan Lan! NS? Commando? Guardsmen?! Lanjiao to you!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r



Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

Pui cb ang moh VS Caribbean at Keppel Bay elite

B Man

Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

This kind of pudgy ang moh should be sent back home to earn some "respect" from his country men. He probably thinks he must be granted the respect because he is white. He probably wont even dare do what he did at home.

I say, send him back to his country and be respected!

In the meantime, lets name him and "fame" him for all the respect he wants!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

So, when are the two sinkees going to speak up to defend themselves? I think they will be kiasi, afraid of the police charging them if the cases are taken up.


Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

Nuff said. Time to bring out the one punch one kill fella. 為民除害


Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

The housewife said: "He was violent, aggressive and used vulgarities. "He even threatened at one point that he'd make sure I got my licence revoked."
Keneth is believed to be Australian and has been in Singapore for 14 years.

If he is a Singapore PR, his PR should be revoked.

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Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

The housewife said: "He was violent, aggressive and used vulgarities. "He even threatened at one point that he'd make sure I got my licence revoked."
Keneth is believed to be Australian and has been in Singapore for 14 years.

If he is a Singapore PR, his PR should be revoked.

revoke it ONLY after due process in the courts.


Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

Leave him be. Self destruction is only a matter of time.


Re: Ang Moh cyclist involved in not 1 but 2 spats on road says driver showed him no r

revoke it ONLY after due process in the courts.

I wonder if the government does revoke employment passes or PR of white foreigners who commit crimes here. Opposition doesn't query this at all. Eg. the ang mo chef who was recently fined for attacking a taxi driver. And they keep telling us to welcome them and help them integrate.