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Political change for diverse voices? Laugh dead people !

Tiu Kwang Yew

Political changes? Laugh dead people!
So what if downsize GRC and has more Single wards?
The result would be the same.
The huge army of new citizens will put PAP back to power again. These voters are refugees and they only know just little.
Look at the ancient relic, GE rally starts months ago.

Some more the local voters are jiat- sai (eat shit) lot. They are worst than new citizens, killing their own kind.
Do oppo parties want this type of rubbish citizens?
If they are good, PAP would not have diluted them, and import FTs to replace them and treat them like third class citizens, sweat NS!

Oppo parties should boycott the next GE and let the majority voters rot with PAP, come back ten years later.
It may be already a rotten cuntry by then, but the bloody lesson would be learned.

Change ? The neighbor north has scared the shit out of the papees, what if they have failed in the freak elections ? This is near impossible but the papees take precaution. Also the US president is a democrat, 4 more years of democracy , no wayang-- no quality rice on the table and no big pay for the baboons !

So what if they are 15 oppo NCMPs, there are NMP monkeys to neutralize! The PAP MPs are yes pawns, they sit back and condemn oppo parties and take their big pay, show voters their school grades during elections—this is their only job.

What NMP ? Laugh dead monkeys !

So what if you have 10 elected oppo MPs, the parliament is still very PAP.

Let Singapore be sold by PAP at 100%, and a city teems with sex, gambling, lies, prostitution, etc.
Better still, let Singapore control by China if PAP dares.

Lesson has to be learned in the hard way to see a new era, they (66%) will not learn, perhaps never learn.
This is the destiny. Singapore is fcuked not only by PAP baboons but also the local jiat sai lot.

Political change --- We are talking about dethroning the monkey familee and hounds! We are talking about oppo parties overturning dirty policies and make policies good for the people and not a few crowns talking about diverse views to entertain the media people but in the end, only one or two make the decision. We are talking also about a fair media system and a media of fairy tales.

Who want diverse voices? we are not playing masa masa, we want PAP baboons out !

Spread the words, boycott the next GE, no point fighting for the rubbish majority voters, they are dirty and jiat sai lot. They deserve to be replaced by FTs and new citizens, and deserve the PAP baboons, let them rot with PAP.

Next GE, PAP baboons will still hold office, this is a ground fact. And nothing will change unless the voters are fcucked right through their nose.
Waste no time oppo parties, just sit back and enjoy the divine nemesis. Boycott the elections !



there can be no change becos they have the party whip.
so what if the MP disagree or voice out concerns.
they still have to lan lan follow wat the boos says, right?


this move is to con simpleton...

talk cock and insult people.

If pinky is sincere pls do the right thing

1. Totally remove all GRCs
2. Remove ISD/govt control of press/media
3. Put a limit on (political) libel damages
4. Election Board to be independent
5. No blackmailing of voters with Estate dev.

Which ever area is still Singapore even if it choose Opposition. WTF got this type of fucking logic.

If an area chooses Opposition there is a heavy price to pay - estate will be poorly mgm n property prices will plung...knnbccb