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Dead Private's Mother Turn To Chee For Help!! Why Not Ask Her MP Instead??


Alfrescian (Inf)
The dead private family are typical pap supporters who only turn to opposition after found out they got conned by pap. These type of ppl cannot be trusted. Chee should just pay them lip service and not get into a defamation case because of them.

Instead of getting chee in trouble, the mom should at least mobilize her relatives and friends to kpkb at Honglim park first to show their resolve to the nation.

I repeat again I don't pity her, she believe the BS from pap and her son pay for it with his life. As for any difference between 2 or 6 smoke grenades, I see no difference as I used smoke often during field training. Never heard anyone die from smoke out until the case hit the headlines.

Give her a break lah ...she already lost her son and she now sees how evil the PAP. She now needs to pull out her guts to increase the pressure on the government to change the law and force the AG to charge some generals and the two officers, and demand the defence minister resign.

Instead of kpkb about the amount of smoke grenades used, why not fault the medievac procedures? From murai, why go gedong medical center when tengah medical center has better facilities and better medical personnel? (Air force get better funding) travelling time about the same and nearer to NUH.

Good point. The number of smoke grenades is important too because if they stick to the safe number, he may not die.


Please don't like a thread like this to provoke WP. If you make WP angry, wait they cannot tahan anymore, they will unleash all their lawyers, whether practicing or non-practicing, with their guns blazing macam GPMGs. Then MINDEF will kanna jialat jialat from WP.:kma:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please don't like a thread like this to provoke WP. If you make WP angry, wait they cannot tahan anymore, they will unleash all their lawyers, whether practicing or non-practicing, with their guns blazing macam GPMGs. Then MINDEF will kanna jialat jialat from WP.:kma:

WP lawyers are useless ...they have lost in every court battle so far.

WP should change tack to make themselves relevant. There again, they are in office because of the vote engineering done by the PMO so their relevance is of no importance to sinkees.


She and other mothers who has lost their children to NS
should start a new society group like AWARE
Called it NSMOM or something
Use it to pressure Government and MINDEAF

Yes..that would be a good check and balance ..

Also parents of Benjamin Lim and Dinesh Raman should be founding member of this new society.


According to Dominique’s family's open letter... "We had, over the past 3 years, approached no less than 4 PAP MPs, including an anchor Minister and a GPC Chairman for their assistance. We had even written to the Prime Minister several times, pleading for help in getting answers. All they did was to direct our questions to MINDEF for their reply."

The thread title should be changed. the last 3 years, the family had approached 4 PAP MPs including their GRC anchor minister and a GPC Chairman, and also LHL for help, but they all rejected them and redirect them to MINDEF. That's why the family approached CSJ for help. PAP MPs and Ministers are so fucking overpaid and useless bums to their constituents, all siam from helping the dead boy's family, such that the family had to turn to the opposition for help.


It is a fact that Dom died from the effects of the smoke grenades thrown. It is also a fact that the number of smoke grenades thrown exceeded thrice the safety limits. We do not know how more direct a link one can infer from this, about the factors leading to Dominique’s untimely death. The Coroner’s Inquiry is to ascertain the cause of death. The Coroner’s Inquiry does not determine whether or not the 2 officers or MINDEF is/are culpable or not. Can MINDEF kindly make this point clear in its statement? The Minister for Defence, in his Parliamentary Statement in November 2012, stated that the COI concluded that the two officers were negligent. But in the Facebook statement, BG Chan stated that the COI “did not find that the two officers were directly responsible for PTE Lee’s death”. Can MINDEF again, kindly clarify if the Ministerial Statement or the Facebook statement was erroneous?

Finally, we would like to appeal to the public be fair to Dr Chee Soon Juan. We had initiated the meeting with Dr Chee as we are at our wit’s end. We do not intend nor wish for this to be a political issue. We had, over the past 3 years, approached no less than 4 PAP MPs, including an anchor Minister and a GPC Chairman for their assistance. We had even written to the Prime Minister several times, pleading for help in getting answers. All they did was to direct our questions to MINDEF for their reply. Such help is as useful to us, as a comb is to Michael Jordan. We are not siding with any political party; we are just seeking answers to get some closure. We only seek accountability from MINDEF and SAF.


Last time I experienced a medical issue with hospital.
Drag for 2 years, deal with hospital. Went through many discussion and this and that.
I even went to see MP. Minister of health.
Ended up also no use.

Wait till I tired with all these then accept they lousy offer.

Well. They always insisted to me it is complication of my illness not medical negligence.

I think same as this case. very hard to fight with them.


Chee Soon Juan' FB response after reading the family's open letter. When Ang Moh foreigner write to LHL, he gets an immediate response from LHL for assistance, but when Sinkie citizens Dominique Lee's family writes to LHL for help, kena rejected several times. PAP is really a fuckup party, song boh 69% Sinkies, you voted for this PAP shit.


Chee Soon Juan

Yesterday at 4:07pm · Singapore ·

Tesla car manufacturer Elon Musk says that he had called PM Lee about the $15,000-surcharge for electric vehicles in Singapore and that Lee had told him that “he would investigate the situation”. If this is true, it is commendable that the PM responded so promptly to Musk's request.

But this morning I also read that Dominique Lee's family had written – repeatedly – to Mr Lee: “We had even written to the Prime Minister several times, pleading for help in getting answers. All they did was to direct our questions to MINDEF for their reply. Such help is as useful to us, as a comb is to Michael Jordan.”

And then there's Benjamin Lim's case. We haven't heard anything from Mr Lee on the unfortunate death of the boy. Why did the PM not weigh in on the matter when it was raised in Parliament? Was he even present?

Mr Lee must remember that he is Dominique's Prime Minister, he is Benjamin's Prime Mnister, he is our Prime Minister. He is not Elon's Prime Minister.

I hope Mr Lee will respond to this awkward situation.


Last time I experienced a medical issue with hospital.
Drag for 2 years, deal with hospital. Went through many discussion and this and that.
I even went to see MP. Minister of health.
Ended up also no use.

Wait till I tired with all these then accept they lousy offer.

Well. They always insisted to me it is complication of my illness not medical negligence.

I think same as this case. very hard to fight with them.

Sinkies must start learning to luv their cuntry more than their own Sons.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Last time I experienced a medical issue with hospital.
Drag for 2 years, deal with hospital. Went through many discussion and this and that.
I even went to see MP. Minister of health.
Ended up also no use.

Wait till I tired with all these then accept they lousy offer.

Well. They always insisted to me it is complication of my illness not medical negligence.

I think same as this case. very hard to fight with them.

You should have seek public funding to sue the hospital. It is an uphill battle but must still fight.


WP lawyers are useless ...they have lost in every court battle so far.

WP should change tack to make themselves relevant. There again, they are in office because of the vote engineering done by the PMO so their relevance is of no importance to sinkees.

That is a sweeping statement. They have lost in every court battle so far not because they are lousy. It's because they are lawyers, not judges. But if you provoke them to the point where they decide that they no longer want to be a co-driver but the driver, then PAP will kanna jialat jialat. Imagine Pritam Singh harping non-stop in Parliament about free parking lots for MOE teachers; CSM slow-motion speech in Parliament that can knock you out faster than chloroform; Sylvia Lim continuing to give half-court returns on ATC saga for PAP ministers to one by one queue up for some fancy jump smash. Of course the icing on the cake is Leon. He will confuse the PAP ministers until they cannot differentiate between a WP MP and a typical PAP PLP MP. Don't believe, ask Lawrence. I think his balls still swelling from the previous massage he received.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
You should have seek public funding to sue the hospital. It is an uphill battle but must still fight.

Not many lawyers specialise in this area. Best bet could be Dr Myint Soe, but he is better known as a lawyer defending doctors and dentists. Was also told, most doctors would rather not be witnesses for the defence against their fellow doctors.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That is a sweeping statement. They have lost in every court battle so far not because they are lousy. It's because they are lawyers, not judges. But if you provoke them to the point where they decide that they no longer want to be a co-driver but the driver, then PAP will kanna jialat jialat. Imagine Pritam Singh harping non-stop in Parliament about free parking lots for MOE teachers; CSM slow-motion speech in Parliament that can knock you out faster than chloroform; Sylvia Lim continuing to give half-court returns on ATC saga for PAP ministers to one by one queue up for some fancy jump smash. Of course the icing on the cake is Leon. He will confuse the PAP ministers until they cannot distinguish between a WP MP and a typical PAP PLP MP. Don't believe, ask Lawrence. I think his balls still swelling from the previous massage he received.

Yup. Have to agree with your points.

Not easy to win in the High Court here. No one of sound mind expects a victory if a WP lawyer, or any lawyer pursues this case. The costs to the govt will be enormous, massive. Not only can they expect old cases to surface, their standing sure to drop. What we want to see from a WP lawyer is his/her best attempts to assist a fellow S'porean decimated
by the loss of her son.


Yup. Have to agree with your points.

Not easy to win in the High Court here. No one of sound mind expects a victory if a WP lawyer, or any lawyer pursues this case. The costs to the govt will be enormous, massive. Not only can they expect old cases to surface, their standing sure to drop. What we want to see from a WP lawyer is his/her best attempts to assist a fellow S'porean decimated
by the loss of her son.

Compensate the Family 500k, lets Sinkies be proud to serve NS knowing the Govt cares. Now, all they care is you slave 2yrs for em.


Yup. Have to agree with your points.

Not easy to win in the High Court here. No one of sound mind expects a victory if a WP lawyer, or any lawyer pursues this case. The costs to the govt will be enormous, massive. Not only can they expect old cases to surface, their standing sure to drop. What we want to see from a WP lawyer is his/her best attempts to assist a fellow S'porean decimated
by the loss of her son.

I think many people don't understand the reality of being a judge, especially if you are just a junior judge at the district court. The judge has to chart his own career path too. If I were to imagine myself as a junior judge in a district court and one day heng heng a senior partner from a Big 4 or Big 5 were to appear before me. Okay, he would have to address me as "Your Honour" for the time being, but God knows 10 years down the road my promotion in the legal service hentak kaki, the senior partner from Big 4 or Big 5 who last appeared before me might turn out to be my future boss. Of course if some WP lawyer appears before me, I don't have to "hew" them because I don't intend to retire and work in People's Park mah. I also want to have a posh office room to myself in Republic Plaza or UOB Plaza.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The dead private family are typical pap supporters who only turn to opposition after found out they got conned by pap. These type of ppl cannot be trusted. Chee should just pay them lip service and not get into a defamation case because of them.

A credible opposition party will urge the parents to go through legal channels and not allow themselves to be used to politicize the issue. That's why you can expect WP to stay clear of this matter. Only a lesser oppo party will play into the parents' hands and allow themselves to be used to politicize the issue


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think many people don't understand the reality of being a judge, especially if you are just a junior judge at the district court. The judge has to chart his own career path too. If I were to imagine myself as a junior judge in a district court and one day heng heng a senior partner from a Big 4 or Big 5 were to appear before me. Okay, he would have to address me as "Your Honour" for the time being, but God knows 10 years down the road my promotion in the legal service hentak kaki, the senior partner from Big 4 or Big 5 who last appeared before me might turn out to be my future boss. Of course if some WP lawyer appears before me, I don't have to "hew" them because I don't intend to retire and work in People's Park mah. I also want to have a posh office room to myself in Republic Plaza or UOB Plaza.

This Neh is a JC if I am not wrong. He was a big shot with Tan Kok Quan Partnership. TKQ was previously in Lee&Lee. Not sure if Neh was in KGC's law firm previously.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A credible opposition party will urge the parents to go through legal channels and not allow themselves to be used to politicize the issue. That's why you can expect WP to stay clear of this matter. Only a lesser oppo party will play into the parents' hands and allow themselves to be used to politicize the issue

Spot on. Kelvin Tan may be the best bet to tackle this matter. Surely not CSJ. If latter, might as well find Ravi.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Give her a break lah ...she already lost her son and she now sees how evil the PAP. She now needs to pull out her guts to increase the pressure on the government to change the law and force the AG to charge some generals and the two officers, and demand the defence minister resign.

Good point. The number of smoke grenades is important too because if they stick to the safe number, he may not die.

Why only the private dead while rest of this fellow trainees already ORDed? If the 6 instead of 2 smoke will kill, y only that private die?

It FIBUA training right? So it not smoke in enclosed building but in open terrain. So he die while his detail is training, while resting after training or waiting for his detail turn?