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Breaking News! – PM Lee got mobbed


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
It's more likely the case that those overseas Sinkies who 'mobbed' him were specially planted to do so, and most other Sinkie expats couldn't care less about Pinky's visit, a 'Singapore Day', free food or any other organized national cohesion event.

Don't believe the hype of a press notorious for propaganda.

No lah, regrettably, I actually know some ex-sinkie friends who are at this event. they are living in UK now, and have been looking forward to this shit events for months. They are not PAP affiliated. Damn sad.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No lah, regrettably, I actually know some ex-sinkie friends who are at this event. they are living in UK now, and have been looking forward to this shit events for months. They are not PAP affiliated. Damn sad.

Your friends are the minority. Then again, hardly surprising as there is free food.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No lah, regrettably, I actually know some ex-sinkie friends who are at this event. they are living in UK now, and have been looking forward to this shit events for months. They are not PAP affiliated. Damn sad.

This is how Sinkie behaves.


Actually GCT started this with visits to Canada, UK, US and Australia. It was to meet Singaporeans who migrated in order to maintain bonds and hopefully their kids who do well can come back and contribute to Singapore because of their roots. It started a bit like pot luck sessions where catered food was supplemented by some delicacy and kueh kueh brought in.

It was subsequently took on a political tone but it not right to chase away those who have contributed and participated in these events before. I have friends who stopped going because they now realise that the focus is Singapore scholars and students. The migrants no longer have a say or a presence. If you see the email trail for these you can see the politics behind this.

This is how Sinkie behaves.


Actually GCT started this with visits to Canada, UK, US and Australia. It was to meet Singaporeans who migrated in order to maintain bonds and hopefully their kids who do well can come back and contribute to Singapore because of their roots. It started a bit like pot luck sessions where catered food was supplemented by some delicacy and kueh kueh brought in.

It was subsequently took on a political tone but it not right to chase away those who have contributed and participated in these events before. I have friends who stopped going because they now realise that the focus is Singapore scholars and students. The migrants no longer have a say or a presence. If you see the email trail for these you can see the politics behind this.

of course it is. Bet you he will be saying "please come home" to everyone he meets.

blur sotong

Alfrescian (Inf)
No lah, regrettably, I actually know some ex-sinkie friends who are at this event. they are living in UK now, and have been looking forward to this shit events for months. They are not PAP affiliated. Damn sad.

Bro Papsmearer,

My neighbour introduced me a Sinkie recently. :smile: :wink:

Among the first question that Sinkie asked was "Did you go to that Singapore Day?" :eek: :confused:

OMG!! :mad: :o


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Bro Papsmearer,

My neighbour introduced me a Sinkie recently. :smile: :wink:

Among the first question that Sinkie asked was "Did you go to that Singapore Day?" :eek: :confused:

OMG!! :mad: :o

Yah lor. I have more than one sinkie born friend in the UK. Both of them married over there, have kids there, but come back once a year to Singapore. Both of them do not know each other, and I am their FB friend. They have been discussing this event on their FB page for a long time now, and co-ordinating with other sinkies to attend together. And they don't even live anywhere close to where they are holding this event. They are already coming back once a year to singapore and still so hard up for free sinkie food? Like as though there is no decent singapore or malaysian restaurant in the UK meh? I want to call them pathetic, why even bother to leave singapore? But than, they will not befriend me anymore. LOL. I don't understand this kind of loser sinkie mentality.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Was Tan Wah Piow there?

Tan Wah Piow dare to go to PAP sponsored event in London? He not scared they will poison his chicken rice ha? Why don't you ask whether Wooden's daughter and angmor husband went there or not? Sure gay Loong wouldn't mind meeting up with her again.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
yes, very terok in a foreign cuntry. unlike sg, i have to drive at least 2 miles to get my coffee fix at the nearest starbucks. and then for breakfast, it's another 3 miles to find a diner that's open early at 7am. macdonald's is opposite starbucks and a bagel joint is right next door, and they're open early, but i hate md and bagels. in sg, kopi and kaya toast are available at every corner within walking distance from cheap kopitiam fare to more costly café stuff. and i can have mee siam no hum or mee pok ta with halal pork conveniently without waiting for hu tiu mi treu chau from tungkee noodle at 9am. and the nearest tungkee is 12 miles away. this is just one insignificant morning routine example. how about the more significant ones like expanding factory and warehouse space? how did sg make life so convenient, easy and full of choices for the resident? i can spend sgd4 for good wholesome hot breakfast at a kopi shop or sgd12 for some fancy coffee and croissant, i can rent cheap warehouse at an industrial zone or i can rent expensive whorehouse, oops warehouse, in urban core, and i can pay sgd350 for a 5-star hotel room or sgd69 for a room in a budget hotel, or better still, sgd20 for a quickie in a tent. :p

how do sg, such an expensive and crowded city, offer the resident and traveller so many choices? :biggrin:

$20 for a quickie in a tent? Is that what you pay or what you charge them? Don't sell yourself short lah, your asshole is worth more than $20 a shot. Try those apuneh dorms.


Alfrescian (Inf)
His father made the first great leap forward from fishing village to modern metropolis. LHL then took over the baton of leadership and has gained even more ground on the rest of the world.

It's really amazing how two people can make such a huge difference to an outcome. I'm constantly thanking my lucky stars that I have been able to witness and be part of such a historically significant series of events.

It's unprecedented.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All these overseas events are just spying events. Remember, PAPPIES don't like if they don't know anything about the quitters. Cos' anything unknown and uncertain, very hard to plan things. For quitters, my advice is never ever go or associate with such events. Your new ID and livelihood is known to them. No benefit to quitters unless the quitter want to balek kampong.

Anyway, quit liao, quit liao lor. come SBF and fuck PAPPIES is still the best.


Alfrescian (Inf)
haha, nice try stupid. These new countries that these sinkies move to are so fucked up according to you that they still refused to go back to singapore? I guess singapore must be even more fucked up. get it?

it's a case of having your cake and eat it too. the sinkie diaspora are making more trips back to sg, as a way of connecting with their roots. but they also want to have larger spaces, more time on their hands, cooler climate, better bang for the buck, more professional and entrepreneurial opportunities, nicer folks to be neighbors with. and life abroad is not all a bed of roses. there is plethora of problems: crime, gun violence, prejudice, gov bureaucracy, incompetency, corruption, heavy taxation, and an underclass of fat, lazy entitlement seekers constantly asking for handouts and welfare. but sinkies still want to live the good life of sg. so, 10.5 months in their adopted cuntry, a couple of weeks of holidays and vacation in another city or cuntry, and 1 month in sg.

and when they return to sg on their annual pilgrimage, they see rapid progress and swift efficiency, yet there are gems and nuggets of old sg that they can still savor. every trip back is progressively more enjoyable and appreciative, when compared to the pace and problems back in adopted cuntry. i'm sure the osu in the pmo is aware of this sentiment, and is doubling down to reap that goodwill. they want these sinkies back in sg to vote for pap, and in fact, allowing them to cast their vote overseas is a way to maximize their chances. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
All these overseas events are just spying events. Remember, PAPPIES don't like if they don't know anything about the quitters. Cos' anything unknown and uncertain, very hard to plan things. For quitters, my advice is never ever go or associate with such events. Your new ID and livelihood is known to them. No benefit to quitters unless the quitter want to balek kampong.

returning "quitters" who renounce and wish to be sg citizen again or pr will have to replenish their cpf accounts. this criterion has prevented many sinkie quitters from returning permanently. the pmo is seriously looking into this showstopper. also, in overseas events hosted by any entity sponsored by the osu, it is not true that sinkies have to produce photo id when they register and attend. they have to register, and in the registration process, they have to answer whether they are "singaporeans", sg pr, or otherwise. in some osu sponsored events, foreigners and former sinkies who have given up their sg citizenship are not allowed to attend. the reason given is that the osu funding of those events is for "singaporeans" and sg pr only. and yes, these events are to keep sinkies connected and tracked. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Yah lor. I have more than one sinkie born friend in the UK. Both of them married over there, have kids there, but come back once a year to Singapore. Both of them do not know each other, and I am their FB friend. They have been discussing this event on their FB page for a long time now, and co-ordinating with other sinkies to attend together. And they don't even live anywhere close to where they are holding this event. They are already coming back once a year to singapore and still so hard up for free sinkie food? Like as though there is no decent singapore or malaysian restaurant in the UK meh? I want to call them pathetic, why even bother to leave singapore? But than, they will not befriend me anymore. LOL. I don't understand this kind of loser sinkie mentality.

I more better, every year must make sure go back for National Day to get a free erection.