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WP expelled Dr Poh Lee Guan


Alfrescian (Inf)
I believe Goh's bias has long been an established fact so there's nothing new or something to be surprised about. I would rather be arguing facts. To me, Poh's actions are worse than Yaw's actions where any organisation is concerned. Yaw's actions related to a personal matter that people could not accept out of public figures. Poh's actions were a direct rebellion to the party and given the circumstances, the party would of course take action. Yaw is like a son who refuses to talk to his mother and Poh is like a son who disowns his mother. We don't need a high IQ to tell which is worse. If Poh was sacked as a lecturer by his employer for what he did to WP, then of course it would be weird. But he is rebelling against WP, so WP expels him.

The reason why Yaw faced a punishment as harsh as Poh despite committing a lesser political offence was because Yaw was a sitting MP and should have more accountability and rightfully so. This is why we don't hear about Angela Oon being expelled despite not denying the accusation like Yaw, because she isn't a MP. All these are logical to me.



If they had dsicicpline in the first place, you wouldn't have Yaw, Poh and all that fiasco in parliament by their MPs.

oh shut up u prickhead! PAP Isnt any better. Teh, Devan and a whole host of Lee's lackeys are worst and abused public funds.

up your motherfucking ass u suay chee bye!


Alfrescian (Inf)
maybe they dont know where to put him??? so might as well sack him using this blunder he made???

Possible, I must say. It helps WP "solve" a "problem" but the "problem" would not be too big in the first place because they can always "cold storage" someone.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You know very well that he was seeking out proposer, seconder and assentors on the sly.

That is true. Many have misconstrued that Poh went to "collect forms". They are wrong. The correct fact is, he was awarded the political donation certificate and you can only get that certificate when you put in $16000 for the deposit. In fact, he was not seen collecting the forms. Only Png, Desmond and Tan Chee Kien were public figures seen to have collected the forms. Poh was not seen collecting the forms, which led some people to speculate that Tan collected the forms for him. However, it is also possible that an unknown person collected the forms for Poh while Tan collected it for NSP.
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Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
His motive I suspect is probably childish. Similar to someone not getting a birthday invitation and become livid and can't get over it. Note all his reasons, analysis, etc have no foundation, no basis and simply childish.

"Dr Poh did not communicate and therefore it is a communication issue - a small mistake"

This doctoral degree holder spent over 10 years of his life walking the ground in a party he believed would give him a place. i cannot believe pure childishness explains everything. I know for a fact he is normally a rational person, albeit with the usual ego problems and petty grouses that most people have.


Looks like he is not a medical doctor. Just some fella who spent too many years studying business, instead of doing actual business.


Dr Poh Lee Guan

Age: 49

Posts in WP:
Advisor, Northern Area Committee (NAC)
Vice-Chairman, Hougang Constituency Committee (HGCC)
Councillor, Hougang Town Council

Technician Diploma, Singapore Polytechnic (SP)
Diploma in Management Studies, Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
Bachelor of Business (BBus), RMIT University (Australia) / SIM
Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Dubuque, USA
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), University of Southern Queensland, Australia

Senior Lecturer with a Private Education Institution (PEI)

Marital Status:
Divorced with 1 son

Dr. Poh Lee Guan grew up in the Ang Mo Kio and Yishun areas. He is currently a Senior Lecturer with a Private Education Institution (PEI), and lectures in Management and related subjects for under-graduate and master programs.
Dr. Poh studied in Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School (1974-1977) and completed his Technician Diploma with Singapore Polytechnic in 1981. While working, he studied part-time from 1988 to 2001 for his under- and post-graduate programs and completed the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) with University of Southern Queensland (Australia).
Dr Poh’s job experience spans more than 20 years, working for both local and international companies. He started his career with Olivetti in 1983 and subsequently worked with AT&T and Lucent Technologies from 1988 to 2001. He has held positions in IT, technical support, sales, customer service, operations, and training & development.
Dr Poh’s political involvement began when he served as the Election Agent for Mr Chia Shi Teck (Independent) in Chua Chu Kang SMC in 1997. Thereafter, he joined the WP, and stood as a candidate in Nee Soon East SMC in the General Elections in 2001 and 2006.
Currently he is also a Town Councillor with the Hougang Town Council chaired by Mr. Low Thia Khiang.

Dr Poh passionately believes that constructive competition, an effective system of checks-and-balances, and diversity in our political system will contribute to a more vibrant Singapore – politically, economically, and socially.
Dr Poh enjoys swimming, tennis, basketball, reading, and classical music.

Who the fuck puts PEI as their employer or place of employment? Seriously!

This guy is an ffing mole and it should be obvious. For Hougang BE, he was tasked to put more questions into WP leadership and ability as a political party. This is beyond question. There is no good reason for him to do what he did except to put the WP in a bad light. He even had a good answer to why he did it and it was as a backup. This was as if to say that Ah Huat may be deemed unfit by the Elections Department. This was to further question Ah Huat's capability.

Whether he was supposed to go all the way or to quit mid-way or he lost his balls mid way and decided not to go all the way only he knows.

The fact remains that he acted against the party and hence should be expelled from the party. I am surprised that it took so long. The WP should have kicked him out as soon as they could.



My sources tell me that he was instigated by certain individuals within the party that told him that Png will withdraw because of his past/expected scandal. I heard he was distraught when he was found that nobody that he normally associates with wanted back him even when that situation arises.

That is true. Many have misconstrued that Poh went to "collect forms". They are wrong. The correct fact is, he was awarded the political donation certificate and you can only get that certificate when you put in $16000 for the deposit. In fact, he was not seen collecting the forms. Only Png, Desmond and Tan Chee Kien were public figures seen to have collected the forms. Poh was not seen collecting the forms, which led some people to speculate that Tan collected the forms for him. However, it is also possible that an unknown person collected the forms for Poh while Tan collected it for NSP.


Bro, referring to GMS.

Any based on my past have little faith in distance learning scholars. I found them to be hardworking and disciplined but the positive attributes generally stops there. This episode further reinforces it. I had the privilege or pain whichever you look at it to sit on interview panels of certain linked organisations and the interviews has been less than satisfactory.

Within GLCs these "scholars" repeatedly apply for positions but sadly struggle to get thru. There many PHD and other post grad distance chaps including an SIA cabin crew staff(PHD) that are in similar position. There was a famous case of a Singporean withH Taiwanese qualification that caused an island black-out which is rare event. He was one of those who is known to constantly appeal.

This doctoral degree holder spent over 10 years of his life walking the ground in a party he believed would give him a place. i cannot believe pure childishness explains everything. I know for a fact he is normally a rational person, albeit with the usual ego problems and petty grouses that most people have.


Alfrescian (Inf)
To me, Poh's actions are worse than Yaw's actions where any organisation is concerned. Yaw's actions related to a personal matter that people could not accept out of public figures. Poh's actions were a direct rebellion to the party and given the circumstances, the party would of course take action. Yaw is like a son who refuses to talk to his mother and Poh is like a son who disowns his mother. We don't need a high IQ to tell which is worse. If Poh was sacked as a lecturer by his employer for what he did to WP, then of course it would be weird. But he is rebelling against WP, so WP expels him.
Fully agree with your comments.

To PLG, Please Leave Graciously!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This doctoral degree holder spent over 10 years of his life walking the ground in a party he believed would give him a place. i cannot believe pure childishness explains everything. I know for a fact he is normally a rational person, albeit with the usual ego problems and petty grouses that most people have.

Most people do not have ego problems and petty grouses, only sinkies have them. Those real human beings who do real work for the society do not have them.

It seems like you spend your life mixing around with sinkies. I will forbid my future generation to mixed around with such low quality humans for the sake of their great future and being a real human being. No wonder that sinkie is sack, totally deserve it.


Most people do not have ego problems and petty grouses, only sinkies have them. Those real human beings who do real work for the society do not have them.

It seems like you spend your life mixing around with sinkies. I will forbid my future generation to mixed around with such low quality humans for the sake of their great future and being a real human being. No wonder that sinkie is sack, totally deserve it.

How can someone like PLG who has been in politics for at least ten years not known that getting a political donation certificate for HGBE will definitely be made public? PLG's action is childish at best and sinister at worst. Given that is a squirrel or squirrels within WP, they have to root out the rot.
PLG's argument about being a spare tyre does not make good political sense either. If PAP govt disqualify WP candidate on some vague technical grounds and went ahead to claim HG uncontested, the lost in whatever political goodwill they may still have will be too huge to contemplate. I do not think they will so stupid to commit such a error.
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Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Maybe you didn't get me right. Read again.

As I have said, WP may not want to field him again but that doesn't mean that it is necessary to sack him. These are two different things. The fact that WP continued to field him as candidate in GE2011 means that they still valued him as a core member and candidate. He is just following faithfully what WP has believed all these years, just do ground work, sell Hammer and don't be bothered with the reporters.

I do not think you get it. Getting sacked is more humiliating than demotion. Just like the corporate world. Most of the time, people will be given face to resign themselves instead of being sacked.

I also do not think you understand how a political party like WP is run. If you are not even a cadre member, you will have no information at all to leak. Not even who says what during the CEC elections. To think that one could be the spy just by being a member is naive.

Goh Meng Seng

In politics, if the candidate possessed all those I highlighted in red (for you) it is a perfect storm that WP couldn't afford to repeat in 2016 election. If WP has enough resources and capital like PAP, Dr Poh would be appointed and silenced with top civil servant posts instead of being asked to leave. YOu can spare Dr Poh, will SPH spare WP? That is the other side of the question people tend to forget. If you leave a pus in your body, there is tendency people keeping pointing at it to shame you, why not rid it completely to prevent futurer nightmare.

Nah, he will end up as spy and feed SPH more spicy news or probably ended up holding conference like the indian guy who resigned and still give lots of bull to the press to shame WP. Demoting him is as good as tell him he is useless. A true hero prefer to be killed than shamed. If Dr Poh is a hero, he should take the former judgement and rest the case.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Dear Scroobal,

You have contradicted yourself here, not that I don't agree with your finding.

Looking for assentor and proposers didn't really mean that he is going for a 3 corner fight. It is just a matter of preparation for a swift take over of Png's place.

There are instigators and they knew something which they think they could use. That explains all the stuffs posted on internet forums. The deposits can be paid IN CASH during nomination, thus, that is not a problem at all.

As I have said, he has been played out, period. The instigators have found that those postings in internet forums didn't work, so the next step is quite natural. Poh just become the sacrificial lamb.

Goh Meng Seng

My sources tell me that he was instigated by certain individuals within the party that told him that Png will withdraw because of his past/expected scandal. I heard he was distraught when he was found that nobody that he normally associates with wanted back him even when that situation arises.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You really have funny views here. YSL was the one who rebelled openly against WP leadership by not wanting to account for his acts.

Compare this, did WP sack anyone for 2001 wrong filling of forms? Did WP sack James Gomez for Gomez Gate? All these are little embarrassments and nothing big deal. Same for Poh, just little embarrassment caused with his "good intention" being instigated by others.

It only opens up the question, what's wrong with WP's leadership to create such unhappy people within the party? Lack of communication, dude.

Goh Meng Seng

I believe Goh's bias has long been an established fact so there's nothing new or something to be surprised about. I would rather be arguing facts. To me, Poh's actions are worse than Yaw's actions where any organisation is concerned. Yaw's actions related to a personal matter that people could not accept out of public figures. Poh's actions were a direct rebellion to the party and given the circumstances, the party would of course take action. Yaw is like a son who refuses to talk to his mother and Poh is like a son who disowns his mother. We don't need a high IQ to tell which is worse. If Poh was sacked as a lecturer by his employer for what he did to WP, then of course it would be weird. But he is rebelling against WP, so WP expels him.

The reason why Yaw faced a punishment as harsh as Poh despite committing a lesser political offence was because Yaw was a sitting MP and should have more accountability and rightfully so. This is why we don't hear about Angela Oon being expelled despite not denying the accusation like Yaw, because she isn't a MP. All these are logical to me.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You really have funny views here. YSL was the one who rebelled openly against WP leadership by not wanting to account for his acts.

Compare this, did WP sack anyone for 2001 wrong filling of forms? Did WP sack James Gomez for Gomez Gate? All these are little embarrassments and nothing big deal. Same for Poh, just little embarrassment caused with his "good intention" being instigated by others.

It only opens up the question, what's wrong with WP's leadership to create such unhappy people within the party? Lack of communication, dude.

Goh Meng Seng

Or maybe a fucking agent provocateur like your asshole-ness to help push the buttons?


You really have funny views here. YSL was the one who rebelled openly against WP leadership by not wanting to account for his acts.

Compare this, did WP sack anyone for 2001 wrong filling of forms? Did WP sack James Gomez for Gomez Gate? All these are little embarrassments and nothing big deal. Same for Poh, just little embarrassment caused with his "good intention" being instigated by others.

It only opens up the question, what's wrong with WP's leadership to create such unhappy people within the party? Lack of communication, dude.

Goh Meng Seng

You have a point there.
WP should have sacked Gomez w/o delay once the video was out, but they delayed, just as they have acted blur and delayed sacking Yaw.
This shows that LTK is not an honest or honourable character.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Kinana said:
More scandals will come out of WP in the coming days.

Before that, let's deal first with the scandals that emerge from the top echelons of the Civil Service.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You really have funny views here. YSL was the one who rebelled openly against WP leadership by not wanting to account for his acts.

If this is open rebellion, then Angela case is also open rebellion. Do you know if she was sacked? I don't think so. The intent was not to rebel. It was about controlling their human urges. But it led to the accountability part for Yaw because he was MP. You may have heard that WP does not favour members helping other parties, but I don't think they were expelled either. But Poh was planning to contest against his party.

Compare this, did WP sack anyone for 2001 wrong filling of forms? Did WP sack James Gomez for Gomez Gate? All these are little embarrassments and nothing big deal. Same for Poh, just little embarrassment caused with his "good intention" being instigated by others.

Let's relive a little history. One thing for sure, WP in 2001 is very different from WP in 2011. People expect more from it, things got to change. Remember Low TK took responsibility for the disqualification. Gomezgate was settled by an apology to the public. It is far fetched to say that Poh's actions are on the same level as Gomez's actions.

It only opens up the question, what's wrong with WP's leadership to create such unhappy people within the party? Lack of communication, dude.

I don't see how Poh's case had to do with communication. If so, Poh was the one not communicating. I have never seen an employee who thinks he deserves to be promoted not only not talk to his boss, but promotes himself. Even other opposition parties know WP would send a candidate to Hougang and did not submit any political donations to be a spare party. If other opposition parties don't need that communication, why does someone within WP need? To me, common sense stuff does not require communication.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
At the end of the day, Poh is spent force, regardless of whether he is sacked or not. The only difference is what do you want to achieve from sacking him? To show Singaporeans you could be as harsh and merciless as PAP? To instill fear into WP members so to "uphold discipline"? That wouldn't be any difference from PAP's modi operandus. There is really no value in doing so.

As I have said, you win minds and hearts with Fair and Just dealings, not with discipline or harsh punishment without adequate reasoning. The North Korean Communist Party has so strict a discipline maintained by just sending those who doesn't listen to the firing squads, but they don't earn respect, just fear.

Goh Meng Seng

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Anyway, I am more than happy if WP people don't agree with me; ultimately, it is them going to bear with whatever consequences that come with the decisions their leadership made.

Goh Meng Seng