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Will I be able to find a mate?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sam always exhort people to leave their boring low-paying day jobs, venture out to do own business. But in real life, the 80:20 rule always apply ; 80% of the people will be working for 20% who are bosses. Come on lah, if each and every one is his/her own boss, who and where are the workers?

From PRC and India?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Let's 4get bout all de breakdown here 4 a moment n 6 at de security guard in my co. Basic bout $1800 + OT can hit $2200 max gross. No car tat quite abit of saving... 3 children 1 jus completed NUS, 1 pre-u and 1 poly. Wife not working. Smoker sum more....

He seem 2 cope along quite well leh... Frankly i dunno how 2 budget his expenses but it's a fact tat... at time...he even more happy then i am...:biggrin::biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Are you saying I need to earn at least 6-7k range?? My manager also don't earn that much, I think...:(

hi there

1. honest, taking on a spg is just like living with a time bomb.
2. it is suicidal too.
3. you shall be constantly bashed up by the women's charter and aware, plus her family.
4. bro, just live and lets live, come what may!


Sam always exhort people to leave their boring low-paying day jobs, venture out to do own business. But in real life, the 80:20 rule always apply ; 80% of the people will be working for 20% who are bosses. Come on lah, if each and every one is his/her own boss, who and where are the workers?
Sam is encouraging people based on his own experience and success. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact, it's something for some people to aim for.
But he conveniently doesn't mention that many people who leave their jobs to venture into business don't succeed, and for some of them, their lives go out of control after that. He knows that if people fail in business and wallow in debt and poverty, it's none of his business.
Hence, the important thing is for people to think carefully and clearly before they do anything and most importantly of all, have self awareness.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Sam always exhort people to leave their boring low-paying day jobs, venture out to do own business.

The 80/20 rule most certainly applies. However, I'd like to emphasise that unless someone is born a retard, whether they fall into the 80% or the 20% category depends entirely on their attitude towards life.

Nobody is BORN to be an employee. People end up in mundane jobs for the simple reason that they CHOSE the option.

There is no genetic code that differentiates the 80% from the 20%. Every individual can jump from one category to the other. It's an individual choice that all of us can make.

I started off choosing to be an employee because I was conditioned by the PAP into thinking that was all I was good for... serving my MNC masters. After some soul searching, I decided I didn't want to kiss ass till I was 65 and the die a poor man. I therefore took the necessary steps to move into the 20% camp.


But at least they tried and have the satisfaction of trying. Rather than living in regrets that "WHAT IF...." I bite the bullet 10 yrs ago and never look back since. the important thing is that if you decide to go out on your own, do somthing that you are GOOD at not what the market wants. if you are good enough, business will come to you.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
amazing !
ditching out Advise_Advice can also put you in 20% camp :biggrin:

If I hadn't taken the plunge, I wouldn't have the time today to dish out grammar lessons. I'd be too busy trying to make ends meet.

One of the things I did do while I was an employee was to embark upon a project to improve my English.

I decided that high doses of moronic Singlish that I had to put up with on a daily basis was ruining my command of the language. I had to make a conscious effort to speak the language as it is supposed to be spoken. This often brought about hoots of derision but it is I who has had the last laugh.


You shld be able to find a PRC wife. I know somebody like you - older, earning less, same edu qualif. - he is happily married to a nice girl from Hainan. Better than the 2 eyes 1 nose variety..good wife, cook, mother..not the gold digger types. They were matched by friends who were also married to PRCs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
no offense pls TS:

39 yo, earning 2.6k with only a few k of savings really is quite 'jiak luk'. are you quite a spendthrift or you have a lot of expenses such as taking care of parents?

btw TS, is there any strong reasons to get married? 39 yo single man can enjoy life you know. :p

I agree with SIFU here.. No offence bro, but at your age, you are past your prime.. If you could get married, it would have had happened few years ago already. If there is no compelling reasons for you to get married, enjoy your life and make plans for retirement in 10-15 years' time. Syts wont be looking at 40 yos (unless damn rich) and neither you will want to marry old and saggy 40 yos as well.. No need so "gang kor" lah, bro... take things naturally and enjoy life and stay cool...


You're pretty much at the bottom of the pecking order at the moment. You should aim high. Set yourself a target of a 20k per month income and once you start getting close, you'll find the chicks lining up at your door.

It's a cruel world out there and the girls have raised their standards in order to survive. You need a "winner" mentality in order to score.

20k per month income? Maybe if you are peddling online sex banners! :rolleyes:


I agree with SIFU here.. No offence bro, but at your age, you are past your prime.. If you could get married, it would have had happened few years ago already. If there is no compelling reasons for you to get married, enjoy your life and make plans for retirement in 10-15 years' time. Syts wont be looking at 40 yos (unless damn rich) and neither you will want to marry old and saggy 40 yos as well.. No need so "gang kor" lah, bro... take things naturally and enjoy life and stay cool...

Gosh....your post just struck me as extremely chilling, though there are elements of truth in it (that's the sad part). :(

We are talking here about expense, money, career, savings, etc.

Whatever happened to the term..................love?

Don't they have it here in Singapore?


You shld be able to find a PRC wife. I know somebody like you - older, earning less, same edu qualif. - he is happily married to a nice girl from Hainan. Better than the 2 eyes 1 nose variety..good wife, cook, mother..not the gold digger types. They were matched by friends who were also married to PRCs.

Yes my friend, the thought of getting a PRC or Viet wife seemed more and more alluring as the days go by..:biggrin:

I had a friend who wanted to intro me, she is the cousin of her PRC wife, but is divorced with a small kid...so I hesitated. Not that I am against divorcees with kids, qns is will I be able to afford them, knowing she is PRC and might not easily get a job here in Singapore..