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Why is marijuana Illegal and why do we hang people for it?


Funny thing about them is, they keep justifying their addiction - a sure giveaway that they are dependent on the drug.

I do agree with this part but it boils down to dependency when you make it part of your life which shouldnt be. But its not like hard-drugs that it hooks you psychically but more mentaility cos you make it part of your everyday life, Just like me..I have to have a cup of coffee every morning b4 I can operate. And i totally agree with you, But listening to old timers who have smoked it, They told me..As you grow you get less excited about it and the novelty of smoking up slowly fades away.. Its part of growing up.

Also about the Medical part.. Yes of cos recreational users will also get the medical card so they can consume cannabis legally as well.. Its pretty obvious large no. of them are "kenging" illness to get the card but there are legitimate ill people who needs the cannabis to make their body aches and pain go away.

As for the rest...Well end of the day, That is your thoughts and i cant change them cos its pretty obvious you are only harping on the same thing over and over again and you are dead set on your views BUT I will stick to my views and see them as concrete. Thanks For your views and it was nice having a good chat with you on this issue.

But as the topic says, It is justifiable to hang and throw people in jail for trafficking/consuming this drug?
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
How many years have you been smoking, And being an expert on it, Care to give some pros/cons associated with it. Care to debunk a couple of myths and give your 2 cent worth on Cannabis. Is it also justifiable to throw people in jail for consuming it and it is right to hang people for trafficking Cannabis.

been smoking it for nearly 20years . growing weeds for 7 years in japan . i think you are doing very fine here , dont really need me to debunk anything at the moment . but i like to add a few things .

Prohibiting marijuana is, without a doubt, an unwarranted intrusion of government into personal freedom. merely on the pretext that intake of marijuana is morally wrong, the government can't intrude into the freedom of people. marijuana, like alcohol, cigarettes, and sex, is one of life's little pleasures for some people, something that makes life worth living. people may get pleasure from coffee, donuts and pizzas, redbulls drink but even they can be harmful if not taken in moderate quantities. all this does not mean that we should give up all these things (coffee, pizza, etc) for the rest of our lives! .marijuana is no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol, if taken in moderate quantities. tobacco and alcohol are both legal and widely used in the US, and are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). if the abuse of marijuana is harmful, isn't the abuse of tobacco or alcohol equally life-threatening? would you want the government to limit how much alcohol or tobacco you take?

the pros simply outweigh the cons. a faction of the people who oppose legalizing marijuana will sooner than later understand the benefits it has in store for them and society. besides, one can't ignore the enormous tax revenues it would bring. if legalized now, it will surely help the world to recover from the economic slowdown.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Oh yes, you're the most handsome. Bred by best grade Japanese weed. 失礼しました。

But San Franciscan weed is good. Wait until you see Eatshitndie.

smoking weeds dont make me better looking then you ...im just born handsome .do i have a choice :wink: ? san weed is good but not the best :wink:


been smoking it for nearly 20years . growing weeds for 7 years in japan . i think you are doing very fine here , dont really need me to debunk anything at the moment . but i like to add a few things .

Prohibiting marijuana is, without a doubt, an unwarranted intrusion of government into personal freedom. merely on the pretext that intake of marijuana is morally wrong, the government can't intrude into the freedom of people. marijuana, like alcohol, cigarettes, and sex, is one of life's little pleasures for some people, something that makes life worth living. people may get pleasure from coffee, donuts and pizzas, redbulls drink but even they can be harmful if not taken in moderate quantities. all this does not mean that we should give up all these things (coffee, pizza, etc) for the rest of our lives! .marijuana is no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol, if taken in moderate quantities. tobacco and alcohol are both legal and widely used in the US, and are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). if the abuse of marijuana is harmful, isn't the abuse of tobacco or alcohol equally life-threatening? would you want the government to limit how much alcohol or tobacco you take?

the pros simply outweigh the cons. a faction of the people who oppose legalizing marijuana will sooner than later understand the benefits it has in store for them and society. besides, one can't ignore the enormous tax revenues it would bring. if legalized now, it will surely help the world to recover from the economic slowdown.

End of the day, As long as you are not putting it on others what gives other people the right to say what you can or cannot do. We are not products of an Institution and we do not belong to anyone.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Yeah, but he got neantheral genes.

Please don't. I usually a few puffs only.

[video=youtube;XtHiYLJXoFY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtHiYLJXoFY[/video] if i never knock you out i worry for my dog safety .


One thing i noticed is, Many of the guys here have been aboard for work and study and many of them have smoked cannabis before but only shy/worried to say so.
Interesting topic but I can't even stand cigarette....u guys enjoy then! Hahaha..pass the joint, pass the joint!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yeah, but he got neantheral genes.

Please don't. I usually a few puffs only.

neantherthals are very manly and handsome. women like the rough and tough look, including animal bedside manners. no amount of good sanfran weed will do justice to natural organic free range goodness.


Alfrescian (Inf)
neantherthals are very manly and handsome. women like the rough and tough look, including animal bedside manners. no amount of good sanfran weed will do justice to natural organic free range goodness.

OK. The most handsome trophy is hereby passed to Eatshitndie. :biggrin:

Drifter, don't protest. Brazil and Italy also have their on and off days. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A Drug that has no known death related to it.
Gives relive to people with chronic illness etc... Migrant, Backbone problems, cancer, aids and relieves pain to various other illness.
Have been consume for thousands of years.
Made illegal in the early 1960s.
De-criminalize in many countries or only small fine with small possessions. etc. Portugal, Australia, new-Zealand, canada, Holland.
Thousands of legal medical marijuana shops in USA,CANADA and Hundreds of Coffee-shops in Holland.
Does not lead to Schizo or Psychosis.
Its not a gate way drug.
30 times less harmful then alcohol and tobacco and Over the counter doctor prescribe medicine that comes with side effects like Liver/kidney damage and overdosing and many times will further wreck your life.
Doesnt cause any sickness other then a bad cough if you constantly smoke it.
Not psychical addictive.. Meaning you wont shake and foam in the mouth when you dont have it.
Known as the best anti-depressant, Makes you happy, non-aggressive and makes you feel peace with the world
Pretty confident that at least 2/3 of Singaporeans whom have gone abroad to study have tried or been exposed to it.
Doctors do it, lawyers do it, judges do it and politicians like Obama, Clinton and many more have admitted to trying it.

Basically is it justifiable to hang or throw people in jail for it? Not calling for legalization but why are we so harsh?

Established that there are about 200million Daily users world wide or as high as 300million.. About 400million who have at least tried or expose to it before in their life.

Watch this documentary 1st if you have no ideal.. By History channel.


that is because sinkie only follow rules without using the brain.. never though of being bigger than rules and law.. fuck tup nation...


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You can by past the lung cancer thing by smoking it using Vaporizers, water pipes or edibles.(As long as there is smoke going into your lungs..It cant good, But its 10times less harmful to your lungs then tobacco smoke, Bronchitis does exist with heavy cannabis users esp those who mix it with Tobacco.)
Cannabis will lead to mental issues if you already have one existing.. It does not create ONE but it will make it surface should you have it existing inside you(Some people you noticed are emotional people, sensitive people, people who think too much..So cannabis is not for this people.And the article was talking about this group of people).. It works for many but it doesn't work for some...Just like some cant eat mutton or cant drink Milk.
Many humans tend to have a small level of psychosis (Psycho)..Etc. Just take note when you get angry all of a sudden. that is a Psycho episode. (Its just a matter of duration for that episode to be clinically called having psychosis)

Please give me more.. So we can talk about it.
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Research shows that heroin is the most pleasurable substance out there. I've never tried heroin before. I don't know how pleasurable it is. I won't feel that I'll miss out on anything if I were to die today without ever injecting myself with it. Banning it is therefore wholly beneficial for me. And the same goes for any substance whose pleasure is unknown and not addictive while its harm or the perception of it is vivid and intense. :smile:


Research shows that heroin is the most pleasurable substance out there. I've never tried heroin before. I don't know how pleasurable it is. I won't feel that I'll miss out on anything if I were to die today without ever injecting myself with it. Banning it is therefore wholly beneficial for me. And the same goes for any substance whose pleasure is unknown and not addictive while its harm or the perception of it is vivid and intense. :smile:

yup I have heard it from many people too that Heroin is the most pleasurable drug ever and nothing beats it.. But i will never try chemical made products.. I dont want to introduce dirty things into my body.. Toxins wouldnt work well with an Organic matter like your body.. Dirty drugs.. Fuck that shit. I dont even take panadol when i have a headache and dont take medicine when im sick.. Will only force to take a couple of panadol extra on the 3rd day if its still sever. Other then that i dont like introducing garbage into my body.
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