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Who wants to blow this piece of shit on 9th Aug?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Knn this piece of shit thing noisy like fuck! :oIo:
Aug 6, 2010
Singapore-themed vuvuzelas

<!-- by line --> By Amanda Wong

THE World Cup may have come and gone. But it seems, the vuvuzela is here to stay. The infamous horn made popular during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa has made it's way to Singapore. This time, with a brand new look.

In red and white, the collapsible vuvuzelas are printed with a Singapore flag design, complete with stars and a crescent moon on the horn. Neo Seng Hock, Director of Mediapack Pte Ltd, said he ordered 10,000 pieces of vuvuzelas to sell here. The retail price is at S$10 a piece.



This piece of noisy thing creates more harm than good and has earned loads of bad reviews and feedbacks from all over the world. Some stadiums even banned it. It was on papers and the INTERNET. Our RED dot country is already quite densely populated and a few of these rubbish blasting within a small neighbourhood is enough to turn the place upside down. Furthermore, Singaporeans do not react well to loud and irritating noise well, as can be seen from many road staring incidents and misunderstandings, often the result of one party feeling damn buay song to be horned at. Whoever brings this thing in to satisfy his greed for money is a bloody arse. I hope the papers flash his face out and we will make sure 10 pieces of this rubbish that he bought in will follow him wherever he goes, blasting him all the way until he turns deaf. :mad:


This piece of noisy thing creates more harm than good and has earned loads of bad reviews and feedbacks from all over the world. Some stadiums even banned it. It was on papers and the INTERNET. Our RED dot country is already quite densely populated and a few of these rubbish blasting within a small neighbourhood is enough to turn the place upside down. Furthermore, Singaporeans do not react well to loud and irritating noise well, as can be seen from many road staring incidents and misunderstandings, often the result of one party feeling damn buay song to be horned at. Whoever brings this thing in to satisfy his greed for money is a bloody arse. I hope the papers flash his face out and we will make sure 10 pieces of this rubbish that he bought in will follow him wherever he goes, blasting him all the way until he turns deaf. :mad:

No picture of this cb neo seng hock...only video.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Its already creating a nuisance in my estate with one idiot blowing it loudly at around 6am every morning.

I was rudely awaken at 6 am for a week and was trying to hunt him down so I can make a complaint.Suddenly the blowing stopped and I guess someone got to him first.

If the blowing occurs at odd hours (eg late at nite/early morn) neighbors should cooperate and quickly make a report to the TC/Police before it gets out of hand.
Besides the end of year exams/prelims are around the corner and I hope Neo Seng Hock will not be the cause of many childs suffering.


The vuvuzelas should only be blown when the returning officer announce an opposition win


the Old Man finally goes seven feet down :p


No picture of this cb neo seng hock...only video.


Thanks Cooleo for the video link. This guy miscalculated, thought that he could bring it in for NDP and YOG. Too bad the organisers of the 2 events did not take the bite! Darn heng...

This thing is a health hazard and it was said that listening to just one instrument for 7 to 22 seconds and you exceed typical permitted levels for noise at work. A whole crowd produces even higher levels, and measurements at a training match have shown temporary hearing loss among spectators. I hope Neo Seng Hock cancels this money making lobang of his before he turns half the nation deaf.




Aug 6, 2010

Restrictions for NDP & YOG

<!-- by line -->By Lee Jia Xin
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PEOPLE heading to view the National Day Parade (NDP) and the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) should remember not to take certain prohibited items with them, said police on Friday.

The NDP and YOG have both been declared 'special events' under Singapore's public order act.

This means that people attending these events should not take loud hailers, any flags or banners larger than 1m by 1m or any devices which may interfere with the broadcast equipment of organisers. Flammable items such as flares and petrol, as well as firearms, which may cause public alarm are also strictly prohibited.

For the NDP, the Padang and its surrounding areas have also been designated 'special event sites'; restrictions will take effect on Aug 9. The National Technological University (NTU), the National Institute of Education (NIE) and locations around Marina Bay have also been designated special event areas for the YOG.

The restrictions will come into effect for NTU and NIE from Aug 7 to 29, while Marina Bay restrictions will be in force from Aug 14 until Aug 26.
The police said in a statement that 'security checks may be conducted by officers within the special event areas'.


Unoriginal piece of shit. Bringing in another cuntry's culture will not help incompetent idiots to achieve anything.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wah last time at WC, they said import to SG, each will cost $50, now $10? LOL. Anyway, i tried vuvuzela, damn hard to blow, LOL :p:p


Wah last time at WC, they said import to SG, each will cost $50, now $10? LOL. Anyway, i tried vuvuzela, damn hard to blow, LOL :p:p

If u like to blow, might as well blow 'something else' at Changi or Orchard Towers.


This piece of noisy thing creates more harm than good and has earned loads of bad reviews and feedbacks from all over the world. Some stadiums even banned it. It was on papers and the INTERNET. Our RED dot country is already quite densely populated and a few of these rubbish blasting within a small neighbourhood is enough to turn the place upside down. Furthermore, Singaporeans do not react well to loud and irritating noise well, as can be seen from many road staring incidents and misunderstandings, often the result of one party feeling damn buay song to be horned at. Whoever brings this thing in to satisfy his greed for money is a bloody arse. I hope the papers flash his face out and we will make sure 10 pieces of this rubbish that he bought in will follow him wherever he goes, blasting him all the way until he turns deaf. :mad:

Lets all stay at home and all boycott those farts !

They made the wrong mistake 300 million didn't go to help to poor !

They can go fark themselves .


Lets all stay at home and all boycott those farts !

They made the wrong mistake 300 million didn't go to help to poor !

They can go fark themselves .

Do we even need to decide to stay at home or support? I thought it is a clear cut "no support":biggrin: