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Chitchat Who voted for the oppositions in all the last 3 GE ?

Robert Half

In this forum .. anyone of you guys had voted for the oppositions in 2011, 2015 & 2020 ?

I mean all the last 3 GE .. you voted for the oppositions.

Please have a show of hands :biggrin:

Robert Half

Thanks for all your response … :tongue:

I just want to have a feel that of how many hardcore opposition supporters & the moderate people
(1 GE voted for ruling next GE voted for opposition) in this forum


IMHO there is no need to vote for pap as it will sure win. It will be stupid to vote for something that you know will win, and add more win to it.
Hence whether we like oppies or not we should either be voting for oppie, or void the vote.

As you can see, stupid dumb ass big slut Gansiokbin voted for pap and tried to lie that she is a oppie supporter. Caught red handed by me (with a swear)


IMHO there is no need to vote for pap as it will sure win. It will be stupid to vote for something that you know will win, and add more win to it.
Hence whether we like oppies or not we should either be voting for oppie, or void the vote.

As you can see, stupid dumb ass big slut Gansiokbin voted for pap and tried to lie that she is a oppie supporter. Caught red handed by me (with a swear)
Look at how dumb ass big slut Gansiokbin gave excuses and blamed on her fat oar cb finger. On the keyboard pap and opp are totally 2 different area.
And I caught her modifying the statement within secs after she posted.

It’s a fat finger Instead of Opp I typed pap. And my second sentence that immediately followed that is already best proof: my family are ardent opposition supporters. Obviously the two sentences in the same paragraph don’t match because of this typo. Dare to take responsibility for your accusations of me coward liar bully bastard and swear ok?


Alfrescian (Inf)
They are people who always complain about the rulings but voted for them every GE.

I think these are not sincere people in life :thumbsdown:

They are chickenshit assholes who have been gaslighted into believing that the sky will fall down when the PAP is toppled from power.

Not too long ago, the Taiwanese folks felt the same way towards KMT. But they grew up and discarded the Chiangs. Sinkies are still immature and beholden to the Lees.