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What do you think of Cantonese dogs that suka suka hide in rat hole start threads defame Gansiokbin as chicken and serial liar?


Perhaps you should encourage them to post here and we can all listen to their side of the story. Why so defensive when you have nothing to hide?:rolleyes:
I am replying to your thread to state that I have nothing to hide and yet you evil shameless serial liar can twist it to i am defensive and have something to hide. I reply or don’t reply you will also make use of it to say I have something to hide. Just like I walked away from office bully kt latha and LJ McCully is called I admit slut and I fight your online bullying insults of me using my particulars to twist to whore slut story is also called I admit slut.


Go ask your self admitted DIRTY SLUT CANTONESE MOTHER this question. Linking slut whore mistress to me is your @meaninglesslife proud Cantonese dog son of chicken way to win. Pui!


@Pinkieslut looks like the Nusa Duta Cantonese MISTRESS is just another slut with hokkien or Teochew daotao indeed. Just like your Cantonese slut chicken mother Pui!
Why no Cantonese dao Tao around is it? Make sense look at Cantonese dog son of prostitute @meaninglesslije aka @NanoSpeed got to steal company money to pay Shanghai mistress lunch can tell Liao. Hey @meaninglesslife everything you accused me is what you and your women are: despise the poor YOU and opt for rich and generous hokkien or Teochew dao Tao hahahaha