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It’s good to be evil dogs and bitches. Spam lies and nonsense threads defaming Gansiokbin no one complained while do gooder state facts get complaint


Look at how evil bitches always can find good husbands or good partners in crime to do dirty work for them from Nusa Duta Cantonese bitch to slut in bed calling others slut kt latha to Cantonese dog son of chicken @meaninglesslife and Jeremy Quek @Cottonmouth can do evil to Gansiokbin with no complaints from dogs are already best proof that it’s good to be evil dogs and bitches. Easy life to gang up to do evil while do gooder life is hard got to fight all alone.


Look at how evil bitches always can find good husbands or good partners in crime to do dirty work for them from Nusa Duta Cantonese bitch to slut in bed calling others slut kt latha to Cantonese dog son of chicken @meaninglesslife and Jeremy Quek @Cottonmouth can do evil to Gansiokbin with no complaints from dogs are already best proof that it’s good to be evil dogs and bitches. Easy life to gang up to do evil while do gooder life is hard got to fight all alone.
Fight all alone or be bullled to death while evil bitches live easy good life even their own women cheap self admitted DIRTY SLUT like @meaninglesslife Cantonese mother also okay won’t be persecuted by their own kind.


Look at how evil bitches always can find good husbands or good partners in crime to do dirty work for them from Nusa Duta Cantonese bitch to slut in bed calling others slut kt latha to Cantonese dog son of chicken @meaninglesslife and Jeremy Quek @Cottonmouth can do evil to Gansiokbin with no complaints from dogs are already best proof that it’s good to be evil dogs and bitches. Easy life to gang up to do evil while do gooder life is hard got to fight all alone.
This 16 year old evil bitch can even manipulate boyfriend to do evil and dirty work of killing her mother.



Look at how evil bitches always can find good husbands or good partners in crime to do dirty work for them from Nusa Duta Cantonese bitch to slut in bed calling others slut kt latha to Cantonese dog son of chicken @meaninglesslife and Jeremy Quek @Cottonmouth can do evil to Gansiokbin with no complaints from dogs are already best proof that it’s good to be evil dogs and bitches. Easy life to gang up to do evil while do gooder life is hard got to fight all alone.
Can find good husband and bully mother in law also just like my Cantonese sister in law. Sure better than do good and be bullied by mother in law.


Fight all alone or be bullled to death while evil bitches live easy good life even their own women cheap self admitted DIRTY SLUT like @meaninglesslife Cantonese mother also okay won’t be persecuted by their own kind.
Do evil got easy good life while do gooder Kena bullied by evil dogs and bitches got to prove prove prove virgin and kena harassment by Malaysian and sinkie dogs everyday online and offline live hard life.


Do evil got easy good life while do gooder Kena bullied by evil dogs and bitches got to prove prove prove virgin and kena harassment by Malaysian and sinkie dogs everyday online and offline live hard life.
Do evil just open mouth smear and harass you slut chicken song song gao jurong can get away and sleep well because they are dogs with no human conscience while do gooder got to pay money prove prove prove to catch them.


Do evil just open mouth smear and harass you slut chicken song song gao jurong can get away and sleep well because they are dogs with no human conscience while do gooder got to pay money prove prove prove to catch them.
开一张嘴做坏事不用出钱不用出力。ask them sponsor you go USA take virginity test they call you scammer woh.


Poor mother got killed by her serial liar daughter and her husband can still laugh in court.
Proven her evil bitch daughter is more successful than her and women need to be evil and manipulative to be successful if not whole life hard work get only shit and get killed also no one cry for you.


@Pinkieslut looks like the Nusa Duta Cantonese MISTRESS is just another slut with hokkien or Teochew daotao indeed. Just like your Cantonese slut chicken mother Pui!
Why no Cantonese dao Tao around is it? Make sense look at Cantonese dog son of prostitute @meaninglesslije aka @NanoSpeed got to steal company money to pay Shanghai mistress lunch can tell Liao. Hey @meaninglesslife everything you accused me is what you and your women are: despise the poor YOU and opt for rich and generous hokkien or Teochew dao Tao hahahaha