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Tissue issue


Nowadays it seems I can't eat at a hawker centre without being interrupted a few times by people selling packs of tissue paper. They're usually elderly or handicapped. I feel sorry for them but I can't buy from everyone. They also seem to push women harder to buy their products.
It's gotten so bad I'm thinking of giving up eating at these places. Better to eat at home in peace and tranquility.


Nowadays it seems I can't eat at a hawker centre without being interrupted a few times by people selling packs of tissue paper. They're usually elderly or handicapped. I feel sorry for them but I can't buy from everyone. They also seem to push women harder to buy their products.
It's gotten so bad I'm thinking of giving up eating at these places. Better to eat at home in peace and tranquility.
Interesting that you brought this up, since I was recently asked by the same man to buy tissue paper twice within the space of five minutes, while I was eating at a hawker centre.
Don't let this bother and deter you, just reject them politely if you don't want to buy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i will see the tissue phenomenon for myself when i pay a visit soon. what irks me more in sg are morons who use tissue packs to secure seats in a food court while they wait in line to get their food. i don't see this phenomenon happening anywhere in the world, except in unique sinkapoor.


i will see the tissue phenomenon for myself when i pay a visit soon. what irks me more in sg are morons who use tissue packs to secure seats in a food court while they wait in line to get their food. i don't see this phenomenon happening anywhere in the world, except in unique sinkapoor.
When I see this, I simply pretend not to see the tissue paper packs and brush them aside.


Alfrescian (Inf)
They're not business savvy, they always approach tables with customers eating halfway. That's annoying to the customers who when even got money to spare, also don't feel like buying. They should approach:

1. Customers walking into the hawker centre before finding their tables. Some customers will gladly buy and use the tissue pack to reserve their tables.

2. Customers who have finished eating and ready to leave, especially those having eaten dishes with bones and shells, but may have run out of tissue themselves; they'll also gladly buy.


Its actually begging. The tissue is an excuse. Nothing savvy about begging. This govt lacks a shred of passion. They have little choice but to beg. We are caught in a dilemma. We buy tissue, the situation gets worse.

They're not business savvy, they always approach tables with customers eating halfway. .


Alfrescian (Inf)
i wonder who or what in sg started the tissue craze for wiping food stains off the dirty mouth. paper napkins are better designed for those pesky, greasy stains. tissues are too fragile for the style of abrasion a sinkie adopts to wipe the shit off his/her mouth. and a piece of tissue is too puny for such mofo muthur fugging lips of a typical sinkie. more macho to use one large strong paper napkin than one whole pack of wimpy tissues. either sinkies are too wussy or they don't man-up enough.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, it's a disguised form of begging, and just like charities, the more we buy or donate, the worse things get. Syndicates begin to come into control of them as profitable businesses, executives and managers begin to come in for careers.


Usually, people who use tissue packets to "chope" seats are in a group. Having said tat, why can't one person sit down and politely tell others the seats have been taken, than for the whole fucking orgy group to go buy food and leaving packet tissues lying around.

These acts are mainly done by females. So if u are a female and reading this thread now, I say to you - KEEP THAT FUCKING TISSUE PACKET TO WIPE UR PUSSY AFTER U PEE, THAN TO USE IT TO "CHOPE" SEATS.


Usually, people who use tissue packets to "chope" seats are in a group. Having said tat, why can't one person sit down and politely tell others the seats have been taken, than for the whole fucking orgy group to go buy food and leaving packet tissues lying around.

These acts are mainly done by females. So if u are a female and reading this thread now, I say to you - KEEP THAT FUCKING TISSUE PACKET TO WIPE UR PUSSY AFTER U PEE, THAN TO USE IT TO "CHOPE" SEATS.
Because they are lazy and impatient?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually, come to think of it, it's commonsense to chope seats before ordering food. Only idiots order foods without making sure that there's seats for them and expect others to give them their seats just because they don't bother reserving seats but rush to order their foods first. Now, who's ugly and uncivilised?


Try look at it another way, they are selling tissues, not beggars nor fake monks/nuns. It only take you a second with a wave or a slight shake in the head to dismiss them. Why frown on people who tries to make ends meet?

Hope this makes a diff.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm surprised people are turning hostile towards these beggars. The only crime as I see is that many of these people believed the PAP promise of a swiss standard :(

I see such begging in the 3rd world. In Jkt you have people with their guitar getting on buses to entertain their captive audience, or wandering about the open air restaurants.

I remember the good old days in Spore when it was rare to see beggars. Todays Spore Inc is all about the PAP extracting billions from the peasants.

Welcome to the 3rd world :rolleyes:

1sickpuppy II

U know 1 time I was at this food court in Bishan eating when 3 ladies put their tissue to mark their seats. I push them away when they came back they called father mother and talked loudly of how unconsiderate and how ungentleman of me to have taken their seats and demanded I surrender back their seats. I refused and they stood there cursing and yelling while holding their food till I finished my meal what stupid bitches they are.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That can be a serious crime to many people. :rolleyes:

If its criminal for politicians to lie, cheat & break their promises LKY & Co would be in jail for a long, long time instead of spending his retirement making peasants life a misery. :(


Alfrescian (Inf)
U know 1 time I was at this food court in Bishan .....

I can understand the tissue thingy at places like Raffles place where the lunch break is short & lunch time crowd is large but not in Bishan:eek:

Places like Bishan are for recreation meals. You must have had your meal on a weekend. Nowdays I really hate going out during weekends because there are over 5 million people out there :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually, come to think of it, it's commonsense to chope seats before ordering food. Only idiots order foods without making sure that there's seats for them and expect others to give them their seats just because they don't bother reserving seats but rush to order their foods first. Now, who's ugly and uncivilised?

it makes much sense to secure seats and table space before you line up for food at a food court. however, the practice of using tiny packets of tissue to mark a spot is a wimpy way of saying "this place is mine because i see it first and am marking it with my perfumed possession." if an sg bitch were to do this in san jose, she would be cited for littering or leaving her feminine pad in an eatery. she can only get away with this in sg. try doing this in greece or italy, or even switzerland. the more civilized way to do this is like what someone has said... appoint one individual to sit down to secure the table, so she can communicate directly (like a fellow human being) with other human beings who may eye the same table that the place is taken. using small packets of potential garbage to communicate with the public is a uniquely sinkie thing to do. it totally proves that human-to-human development and skills in sg are absent.