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this forum has cancer?


Look at how shameless you are Malaysian Cantonese dog son of prostitute hide in rat hole do crimes to murder me is called winning. You will get your retribution because not every women is like yours so cheap open leg big big sell nude buy Porsche or fabricate stories of kena thrown eggs in Taiwan to harm people. As cheap and evil as you LOSER SON OF CANTONESE CHICKEN. Pui!
If you go to Taiwan people will throw shit at you.

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Don't make me slap you with this and imprint it on your face.

View attachment 199019


If you go to Taiwan people will throw shit at you.

Why would they? It’s your cheap open leg big big sell nude Cantonese woman defame Taiwanese to harm them just like how you Malaysian Cantonese dog son of chicken MURDERER LIAR CRIMINAL BULLY defame me to harm me. And of course your twisted no morals Cantonese criminal dog logic is being evil and cheap is called winning and your victim of crimes is called 丢脸


Ginfreely this kind of no cert fake virgin dare to talk so much. I will give you one fucking slap across your fuck face.
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Why would they? It’s your cheap open leg big big sell nude Cantonese woman defame Taiwanese to harm them just like how you Malaysian Cantonese dog son of chicken MURDERER LIAR CRIMINAL BULLY defame me to harm me. And of course your twisted no morals Cantonese criminal dog logic is being evil and cheap is called winning and your victim of crimes is called 丢脸
In Taiwan, you will be known as a siaocheebye.
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You Cantonese dog son of self admitted dirty slut prostitute tell lies again pretend don’t know why I said I am Cantonese benefactor: because I fight Malaysian Indian kt latha and boss LJ Mccully to hire sinkie Cantonese instead of India Indian. Not benefactor? Then why you and other self claimed sinkies kpkb people don’t hire sinkies? Evil ingrate hypocrite bully. Pui!

And as usual you tell lies pretend don’t know is Cantonese dog son of slut @Balls2U take benefits from my cancer threads say no benefits then I asked him to swear he get zero benefit from my cancer threads if no swear means got benefits. Same for you since you say this is not cancer forum and object to my posting - which you don’t have a right in the first place - swear you didn’t get any benefits from my cancer threads. No swear means you evil ingrate Cantonese dog get benefits from my cancer threads and then attack your benefactor and that’s a FACT. Pui!
As usual no swear. BUSTED Cantonese dog son of self admitted DIRTY SLUT @gsbslut confirmed himself evil ingrate Cantonese take benefits from my cancer threads and then tell lies he got no benefits and attack me for posting cancer threads and now busted dare not swear if he got benefits from my cancer threads he die a violent death. 真是贱!


Now she has scaled back on her accusation - "smearing Hokkien virgin as a chicken"

In other words, she is NOT saying you are smearing Hokkien virgin as a fake virgin. If she says that, you will ask her to prove that she is a real virgin, and that's her biggest nightmare.

In other words, she knows medical evidence that she is a virgin is her Achilles heel. She has carefully steered away from having to face the issue of evidence.
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Now she has scaled back on her accusation - "smearing Hokkien virgin as a chicken"

In other words, she is NOT saying you are smearing Hokkien virgin as a fake virgin. If she says that, you will ask her to prove that she is a real virgin, and that's her biggest nightmare.

In other words, she knows medical evidence that she is a virgin is her Achilles heel. She has carefully steered away from having to face the issue of evidence.
You Malaysian @nightsafari clone way of ceating issues out of no issues again. Say I scale down when I did nothing different say nothing different for years that you Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes smear me hokkien virgin as chicken. 无中生有 fabricate stories tell lies put words into my mouth is your proud Cantonese cancer way of attack. 真是贱!


Now she has scaled back on her accusation - "smearing Hokkien virgin as a chicken"

In other words, she is NOT saying you are smearing Hokkien virgin as a fake virgin. If she says that, you will ask her to prove that she is a real virgin, and that's her biggest nightmare.

In other words, she knows medical evidence that she is a virgin is her Achilles heel. She has carefully steered away from having to face the issue of evidence.
She's got a smelly cunt, can she prove otherwise? :biggrin: