• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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this forum has cancer?


not stomach?
Stomach is for sluts who let many big cocks load their ass and cheebye mouth with curry. They end up both ways in the stomach and the slut will look pregnant since so much sperm.

Gansiokbin is one fine example of such a slut.
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It's the trade mark of a victim narcissist ... chop ! chop ! chop !

Then can blame other people and distract everyone and no need to prove virginity.

Like that menopause also can blame other people.
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Yes, a lot of them here has financial cancer (e.g., financial struggle), that is why KPKB-ing here everyday.
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It's the trade mark of a victim narcissist ... chop ! chop ! chop !

Then can blame other people and distract everyone and no need to prove virginity.

Like that menopause also can blame other people.
she is so delusional and assuming that she says she post cancer threads and all sammyboy forum people all automatically must be grateful to her. she self declared as benefactor.


she is so delusional and assuming that she says she post cancer threads and all sammyboy forum people all automatically must be grateful to her. she self declared as benefactor.
I declare her as a slut, because I can smell her cheebye just by looking at her nickname.
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Stomach is for sluts who let many big cocks load their ass and cheebye mouth with curry. They end up both ways in the stomach and the slut will look pregnant since so much sperm.

Gansiokbin is one fine example of such a slut.


It's the trade mark of a victim narcissist ... chop ! chop ! chop !

Then can blame other people and distract everyone and no need to prove virginity.

Like that menopause also can blame other people.
You shameless murderer criminal pretend no see my threads with scientific evidence that you Malaysian Cantonese dog son of prostitute are proven murderer using evil dirty tricks of daily multiple chronic stress to cause me cancer and accuse your victim of crimes as playing victim. Full of lies narcissist is you Cantonese dog that think you are emperor I am slave for you to trample. Pui!


she is so delusional and assuming that she says she post cancer threads and all sammyboy forum people all automatically must be grateful to her. she self declared as benefactor.
You Cantonese dog son of self admitted dirty slut prostitute tell lies again pretend don’t know why I said I am Cantonese benefactor: because I fight Malaysian Indian kt latha and boss LJ Mccully to hire sinkie Cantonese instead of India Indian. Not benefactor? Then why you and other self claimed sinkies kpkb people don’t hire sinkies? Evil ingrate hypocrite bully. Pui!

And as usual you tell lies pretend don’t know is Cantonese dog son of slut @Balls2U take benefits from my cancer threads say no benefits then I asked him to swear he get zero benefit from my cancer threads if no swear means got benefits. Same for you since you say this is not cancer forum and object to my posting - which you don’t have a right in the first place - swear you didn’t get any benefits from my cancer threads. No swear means you evil ingrate Cantonese dog get benefits from my cancer threads and then attack your benefactor and that’s a FACT. Pui!


she is so delusional and assuming that she says she post cancer threads and all sammyboy forum people all automatically must be grateful to her. she self declared as benefactor.

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You Cantonese dog son of self admitted dirty slut prostitute tell lies again pretend don’t know why I said I am Cantonese benefactor: because I fight Malaysian Indian kt latha and boss LJ Mccully to hire sinkie Cantonese instead of India Indian. Not benefactor? Then why you and other self claimed sinkies kpkb people don’t hire sinkies? Evil ingrate hypocrite bully. Pui!

And as usual you tell lies pretend don’t know is Cantonese dog son of slut @Balls2U take benefits from my cancer threads say no benefits then I asked him to swear he get zero benefit from my cancer threads if no swear means got benefits. Same for you since you say this is not cancer forum and object to my posting - which you don’t have a right in the first place - swear you didn’t get any benefits from my cancer threads. No swear means you evil ingrate Cantonese dog get benefits from my cancer threads and then attack your benefactor and that’s a FACT. Pui!
@gsbslut @musclepower I already said I am not interested to do charity to you Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes so dont even click on my cancer threads. And this forum don’t belong to you for you to dictate cancer threads cannot and shouldn’t be posted while you can post evil toxic lies of me. Pui!