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this forum has cancer?


@gsbslut @musclepower I already said I am not interested to do charity to you Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes so dont even click on my cancer threads. And this forum don’t belong to you for you to dictate cancer threads cannot and shouldn’t be posted while you can post evil toxic lies of me. Pui!
Look how disgustingly self entitled these Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes are? They can do evil but other people cannot do normal stuff or even consider good stuff of cancer information. WTF


Look how disgustingly self entitled these Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes are? They can do evil but other people cannot do normal stuff or even consider good stuff of cancer information. WTF
These murderers sure have zero morals zero human conscience and big criminal entitlement think they are emperor and I am slave for them to trample with their Cantonese dog pride. Can even attack you for posting cancer threads while they can post news post shit evil toxic lies. No wonder they can be ADULTERER and their cheap women can open leg big big sell nude while other people talk to men kena attacked as slut Knnbccb


I declare her as a slut, because I can smell her cheebye just by looking at her nickname.


siaolang think everyone like her will kana cancer
When did I say that? You Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes sure like to put words into my mouth. Btw yesterday I watched a uk video said one in two will get cancer so don’t yaya papaya you may end up like LJ Mccully do evil to me next year get cancer liao hahahahaha and that’s called retribution whereas mine is family history of cancer what retribution Pui!


retribution for all her lies, harassment of innocent people from neighbours to passerby and people of this forum
Tsk tsk tsk dogs gang up to bully me online and offline you Cantonese dog son of prostitute can accuse me victim of your crimes suffering retribution Knnbccb when are you going to swear if not lies but real knocks real whistle you die a violent death? NEVER of course because you are the LIAR CRIMINAL BULLY DOG SON OF CANTONESE PROSTITUTE ACCUSING ME ONE. Pui!!


Whores do charity is a slut move, they let men fuck for free. The bangla should consider this old cock sucker as benefactor since she sucks their cocks.
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Whores are paid sluts, nothing noble about them, their holes are always use. Such people will get cancer from all that heavy ramming and sperm deposit inside the dirty hole.
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Tell that to yourself Cantonese ADULTERER persecuting me hokkien virgin for adultery, and you self admitted son of DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE NO MONEY GO PARTY MOTHER persecute me as sugarbaby chicken. I do good already escaped violent death one time so obviously I got no retribution to worry but it’s you to worry to die a violent death for doing murder to me. Pui!


Tell that to yourself Cantonese ADULTERER persecuting me hokkien virgin for adultery, and you self admitted son of DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE NO MONEY GO PARTY MOTHER persecute me as sugarbaby chicken. I do good already escaped violent death one time so obviously I got no retribution to worry but it’s you to worry to die a violent death for doing murder to me. Pui!
Ya come to think of it I already live extra more than one decade escape death in major car accident hahahahaha good karma indeed


Tell that to yourself Cantonese ADULTERER persecuting me hokkien virgin for adultery, and you self admitted son of DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE NO MONEY GO PARTY MOTHER persecute me as sugarbaby chicken. I do good already escaped violent death one time so obviously I got no retribution to worry but it’s you to worry to die a violent death for doing murder to me. Pui!
May Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes @musclepower @gsbslut @Cottonmouth doing murder to me die a violent death and be reincarnated as women and be gangraped by the likes of themselves ganging up to bully ONE hokkien woman as slut prostitute. 不是人做的事呸!广东狗真贱!



Tell that to yourself change topic is you Cantonese dog son of prostitute pretend don’t know you are the MURDERER KILLING ME. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE OF ME AS CHICKEN AND YOU DONT EVEN DARE TO SWEAR. 假装不知道是你贱货广东狗没证据又不敢发誓。呸!murderer 还讲格局哈哈贱啊


Woman work as whore, the prerequisites must be a slut? Love to suck cock a lot that's why become whore. How can be virgin?
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Look at how shameless you are Malaysian Cantonese dog son of prostitute hide in rat hole do crimes to murder me is called winning. You will get your retribution because not every women is like yours so cheap open leg big big sell nude buy Porsche or fabricate stories of kena thrown eggs in Taiwan to harm people. As cheap and evil as you LOSER SON OF CANTONESE CHICKEN. Pui!


Look at how shameless you are Malaysian Cantonese dog son of prostitute hide in rat hole do crimes to murder me is called winning. You will get your retribution because not every women is like yours so cheap open leg big big sell nude buy Porsche or fabricate stories of kena thrown eggs in Taiwan to harm people. As cheap and evil as you LOSER SON OF CANTONESE CHICKEN. Pui!
@musclepower why you dare not swear you are not Malaysian? Btw the way you write in Chinese already gave away you are Malaysian. You write in low class Chinese that you think very good but actually so evil dirty shit that smear and accuse people I see a lot of Malaysians in my neighborhood wrote like that. China Chinese in my neighborhood wrote in much more high class way. One look I can tell who is Malaysian who is China Chinese in my neighborhood just by the Chinese written.