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The Truth Behind Dinesh Raman Death


Many of those supporting Dinesh know the difficulties that the family is going through because they were also criminals.

Just ask WongMengMeng, he was a lawyer here and ran to HongKong to hide after he committed an offence and cannot find job here.


Bhai, I support the notion that the mother should be thrown into prison instead for her failure as a parent. Cause and effect in motion like what the Lord Buddha warned. Namaste.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Many of those supporting Dinesh know the difficulties that the family is going through because they were also criminals.

Just ask WongMengMeng, he was a lawyer here and ran to HongKong to hide after he committed an offence and cannot find job here.

In pap's sinkieland, the term criminal has broad meanings....
Patriots like JBJ, CSJ are also among a long list of innocents convicted by the pet kangaroos.


Moi sapPORK de PAP IB iz de bestest.

DesPARate then all ways sama THUGtics like dis arthur thread:

Dat photo was me avaTAR, the CHEF District Judge TAN hiding fr de toMADtoes thrown @ moi 4 dat stuPIG judgment. U THUGtics & TAGtics @ learn fr best – de PAPpy DOGS.


De ChewCheng come out wit his shit smear TAR siggie, means de Ah Meng gotham by de balls.

Bideo iz 2 encourAGE moi sapPORK de PAP IBs, dey iz bestest … … CLOWNS

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Alfrescian (Inf)
so far no one has answered any of my questions. OK let me make up this scenerio. The wardens wanted to rape dinesh and the other prisoners. Prisoners are routinely raped. That is why dinesh kicked the officer. :rolleyes: There now this warrants a kick right?

Yet this is very unlikely but then let's talk about what amount of provocation does it justify a prisoner kicking a warden or a member of public kicking a police officer. Can you give the excuse the police officer was harrassing me asking for my IC to kick him? Honestly what sort of provocation do u think it requires so that the appropriate response would be to kick the officer or warden and then somehow it justifies kicking said person?

Aiyah ...we all know what kind of ruffians work in the prison service.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Leong hit the nail on the head this time around.

The only reason why ravi is defending this is cos a fellow keling died. Notice how to him he totally ignores the shit skin's fucked up behavior.

How many lawyers dare to fight the government? Ravi should be made a Senior Counsel for his guts to take on the government.

If we condone abuses and murder of inmates, then make it legal mah. Tell the PAP that you will vote for them if they legalize the killing of inmates.
To appease Leongsam, you will need to broaden the law to include the murder of invalids, disabled children, the old and anyone deemed by Leongsam to be a burden to society.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Aiyah ...we all know what kind of ruffians work in the prison service.

Oh as opposed to softies? :rolleyes: What you expect some ah kua type of guy to become a prison warden? It is highly unlikely they abused their powers. Btw how come u seem to know what sort of ruffians work in prison service?

How many lawyers dare to fight the government? Ravi should be made a Senior Counsel for his guts to take on the government.

If we condone abuses and murder of inmates, then make it legal mah. Tell the PAP that you will vote for them if they legalize the killing of inmates.
To appease Leongsam, you will need to broaden the law to include the murder of invalids, disabled children, the old and anyone deemed by Leongsam to be a burden to society.

Ravi is a crazy bugger how to be senior counsel? Following your logic csj should be made the pm for taking on the entire establishment and not afraid of being jailed. Do you agree?

Ps do you know the difference between an accident and a murder and abuse? Even if you hit someone and he dies you don't get the murder charge only manslaughter what more can you say of a bunch of officers needing to restrain some animal and he just happens to die. :rolleyes:

One inmate accidentally dies and you start to spout out nonsense about killing children and the like. Tell me why are you so illogical and nonsensical?


Alfrescian (Inf)
In pap's sinkieland, the term criminal has broad meanings....
Patriots like JBJ, CSJ are also among a long list of innocents convicted by the pet kangaroos.

U sure comparing criminals like this asshole shit skin to the likes of csj? Comeon what else u want to add in?


the issue is still THE PRISON GUARDS BEAT HIM TO DEATH! what if he was only jailed for a minor offence? what is to prevent another death? even if they are all crooks, they all deserve to die? even if they do, WHY ARE THE CULPRITS GETTING OFF SCOT FREE?


Bhai, please understand that if you only choose to pinch your child if he has disciplinary issues, don't expect the state to dish out the same punishment if he chooses the path of a criminal. Namaste.

the issue is still THE PRISON GUARDS BEAT HIM TO DEATH! what if he was only jailed for a minor offence? what is to prevent another death? even if they are all crooks, they all deserve to die? even if they do, WHY ARE THE CULPRITS GETTING OFF SCOT FREE?

Scrooball (clone)

Fucktards who cannot even make the grade into other uniform groups like SPF, ICA...
Machiam a last stop dumping ground...
Who in the right mind wants his office to be the prison?

Machiam you are so much better. You this fucking Chao ex convict. Want us not to judge this violent scumbag who beat his own mother, but you yourself despise those prison wardens.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the issue is still THE PRISON GUARDS BEAT HIM TO DEATH! what if he was only jailed for a minor offence? what is to prevent another death? even if they are all crooks, they all deserve to die? even if they do, WHY ARE THE CULPRITS GETTING OFF SCOT FREE?

Isn't he an ss member, violent asshole that robs and steals so how could he be jailed for a minor offence let's just assume this time around he was jailed for a minor offence, lord fucking knows what a minor offence means in your books maybe chopping up ppl with a parang is minor to you, anyway let's just assume he was jailed for something minor. Why the fuck would he assault the prison warden then? Maybe he prefers to stay longer in prison? BTW do u know of prisoners that died due to abuse by wardens in jail? Heard of many repeat offenders like the men with his 2 foster sons fighting over him he was a rapist and robber and been in and out of jail but he obviously wasn't killed.

Anyway the fact is he's an incorrigible fucker, assaulted a warden but wasn't beaten to death but merely restrained and the top guy got punished for his death.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Isn't he an ss member, violent asshole that robs and steals so how could he be jailed for a minor offence let's just assume this time around he was jailed for a minor offence, lord fucking knows what a minor offence means in your books maybe chopping up ppl with a parang is minor to you, anyway let's just assume he was jailed for something minor. Why the fuck would he assault the prison warden then? Maybe he prefers to stay longer in prison? BTW do u know of prisoners that died due to abuse by wardens in jail? Heard of many repeat offenders like the men with his 2 foster sons fighting over him he was a rapist and robber and been in and out of jail but he obviously wasn't killed.

Anyway the fact is he's an incorrigible fucker, assaulted a warden but wasn't beaten to death but merely restrained and the top guy got punished for his death.

I think you have made lots of assumption based on the PAP press release. Examples ...how did you conclude that he is 'incorrigible', there are big time ss member and there are small time ss member, you don't draw that distinction, you assume he is the instigator in the prison fracas (surely, if the PAP had allowed the coroner inquiry to complete its investigation, a clearer picture would have emerged. Couldn't it be possible that the PAP has something to hide?)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh as opposed to softies? :rolleyes: What you expect some ah kua type of guy to become a prison warden? It is highly unlikely they abused their powers. Btw how come u seem to know what sort of ruffians work in prison service?

Abuse is different from being tough. Guess, you condone torture as well? If that's the kind of society you support, you have it in the PAP.

Ravi is a crazy bugger how to be senior counsel? Following your logic csj should be made the pm for taking on the entire establishment and not afraid of being jailed. Do you agree?

Ravi is crazy only because the PAP-press painted him as such.
If CSJ can win the support of sinkees, why not? Isn't that democracy?

Ps do you know the difference between an accident and a murder and abuse? Even if you hit someone and he dies you don't get the murder charge only manslaughter what more can you say of a bunch of officers needing to restrain some animal and he just happens to die. :rolleyes:

Or you can be charged with second degree murder.
You and Leongsam condone the death of this guy. What crime did this guy that he deserves to be put to death?
You heard one side of the story issued by the PAP press and take it in as is, and dismiss totally the other side. :rolleyes:

One inmate accidentally dies and you start to spout out nonsense about killing children and the like. Tell me why are you so illogical and nonsensical?
How do you know if it is accidental? Why not let the coroner inquiry complete its work? What's there to hide?
Read Leongsam's postings over the years ...he has always held the belief that unproductive members of the society should be gotten rid of ...aka killed. And he is proud of that stance. I am merely repeating his stance since you share his belief.


Alfrescian (Inf)
this fucker and ahis ah family and ah neh lawyer is a waste of everyones time and tax payers money.

execute the whole family


Alfrescian (Inf)
this fucker and ahis ah family and ah neh lawyer is a waste of everyones time and tax payers money.

execute the whole family

Be careful for what you ask for. If you are indeed plump, then you will fall into the category of being a useless member of this society and thus deserve to be exterminated like the others. Is that the destiny you seek?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think you have made lots of assumption based on the PAP press release. Examples ...how did you conclude that he is 'incorrigible', there are big time ss member and there are small time ss member, you don't draw that distinction, you assume he is the instigator in the prison fracas (surely, if the PAP had allowed the coroner inquiry to complete its investigation, a clearer picture would have emerged. Couldn't it be possible that the PAP has something to hide?)

those aren't assumptions but estimations from his criminal past and behavior. Mind you yourself are making an assumption that he will correct himself but from the looks of things i have a better chance of saying he is incorrigible. Who cares if there are big or small members? You do the crime you do the time. You're going off tangent here and there talking about big or small time ss members. There are big time ss bosses that don't commit any crimes and there are small time ss members that commit violent crimes and of course there are ppl not even in ss that commit violent crimes what does one's rank have to do with the punishment. You're just blindly shooting off hundreds of rounds making sure one will hit.

I didn't assume and i gave a couple of scenerios that could have instigated him. I mentioned maybe the warden said something to him in which case it's stupid if he got provoked. I then asked you guys under what circumstances can a warden or a police officer since most of us have not been inside a jail cell so a police officer would be a better analogy could provoke a person to attack him? I then decided ok maybe the wardens decided to rape him. Now that is a great cause for someone to attack the wardens but everyone knows that is just BS.

Also why call it the PAP? No shit PAP is the ruling party but has nothing to do whatsoever in this case. PAP cannot be bothered with such a case cos it has nothing political whatsoever. PAP has something to hide. :rolleyes: Why this dinesh fucker is some type of anti pap rebel?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The worst thing about some pro dinesh ppl in here is that they are trying to make this an anti PAP thing and call those that support dinesh getting his due punishment pap dogs what a joke you buggers are. There is nothing political about this thread and dinesh isn't some type of anti pap freedom type of political prisoner he's just a low life gangster trust you to bring politics into the picture to try and make it seem that those that support the judgement are pro pappy dogs. :rolleyes: