• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

The official OZ bashing thread.


Re: Australia is in a Recession according to JP Morgan Sydney

There is no need to be angry or resentful. But I am just stating the truth about your sorry state. :rolleyes:

You should be the angry & resentful one. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

You know something else, you should be more worried than us if Australia enter a recession. My PM already given us ample warnings and we are prepared.

Even the muslims are not leaving the country because of the good life here. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

It is so fun mocking you.

ah, your misery sustains me. it makes me feel soooo good. it gives me strength. feed us more of your tears. they energize us. tell us more of why you are so angry. we really want to know. is it because australia is the worst country in the world?

hee hee


Report:80% of Muslims Have Experienced Racism/Attack in Australia, Feel Unsafe


Australia no sanctuary for Muslims

Blayne Slabbert, Correspondent

* Last Updated: December 29. 2008 9:30AM UAE / December 29. 2008 5:30AM GMT

Muslims appear to be bearing the brunt of racism in Australia, with a new report revealing 80 per cent feel unsafe and unwelcome in the country and some describing their lives as similar to living in a conflict situation.

The research exposed bleak tales of racism, including being spat on, having cigarettes put out on them, verbal abuse and having their hijab pulled.

Nearly half of the women interviewed for the report by Islamic Women’s Welfare Council of Victoria said they were victims of racism and 90 per cent said they knew of other Muslim women who had experienced racism.

The report, Race, Faith and Gender: Converging Discriminations against Muslims in Victoria, said some women are hiding at home for up to a month following overseas terror attacks so as to avoid racist incidents directed at them.

Joumanah el Matrah, the report’s co-author, said while researchers had been aware racism was prevalent in the community, they did not know to what level it existed.

“What we were surprised by was the extent of the racism Muslims were experiencing, that it was a daily occurrence,” she said in an interview with The National. “We were also surprised the level of apprehension and fear the women lived under.”

However, Ms El Matrah, who is also the executive director of the Islamic Women’s Welfare Council of Victoria, said the biggest shock was the level of racism inflicted on children.

“The women felt quite disempowered by their children’s experiences of racism and how to deal with them. They were very good at protecting their children, but they didn’t know how do deal with the psychological and emotional victimisation of their children.”

The study involved holding focus groups in the state of Victoria with more than 300 Muslim women who were from low socio-economic groups and predominantly non-English speakers. Many had recently arrived in Australia.

One of those interviewed told the following story: “I was going shopping with my son, he is blind. These men followed us and one extinguished his cigarette on my head. I felt it burning. I started to run with my son. They came up and surrounded us, six of them, Australian and white.”

Another said: “I didn’t speak to anyone about it, just people in my community. I didn’t know who to go to. Besides, it’s not as if it happens once in a blue moon, it happens all the time – they spit at us and pull our hijabs and call us black.”

Kevin Dunn, a professor in human geography and urban studies at the University of Western Sydney, said the report confirmed findings in other western countries of a rise in racism following the September 11 attacks.

“Those attacks and the political statements and debates that swirl around those events provide perpetrators of racism with some sort of licence to act,” he said in the report. “The experiences of racism in the latter part of 2001 are shocking and the everyday racist incivilities that have carried on since reveal the unacceptable exposure of Australian Muslim women to racism. These hate crimes and incivilities against Australians should have been seen as a national emergency.”

Other findings from the report showed Muslim women were more likely to experience racism on the street, in shops and shopping malls. The wearing of the hijab was the most frequently cited reason for experiencing racism. Many said they experienced a consistent sense of low-grade fear and vulnerability and they no longer travelled alone.

Ms El Matrah said while physical attacks were becoming rare, verbal abuse and such acts as spitting were still happening.

“What we have to do is a great deal of anti-racism education so that people no longer felt they could do that and get away with it.”

The report made several recommendations to the government on how to deal with the problem, including setting up a not-for-profit centre against racism that monitors and evaluates the impact of bigotry, producing a racism survival kit for Muslim women and children and education programmes.

“For women it’s all about a practical response to their situation and their concerns. At the moment it is wait and see, but we are definitely going to pursue the government in this regard.”
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Re: Australia is in a Recession according to JP Morgan Sydney

ah, your misery sustains me. it makes me feel soooo good. it gives me strength. feed us more of your tears. they energize us. tell us more of why you are so angry. we really want to know. is it because australia is the worst country in the world?

hee hee

You are quite a mean fellow.


Re: Australia is in a Recession according to JP Morgan Sydney

i just tell it like it is. now that australia is in a recession and their currency is toilet paper, the silence here is deafening.

hee hee

Ya right ! Bloody Australia.. the chickens these days are low quality and high price due to recession. In my view, it should not only be FREE range chicken, it should be ANY range chicken. I sure hope it will drop further and start a chicken factory in Mel.:biggrin:


Re: Australia is in a Recession according to JP Morgan Sydney

i just tell it like it is. now that australia is in a recession and their currency is toilet paper, the silence here is deafening.

hee hee

It sure is quiet

Their currency is in free fall too


The World's Worst Currency? Beware the A$.......


Forex Trading Forecast: Australian Dollar
Published 01.12.2009 12:08 GMT
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Aussie looks to struggle in 2009The forex trading forecast for the Australian dollar is not looking kind. The Aussie is likely to struggle in currency trading on the FX market in 2009 as the global recession continues, and as commodities find it difficult to make a comeback.

The Australian dollar is a commodity currency. It relies on the export of its natural resources to support the currency. With the global recession cutting demand for commodities, the Aussie is having a difficult time in currency trading.

In addition to concerns about commodities, economic stimulus might be needed, meaning that Australia could see interest rate cuts. And interest rate cuts are considered yet another factor that sends currencies lower on the FX market.
See Also


Re: The World's Worst Currency? Beware the A$.......


Australia, New Zealand Dollars Fall on Worsening Global Outlook

Jan. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The Australian and New Zealand dollars fell against the yen for a fourth day and weakened versus the U.S. currency, as a deepening global slowdown and a decline in commodity prices tempered demand for higher-yielding assets.

New Zealand’s dollar dropped to the lowest level versus the U.S. dollar in almost four weeks after Standard & Poor’s revised the nation’s AA+ foreign-currency credit rating outlook to negative from stable. Australia’s dollar touched the lowest level in more than three weeks against the yen as gold, the country’s third-most valuable export, dropped the most in 1 1/2 months.

“Renewed concern about the global outlook has seen investors sell growth-sensitive currencies in favor of the relative safety of the U.S. dollar,” said Danica Hampton, currency strategist at Bank of New Zealand Ltd. in Wellington. “The new year’s optimism has well and truly worn off.”

Australia’s dollar declined 1.5 percent to 67.62 U.S. cents as of 1:34 p.m. in Sydney from 68.65 cents late in Asia yesterday. It reached 67.44 cents, the lowest level in more than three weeks. The currency fell 2.2 percent to 60.49 yen from 61.80 yen after touching 60.32 yen, the weakest since Dec. 17.

New Zealand’s dollar fell to 56.46 U.S. cents from 57.93 cents late in Asia yesterday. It reached 56.27 cents, the lowest since Dec. 17, The currency dropped to 50.49 yen from 52.14 yen. It touched 50.36 yen, the weakest in more than three weeks.

Australian government bonds extended a rally, pushing down the yield on 10-year notes to the lowest since at least 1969, and money market rates rose. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index of regional shares slumped 2.8 percent, the biggest loss since Dec. 12. New Zealand and Australian shares also declined.

‘Come Under Pressure’

New Zealand’s long-term foreign-currency credit rating, which is one level below the highest investment grade, may be cut if the nation’s current-account deficit and overseas debt begin to curb growth and investment, S&P said as it affirmed the rating. The outlook on the AAA local-currency debt remains stable, it said.

“It’s not going to be easy for New Zealand,” said Adam Carr, a senior economist at ICAP Australia Ltd. in Sydney. “The currency will come under pressure.”

The New Zealand dollar also fell as the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research said today in Wellington that a net 64 percent of companies surveyed last quarter expected the economy would worsen over the next six months.

“There is enough in this survey to encourage a rate cut of at least 100 basis points” this month, Sue Trinh, senior currency strategist in Sydney at RBC Capital Markets, wrote in a research note today. The survey is “bearish the New Zealand dollar,” she said.

Australia Ratings

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand will lower its benchmark interest rate by at least a half-percentage point to 4.50 percent at its Jan. 29 meeting, according to a Bloomberg News survey of economists. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point.

The Bloomberg UBS Constant Maturity Index of 26 raw materials dropped 4.4 percent yesterday, the most since Dec. 5, while the price of gold fell 3.9 percent, the largest decline since Dec. 1.

Commodities including coal, iron ore, gold and oil account for 60 percent of Australia’s export revenue. New Zealand relies on raw materials including milk and timber for 70 percent of its overseas shipments.

Australia’s foreign-currency credit rating of AAA, the highest investment grade, was affirmed by S&P today. The company also said the outlook on the rating is stable.

Implied Volatility

Implied volatility on one-month Australian dollar options against the yen rose to 34.68 percent from 33.79 percent late in Asia yesterday, indicating a greater risk of exchange-rate fluctuations that can erode profit on so-called carry trades.

In a carry trade, investors get funds in a country with low borrowing costs and invest in one with higher interest rates, earning the spread between the two. The risk is that currency market moves erase those profits. Benchmark interest rates are 4.25 percent in Australia compared with 0.1 percent in Japan and as low as zero in the U.S.

Financing costs in Australia rose. The difference between the rate Australian banks charge each other for three-month loans and the overnight swap rate climbed to 57.5 basis points from 55.3 basis points yesterday. The gauge, a measure of cash scarcity, averaged 11 basis points in the five years before the credit crunch started in August 2007.

Australian two-year government bonds rose for a fifth day, the longest stretch since October. The yield fell by as much as 14 basis points to 2.62 percent, the lowest since Dec. 15. The 10-year yield reached 3.95 percent, near the lowest since 1969 when Bloomberg began compiling the data.

Bond Yields

“We are heading toward an extremely low-yield world for government bonds,” said Peter Jolly, head of market research at NabCapital in Sydney, the investment banking unit of Australia’s largest lender. “Although yields are very low relative to Australia’s history, they remain some of the highest in the world. We’ve seen some foreign buying of Australia’s yields.”

The two-year yield may fall to 2.5 percent and the 10-year yield may decline to 3.9 percent by the end of this quarter, Jolly forecast.

New Zealand’s two-year swap rate, a fixed payment made to receive floating rates, declined to 4.05 percent from 4.23 percent late in Asia yesterday.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ron Harui in Singapore at [email protected]; Tracy Withers in Wellington at [email protected].


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The World's Worst Currency? Beware the A$.......


Forex Trading Forecast: Australian Dollar
Published 01.12.2009 12:08 GMT
Rate this article:

Aussie looks to struggle in 2009The forex trading forecast for the Australian dollar is not looking kind. The Aussie is likely to struggle in currency trading on the FX market in 2009 as the global recession continues, and as commodities find it difficult to make a comeback.

The Australian dollar is a commodity currency. It relies on the export of its natural resources to support the currency. With the global recession cutting demand for commodities, the Aussie is having a difficult time in currency trading.

In addition to concerns about commodities, economic stimulus might be needed, meaning that Australia could see interest rate cuts. And interest rate cuts are considered yet another factor that sends currencies lower on the FX market.
See Also

One person poison is another's meat.
I am buying more Australian Dollar because it is backed by commodities. :biggrin:

Perhaps you want to buy US Dollar (backed by the printing machine) or Singapore Dollar (backed by the OFart)


Re: The World's Worst Currency? Beware the A$.......


Forex Trading Forecast: Australian Dollar
Published 01.12.2009 12:08 GMT
Rate this article:

Aussie looks to struggle in 2009The forex trading forecast for the Australian dollar is not looking kind. The Aussie is likely to struggle in currency trading on the FX market in 2009 as the global recession continues, and as commodities find it difficult to make a comeback.

The Australian dollar is a commodity currency. It relies on the export of its natural resources to support the currency. With the global recession cutting demand for commodities, the Aussie is having a difficult time in currency trading.

In addition to concerns about commodities, economic stimulus might be needed, meaning that Australia could see interest rate cuts. And interest rate cuts are considered yet another factor that sends currencies lower on the FX market.
See Also

just wait the rba to cut rates again, the A$ will fall again. the A$ fall is spectacular. we discuss its demise with awe.


Re: The World's Worst Currency? Beware the A$.......

just wait the rba to cut rates again, the A$ will fall again. the A$ fall is spectacular. we discuss its demise with awe.


Slinding.....the Australian Currency

Posted 7 hours 0 minutes ago
Sliding... the Australian currency.

Sliding... the Australian currency. (ABC News: Gary Rivett)

The Australian dollar has staged a sharp fall as the bleak news on the economic front continues.

Around 7:00pm AEDT the local currency was down about three US cents against the greenback since yesterday and was trading around 67.58 US cents.

A currency strategist at Westpac, Jonathan Cavenagh, says the dollar will remain under pressure as long as the global economy is slowing.

"A lot of investors have come back from their Christmas holidays and we're still seeing the world economy in a pretty bad shape," he said.

"The data has generally been disappointing from most parts of the world, including the US [and] the European Union, and even in Australia we had a very bad building approvals number last week."

But the Australian dollar has jumped sharply against the Kiwi after New Zealand's foreign currency rating was downgraded by Standard and Poor's.


Re: Melbourne, one of the World's most Expensive and Dangerous Cities

Cost is worse in my book

If I ever encountered racism, I would just leave

How can you do that in Australia?

Its one nation of cheating

on this i can only agree, but you forgot australia is the worst country in the world


Australia's Homeless: A National Epidemic


* December 29, 2008
* Page 1 of 2 | Single Page View

WHEN most people think of homelessness, they think of kids on the streets doing drugs, alcoholics nursing bottles of booze on park benches and people with mental illnesses wandering the streets begging for a gold coin.

But concealed in the official statistics are large numbers of single mothers struggling to bring up children in the most dire of circumstances.

While their plight attracts little in the way of media interest or community sympathy, they make up the majority of people flooding homelessness services in the hope of finding shelter for their families.

Most homeless single mothers are in this situation not because they fall on bad financial times or have problems with addiction, but because they are the victims of domestic violence, the foremost cause of homelessness in Australia.

Women who flee the family home most often do so to protect their children and to save themselves — 55 per cent of the women accompanied by children seeking assistance from homelessness services are running from abusive relationships.

But the statistics about women and children made homeless through domestic violence tell only part of a complicated story.

Many women who leave violent relationships seek the support of friends and relatives rather than go to refuges or shelters.

There simply aren't the resources to accommodate the number of women and children seeking shelter — almost half the women who do approach refuges will be turned away.

Those women often return to violence and abuse rather than have their children sleep rough in parks, in railway stations or in cars. That 42 women were killed by their intimate partners in Australia in 2006-2007 is a chilling reminder of just how perilous the home can be for some women. While single mothers spiral into poverty and homelessness, the perpetrators of violence often stay in the family home.

If the men guilty of violence were removed, women and children would not have to surrender their home, and the homeless numbers would decline almost immediately


Re: Australia is in a Recession according to JP Morgan Sydney

just wait for the rba to cut rates next month. then the australian dollar will redefine toilet paper currency.

Haha.. if this happens.. I will be laughing my way to a new "chicken factory" !! Xchange rate now is 1.06 vs SGD... sounds good !