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Tan Kin Lian replies to "smears"

Porfirio Rubirosa

aiayh GMS...must hv class n style while being opportunistic if one wants to aspire to become EP...TT n TCB appear to hv these qualities...sadly n unfortunately for yr pal TKL, this chap clearly lacks both these qualities...TKL sld hv run in the GE, which wld probably suit his character n nature...he just does not pass muster when it comes to EP though...his huge ego n grandiose ideas do not help him either...

Well I really don't know what is wrong with people here who kept viewing everything he does as "opportunistic". Put it this way, don't you find TCB or Tony Tan opportunistic as well? TCB only resigned from PAP recently in preparation for Presidential Elections.

I would feel that the ability to carry out the exact role of checks and balances is MORE important than anything else. You may even need someone who knows how to be opportunistic to do the job!

Goh Meng Seng

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Dear GMS

I would be the first to say that Tony Tan is so closely linked and tied to the PAP that he is a party man through and through despite his "resignations". The question is how between TLK and TCB what are the links and the depth of connections between the candidates and the PAP.



With due respect, would you consider TT biting the hands that feed him?

TT has declared PAP has not endorsed nor asked him to stand. TT even said that the constitution can be changed over time to accommodate the change of era so that the position of Elected Presidency could be refined. I don't think I have heard PAP talking about that; apparently he is singing a different tune now.

I really don't know how you define "biting of hands". All three eat from the same PAP plates for some time. One of them woke up very early, three years ago and left. One left only 1 month ago. The other, 1 day ago. Assuming all are not PAP endorsed, then it would be a race of who is less ungrateful and more opportunistic, I guess. Is this what you are concerned about?

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

exactly...n i said this wif the same force(when it first became public) that i am using now...n in this regard i recall another 'fan' of TKL's telling me why so angry wif TKL n that at least TKL had the courage to come out??!!...i mean what the @#%*...bo liao jack ass petition...which apparently got less than 2K!!!...n rightly so i sld add...want to stand, stand...pls dont do us any 'favours'...in fact i wld go further n say that TKL's bo liao jack ass 100k petition demeaned the office of EP...that is why i say TKL has no class n style to fit the role of EP...no yr place like TKL...cannot make it means cannot make it...u sld hv run in the GE instead...

When I heard of the petition, I was wondering, why would anyone need a petition to stand for EP? is it a show of force of popularity? And if so, to whom?

The lack of mentioning of the said petition is indeed stirring. So has the petition met its objective?

These are questions that need answers


This is your belief and I am not going to debate on it. In my opinion, TKL has similar qualities that TT and TCB have and he certainly deserve to contest for EP. TKL may not have the image compared to TT for President - but a President has more duties to fulfill than appearance alone. In fact, I am confident TKL could best represent Singaporeans much better than TT and TCB.

aiayh GMS...must hv class n style while being opportunistic if one wants to aspire to become EP...TT n TCB appear to hv these qualities...sadly n unfortunately for yr pal TKL, this chap clearly lacks both these qualities...TKL sld hv run in the GE, which wld probably suit his character n nature...he just does not pass muster when it comes to EP though...his huge ego n grandiose ideas do not help him either...

Porfirio Rubirosa

thisa is hogwash based on the facts available...

when that bo liao outrageous self serving 100K petition was started...TKL even allowed himself to get msm publicity...n a front page picture on ST no less wif a big interview...now if his wife really had any meaningful influence in the first place than why the heck did she allwo him to start on this idiotic media blitz in the first place...n then when TKL kenna malu big time wif less than 2K signature for his bo liao EP petition u conveniently claim that "idea shelved"...dont BS lah GMS...say cannot make it means cannot make it...

The Minibond saga might have influenced his initial thought of not contesting the EP. When I talked to him again about this issue later, though he is still not convinced about the merits of contesting the EP, I suggested why not we try out the will of the people by starting the petition campaign? That's how it gets started. But apparently, the response wasn't exactly good apart from the support from some of the Minibond victims. On the other hand, his wife is still resistant to that idea. Thus, we just shelved the idea aside.

Goh Meng Seng


Selling a dishonorable person and selling away his own 'Honor' at the same time! Motherfucking SAF officers regular or NSF, white haired or black, I have nothing but contempt for them!

Porfirio Rubirosa

larry haverkemp was like finance class 101 for the general public in The NewPaper...made even more enjoyable n easy to understand wif illustrations n his fat cat n mice caricatures...TKL on the other hand...always appears to look for #1 first n foremost but under the lame guise of wanting to 'help' the general public...
You are right, he was already blogging before the mini-bonds. I however found that there was nothing special or out of place but towards his private financial business and financial education. I found Larry Haverkemp from SMU who had a column in the papers that was not informative in terms of consumer protection. In fact he was revealing what the local insurance companies were getting away with.


This is your belief and I am not going to debate on it. In my opinion, TKL has similar qualities that TT and TCB have and he certainly deserve to contest for EP. TKL may not have the image compared to TT for President - but a President has more duties to fulfill than appearance alone. In fact, I am confident TKL could best represent Singaporeans much better than TT and TCB.

I detected a feminine style in your writing. You are more than a fan of Tan Kin Lian. Your affiliation with him goes even deeeeeper? Are you having regular sex with a Russian?

Porfirio Rubirosa

irrelevant n makes no difference really...becoz the fact still remains why the heck TKL cld not go down personally to ED n collect the forms himself...why no decency?...n if u say TKL is shy, pls dont make me laugh ok...if TKL is really shy why did he court publicity in the first place wif the bo liao 100k petiton caper??!!...n if u say TKL had no time...again i say pls dont make me laugh...becoz u mean he cld not find even a spare hr r 2 to attend to something like this??!!...again shows no class n style by TKL...

as an aside...i note Scroobal said in another thread that TT apparently initially was trying to get others to collect the EP forms but all either out of town or busy...personally i dont buy this story...because TT cld hv sent one of his children, say Peter r Ming r even his media campaign adviser Jen Lewis...but TT declined to so...n went down personally wif wife Mary...giving the office of EP its due dignity n respect...same goes for TCB n his wife...

Actually, I was the one who called him about whether he is running for Presidential Elections just 1 or 2 weeks after GE2011. Yes, I initiated it. I told him, if time allow, I can help him, even to collect the forms, no problems.

Don't be too presumptuous. Just happen that when the announcement was made and the dates set to collect forms, I wasn't in town. Just too bad.

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

u gotta try harder wif yr spin dude...even my 11 yr old niece does not buy yr BS...
I really do not understand why some people keep questioning about the Presidential petition. Firstly, I wish to clarify that Tan Kin Lian initialized many online petitions previously. The Presidential petition was not the first petition and I reckon it will not be the final petition too.

Hence, in summary, the previous Presidential online petition holds little significant now but judging from the present respond from the ground, Tan Kin Lian believes he has an equal chance competing with other Presidential candidates. In my opinion, our new EP must be honest, fair minded, courageous and have a strong sense of right and wrong. He does not have to be highly educated or of high calibre but more in tune with the people that he represents. I am very confident that Tan Kin Lian fits the bill though.


irrelevant n makes no difference really...becoz the fact still remains why the heck TKL cld not go down personally to ED n collect the forms himself...why no decency?...n if u say TKL is shy, pls dont make me laugh ok...if TKL is really shy why did he court publicity in the first place wif the bo liao 100k petiton caper??!!...n if u say TKL had no time...again i say pls dont make me laugh...becoz u mean he cld not find even a spare hr r 2 to attend to something like this??!!...again shows no class n style by TKL...

as an aside...i note Scroobal said in another thread that TT apparently initially was trying to get others to collect the EP forms but all either out of town or busy...personally i dont buy this story...because TT cld hv sent one of his children, say Peter r Ming r even his media campaign adviser Jen Lewis...but TT declined to so...n went down personally wif wife Mary...giving the office of EP its due dignity n respect...same goes for TCB n his wife...

Tan Kin Lian and Goh Meng Seng = Shifty buggers!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::oIo:

Porfirio Rubirosa

what kinda of BS logic is this??!!...want to run for elections just run lah...why the need for a bo liao 100K petition??...like i said when this episode first came out...who the hell does TKL think he is...Cory Aquino is it??...

this episode is impt today here n now becoz it reflects on the character of TKL...

I have responded to your queries regarding the Presidential online petition. It was not as complicated as you think and surely, Tan Kin Lian has no hidden agenda for carrying out the online petition initially - other than what I have explained earlier.

But, the fact that Tan Kin Lian wants those supporters that wanted him to contest for Presidential Election to commit in signing the petition, I think this is reasonable too.

Afterall, the person signing the petition is just expressing a wish for Tan Kin Lian to contest the election. They may not even vote for Tan Kin Lian eventually !

As I have explained, the Presidential petition has been discontinued long ago. It is no longer significant now.

Porfirio Rubirosa

hahahha...eh scroobal why the sudden volte face viz TT??...tot u claimed in another thread that TT had initially tried to get others to collect the forms for him but either they were out of town or busy...??!!

That is not impression that you gave us.

As a politician you must know how important picking up the forms personally is. It's an excellent photo opportunity, to give a couple soundbites, and signal to ordinary Singaporeans that it is an important event and not a trivial matter. Why would you even think of doing it. Do you know why Tony Tan and Tan Cheng Bock went to pick up the form with so many minders ready to do it including siblings, kids and grand kids?


Scroobal is showing his true colors. Collection of forms also wrong as in "implication," standing up for minibomb victims also wrong as in "motivation," past association with PAP and NTUC also wrong as in "orientation" etc. The gospel according to Scroobal is everything is wrong with TKL. That from someone who keeps advocating that bicycle thieves should also stand for elections. That's the true color of Scroobal. He knows that bicycle thieves would lose and lose badly, so he keeps advocating for bicycle thieves as if he's very anti-PAP like "one of us." But when someone heavyweight appears, like Chen Show Mao or TKL, suddenly he keeps questioning motive and integrity of the candidate. Remember Scroobal questioning the motive and integrity of CSM during the GE, dear friends?

Scroobal is screwed PAP double agent stooge. Read my lips and my keyboard strokes. GMS is the bloody fool fooled by Scroobal waxing lyrical supporting him in GE. Scroobal did that only because he knew GMS was sure to lose.

Porfirio Rubirosa

wah lau...this spin is even worse than that chap's Victoros' spin...aiyah pls lah GMS...undecided than why the urgency to collect the forms eh????!!!...pls lah now u got my 11 yr old niece LOL!!...

as for GY n CST...big difference dude...both not standing...well yr super ego TKL remains standing...well for now at least!!...

That is exactly so. I have explained, because TKL's family is still undecided about the merits of him standing as candidate, thus the difference in the arrangement. The key thing is, take the forms first.

There is nothing exceptional about such arrangement, it happens to George Yeo as well as Chiam.

Goh Meng Seng
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Alfrescian (Inf)
wah lau...this spin is even worse than that chap's Victoros' spin...aiyah pls lah GMS...undecided than why the urgency to collect the forms eh????!!!...pls lah now u got my 11 yr old niece LOL!!...

as for GY n CST...big difference dude...both not standing...well yr super ego TKL remains standing...well for now at least!!...

That was a good shot, point blank and right on the mark. Even today can still collect the forms, so the big question, why need someone and a particular someone to pick up the form on his behalf? I have been saying this all the while. Another poster also mentioned some forumers (including me), in this thread, are naive and unaware of how politics are being played out. In other words, there are reasons why TKL needed a particular someone to get the forms on his behalf.

So we have TCB and TT picking up the forms personally and TKL forms should have someone other than himself to get them. Why no one in TKL's camp will admit that this exercise is needed, and somewhat similar to wanting to have a 100000 signatures on a petition? Why need to run around the bush and tai chi a simple question?


If you cannot accept my opinion, please just keep silent. I have had good sex with my wife and she is a Singaporean - not Russian. I have only one wife. Thank you for your concern.

My female dog, called bitch is asking for you tonight. She said you have not visited her last night - probably with other bitches instead. Enjoy !

I detected a feminine style in your writing. You are more than a fan of Tan Kin Lian. Your affiliation with him goes even deeeeeper? Are you having regular sex with a Russian?
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If you cannot accept my opinion, please just keep silent. I have had good sex with my wife and she is a Singaporean - not Russian. I have only one wife. Thank you for your concern.

My female dog, called bitch is asking for you tonight instead. She said you have not visited her last night - probably with other bitches instead. Enjoy !

I was with your mother lah! So Tan Kin Lian of you...shut up and sit down issit? Tan Kin Lian had taught you good...Or it's inherent in the genetic makeup of Tan's progeny. What a good President he will make!:rolleyes::oIo::oIo::oIo:


Haha. Useless idiot. My mother is in heaven. You must have mistaken. You slept with your own mother last night instead. I love to see you getting piss-off, dude.

I was with your mother lah! So Tan Kin Lian of you...shut up and sit down issit? Tan Kin Lian had taught you good...Or it's inherent in the genetic makeup of Tan's progeny. What a good President he will make!:rolleyes::oIo::oIo::oIo:
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Haha. Useless idiot. My mother is in heaven. You must have mistaken. You slept with your own mother last night instead. I love to see you getting piss-off, dude.

Pissed off? Not at all. Yeah I am a motherfucker alright! Just ask your mother. She died? Was she smiling with her last breath? That's Debonerman for you! Guess you were never in sammyboy until you came in to defend the scheming bastard Tan Kin Lian. I am going to take a back step to enjoy watching you hang Tan Kin Lian's effigy in this forum!:wink: