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Spain: Muslim migrant rapes 95-year-old woman, says ‘I confused her with a girlfriend of mine’

syed putra

So you are a koran only Muslim?
Muslim is a created word and faith.
The prophets only said to believe in One Creator. And to seek Him for guidance. He is everyehere.
But current muslim seek guidance from a book that is not even published by mahomet. It published by somebody else. They have forsaken God for a book written by a unknown person.


Muslim is a created word and faith.
The prophets only said to believe in One Creator. And to seek Him for guidance. He is everyehere.
But current muslim seek guidance from a book that is not even published by mahomet. It published by somebody else. They have forsaken God for a book written by a unknown person.
is a Prophet who raped a 9 yr old credible?

syed putra

I find believers emualting muhammed only. what religion is that?
They cannot draw pictures of mahomet but assume he kept a beard. Was a businessman but cannot read or write. So how was the medina constitution drafted? Lots of contradiction only historians can unravel.


They cannot draw pictures of mahomet but assume he kept a beard. Was a businessman but cannot read or write. So how was the medina constitution drafted? Lots of contradiction only historians can unravel.

During that era, businessman needs the skill to read and write to do caravan trade.


Muslim is a created word and faith.
The prophets only said to believe in One Creator. And to seek Him for guidance. He is everyehere.
But current muslim seek guidance from a book that is not even published by mahomet. It published by somebody else. They have forsaken God for a book written by a unknown person.
So you think both the quran and hadiths are fictional or corrupted and don't believe in them.

But the shadada, the 5 pillars of Islam can only be found in the hadiths. Besides the quran and hadiths, there is no other record of the prophet as well.

Guess you have gaslighted yourself.


Muslim is a created word and faith.
The prophets only said to believe in One Creator. And to seek Him for guidance. He is everyehere.
But current muslim seek guidance from a book that is not even published by mahomet. It published by somebody else. They have forsaken God for a book written by a unknown person.
All this for a work of fiction according to you.



They cannot draw pictures of mahomet but assume he kept a beard. Was a businessman but cannot read or write. So how was the medina constitution drafted? Lots of contradiction only historians can unravel.
Is this fiction as well?

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syed putra

So you think both the quran and hadiths are fictional or corrupted and don't believe in them.

But the shadada, the 5 pillars of Islam can only be found in the hadiths. Besides the quran and hadiths, there is no other record of the prophet as well.

Guess you have gaslighted yourself.
There is no such thing as 5 shahada.
The foundation of the belief is One God. There was no 5 shahada during the time of sbrahsm, noah, moses and jesus.

syed putra

All this for a work of fiction according to you.

What has hsppened is muslims turned religion snd the quran into their idols. Instead of seeking God for guidsnce, they used the quran for guidsnce.
The vurrent version of quran was not published by mohamed.
There is nothing wrong eith desecrating any book, including the quran it is just a book like snymother and plenty more copies to read from.
This buring of quran topic came up when old disused copies were burned by mosque committees in jiu hu but they gave reason, its better to.burn than throw in rubbish bin as its all torn and dilapidated.


What has hsppened is muslims turned religion snd the quran into their idols. Instead of seeking God for guidsnce, they used the quran for guidsnce.
The vurrent version of quran was not published by mohamed.
I suppose you have the uncorrupted version of the quran "published by Mohamed" (sic).


So you think both the quran and hadiths are fictional or corrupted and don't believe in them.

But the shadada, the 5 pillars of Islam can only be found in the hadiths. Besides the quran and hadiths, there is no other record of the prophet as well.

Guess you have gaslighted yourself.
he's subscribing to an idealized version of Islam that may never have existed. A close analogue was the golden age of Islam.

syed putra

he's subscribing to an idealized version of Islam that may never have existed. A close analogue was the golden age of Islam.
Evidence indicate the early arabs out of arabia were not really bothered about religion.they did not build mosques in all the conquered territories. All these came later.
When jerusalem was first takennover without any blood taken, they did no build any mosque. They just told the city dwellers to carry on.and amazed no jews were found in the city( they were persecuted by christians and left)


Evidence indicate the early arabs out of arabia were not really bothered about religion.they did not build mosques in all the conquered territories. All these came later.
When jerusalem was first takennover without any blood taken, they did no build any mosque. They just told the city dwellers to carry on.and amazed no jews were found in the city( they were persecuted by christians and left)
Oh dear these fictitious (according to you) quran and hadiths are giving the greatest man on earth a bad name.
