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Spain: Muslim migrant rapes 95-year-old woman, says ‘I confused her with a girlfriend of mine’



The statements of Omar, the man accused of having raped a 95-year-old woman in Figueres (Girona), come to light. As he himself explains, he confused her with a girlfriend of his who lives on her block and whom he had masturbated, a very unbelievable lie that has not convinced the judge, who has not hesitated to send him to prison provisionally.

The events happened two weeks ago when, allegedly, Alpha Omar Jallow, a 31-year-old Gambian man, sneaked into the house of a 95-year-old woman who lived in Figueres. Once inside the house, he sexually assaulted her and seriously injured her, and later fled the scene.

The victim notified Emergencies 112 and immediately the members of the Medical Emergency System (SEM) traveled to the scene and took her to the hospital, since she had serious injuries to her genitals as a result of the rape. The Mossos d’Esquadra opened an investigation to find out more details and clarify the facts.

He invents that he has confused the old woman with a girlfriend of his from the same building

After gathering sufficient evidence, they arrested Omar as the alleged perpetrator of two crimes, one of sexual assault and the other of violation of the home, since several residents of the block claimed that he was at the scene of the events when the sexual assault happened. When he went to court, he admitted that the victim entered the house and that he masturbated her, thinking that she was a girlfriend of his who lived in the building, a lie that the judge obviously did not believe.

Provisional prison and without bail for the alleged perpetrator

Taking into account the seriousness of the facts, the risk of escape of the accused, and the vulnerable situation of the victim, he has been ordered to enter the prison provisionally and without bail for an alleged crime of sexual assault….




Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

The statements of Omar, the man accused of having raped a 95-year-old woman in Figueres (Girona), come to light. As he himself explains, he confused her with a girlfriend of his who lives on her block and whom he had masturbated, a very unbelievable lie that has not convinced the judge, who has not hesitated to send him to prison provisionally.

The events happened two weeks ago when, allegedly, Alpha Omar Jallow, a 31-year-old Gambian man, sneaked into the house of a 95-year-old woman who lived in Figueres. Once inside the house, he sexually assaulted her and seriously injured her, and later fled the scene.

The victim notified Emergencies 112 and immediately the members of the Medical Emergency System (SEM) traveled to the scene and took her to the hospital, since she had serious injuries to her genitals as a result of the rape. The Mossos d’Esquadra opened an investigation to find out more details and clarify the facts.

He invents that he has confused the old woman with a girlfriend of his from the same building

After gathering sufficient evidence, they arrested Omar as the alleged perpetrator of two crimes, one of sexual assault and the other of violation of the home, since several residents of the block claimed that he was at the scene of the events when the sexual assault happened. When he went to court, he admitted that the victim entered the house and that he masturbated her, thinking that she was a girlfriend of his who lived in the building, a lie that the judge obviously did not believe.

Provisional prison and without bail for the alleged perpetrator

Taking into account the seriousness of the facts, the risk of escape of the accused, and the vulnerable situation of the victim, he has been ordered to enter the prison provisionally and without bail for an alleged crime of sexual assault….

Lying is part of the moslem religion. Even their arabian god is proud to describe themselves as 'the best of deceivers'.


It’s been 5.5 months since I left and the malicious dogs cottonmouth aka glockman aka Jeremy Quek as per hint by jw5 (and sweetiepie etc) are allowed by Leongsam to smear and insult me slut whore mistress with no consequence. I have to inform Leongsam to delete the posts and sometimes to no avail and i am sick of it. So Leongsam did not follow his deal to get his moderators to remove posts speaking ill of me so here I am carrying out my vow to spam the forum if cottonmouth is allowed to spam in my threads without consequence - which cottonmouth obviously did and was allowed - and he has been allowed in this 5.5 months no need follow his agreement to stop insulting me and continued to smear and insult me whore just yesterday and insulted me have std one day before that and everyday with no consequence.

Another thing to highlight is I realised after I left forum that @strawberry = @kaninabuchaojibye and I already know @nightsafari = @kaninabuchaojibye i.e despicable nightsafari is the strawberry that started the thread Who is Ginfreely sugar daddy and then keep upping it on the pretext of asking about strawberry. No wonder so pretentious always pretending to like my Hokkien threads while stabbing me non stop.


It’s been 5.5 months since I left and the malicious dogs cottonmouth aka glockman aka Jeremy Quek as per hint by jw5 (and sweetiepie etc) are allowed by Leongsam to smear and insult me slut whore mistress with no consequence. I have to inform Leongsam to delete the posts and sometimes to no avail and i am sick of it. So Leongsam did not follow his deal to get his moderators to remove posts speaking ill of me so here I am carrying out my vow to spam the forum if cottonmouth is allowed to spam in my threads without consequence - which cottonmouth obviously did and was allowed - and he has been allowed in this 5.5 months no need follow his agreement to stop insulting me and continued to smear and insult me whore just yesterday and insulted me have std one day before that and everyday with no consequence.

Another thing to highlight is I realised after I left forum that @strawberry = @kaninabuchaojibye and I already know @nightsafari = @kaninabuchaojibye i.e despicable nightsafari is the strawberry that started the thread Who is Ginfreely sugar daddy and then keep upping it on the pretext of asking about strawberry. No wonder so pretentious always pretending to like my Hokkien threads while stabbing me non stop.
Are you 95 year old? cottonmouth may have confused you with one of his gfs.