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Some common Malay words that are useful to know in JB


no problemo bro....if you feel like visiting/posting at the thread we are in...you are most welcome.....but some posts are a bit naughty.

Best to you then. :p

Thank you for the invitation! Me not holy man and I actually enjoyed the threads you guys are posting.


Alfrescian (InfP) + C
whats happening on the thread is that we are becoming good friends having fun and also brushing up on our daily use Bahasa.

In the end the Bahasa will hardly improve but the friendship and fun will.....and thats the reason why most of us joined sbf.

Join us la...if Malay cannot English also can......most of us ( except knnbccb ) speak English passably.

Bro knnbccb speaks English pasarbly.....because he works in the market ...the fish market. :p

Thank you for the invitation! Me not holy man and I actually enjoyed the threads you guys are posting.


whats happening on the thread is that we are becoming good friends having fun and also brushing up on our daily use Bahasa.

In the end the Bahasa will hardly improve but the friendship and fun will.....and thats the reason why most of us joined sbf.

Join us la...if Malay cannot English also can......most of us ( except knnbccb ) speak English passably.

Bro knnbccb speaks English pasarbly.....because he works in the market ...the fish market. :p

Sure man. Thanks once again!


Hi, here is the latest summary compiling contributions from everyone here:

Promo banners
harga rendah/terendah = low/lowest price
jualan hebat/besar = great/big sale
simpan/jimat lebih = save more
baru = new
percuma = free
diskaun = discount
kini/sekarang = now
sahaja/hanya = only
cepat/lekas = quick/fast
daripada = from
sehingga = to
hari = days
setiap hari = every day
minggu = week
bulan = month
tahun = year
pagi = morning
petang = afternoon
malam = night

On the road
beri laluan = give way
kurangkan laju = reduce speed
awas = beware/caution
bahaya = danger
jangan dekat = do not come close
lencongan = diversion
Speed limit = had kelajuan.
Pandu cermat-cermat = Drive carefully
Berhati hati di Jalan raya = be careful while on the road
Jangan guna telefon bimbit = don't use mobile phone*
Kiri = left
Kanan = right
Banjir = Flood
Arah (eg. arah utara) = bound (eg north bound)
Jalan = road
Lorong = lane
Persiaran = drive
Lebuh = street
Lebuhraya = highway
Masjid = mosque
Menara = tower
Jambatan = bridge
Terowong = tunnel
Sungai = river
Parit = canal
Teluk = bay
Tanjung = cape
Pantai = beach
Pulau = island
Wisma / Bangunan = building

Utara = north
Selatan = south
Timur = east
Barat = west

Petrol station
berapa = how much?
tangki penuh = full tank

Residential/commercial/industrial area
tengok rumah contoh = see show house
pusat bandar = town/city centre
kedai = shop
pejabat urusan = business office
kilang = factory

Eating place
Makan - eat
Minum - drink
panas = hot
sejuk = cold
daging = meat
lembu = beef
kambing = mutton
ikan = fish
sayur = vegetable
Ketam - crab
Udang - prawns
Nasi - rice
Kacang - nuts

Kadar = rate
Sen = cent
Minit = minute
Habis = finish
Tambah nilai = top up (add value)

Terima kasih = thank you
minta ma'af = excuse me or sorry (pronounced as minte mar-af)
selamat pagi = good morning
selamat tengah hari/petang = good afternoon
selamat malam = good night
Selamat datang = Welcome
Selamat jalan = Goodbye or Have a good journey (safe trip, etc)
Apa kabar = How are you?
Kabar baik = (I am) Fine
Assalamualaikum - May Peace be with u (betw Muslims only)
Waalaikumsalam - Peace be with u too (betw Muslims only)
rehat baik-baik - rest well

Duit = money
jawatan kosong = empty post (vacancy available).
kalam kabut = qi chor lok kio = commotion
kepala pusing = tao hin hin = headache
potong jalan = kua kang tao =snatch others' opportunity
cakap = speak
tak apa = never mind
juga = also
belajar = study

Bagus = good
Jahat = bad
wrong - salah
correct - betul
low - rendah
high - tinggi
interior - dalaman
exterior - luaran
mendalam = deep
cetek = shallow
keras = hard
lembut = soft


satu = one
dua = two
tiga = three
empat = four
lima = five
enam = six
tujoh = seven
lapan = eight
sembilan = nine
sepuluh = ten
sebelas = eleven
dua belas = twelve etc
dua puluh = twenty
dua puluh satu = twenty one etc
seratus = one hundred
seribu = one thousand
sejuta = one million


Isnin = Mon
Selasa = Tues
Rabu = Wed
Khamis = Thurs
Jumaat = Fri
Sabtu = Sat
Ahad = Sun

Colours - Warna
merah - red
kuning - yellow
hitam - black
biru - blue
putih - white
hijau - green
coklat - brown (pronounced chocolate)
perang - bronze colour. Also mean war.
ungu - purple (pronounced ong-gu)
kelabu - grey
(add the word tua to mean darker shade as in hijau tua or biru tua and add the word muda to mean lighter shade as in hijau muda or biru muda).

Organs/body parts
1) hand - tangan
2) leg/foot - kaki
3) head - kepala
4) eye - Mata
5) mouth - mulut
6) nose - hidung
7) heart - hati
8) ear - telinga
9) hair - rambut
10) elbow - siku
11) lutut - knee
12) neck - leher (pronounced lay hay)
13) body - badan
14) finger - jari
15) armpit - ketiak

Words relating to the home
gate - pintu pagar
door - pintu
window - tingkap
paint - cat (pronounced as chart)
lock - kunci
roof - bumbung
key - anak kunci
ceiling - siling
garden - taman
fence - pagar
toilet - tandas
room - bilik
bedroom - bilik tidur
kitchen - dapur
house - rumah
storey - tingkat
flooring - lantai
porch - anjung
grass - rumput
tree - pokok
light switch - suis lampu
sink - sinki
drain - longkang
pond - kolam
faucet - keran
bathroom - bilik mandi
wall - dinding
furniture - perabot
fan - kipas
ceiling fan - kipas siling
oven - ketuhar
refrigerator - peti sejuk
curtains - langsir
wood - kayu
metal - logam
stone - batu
cement - simen
electrical wiring - pendawaian elektrik
driveway - jalan masuk rumah
pillars = tiang
stairs - tangga
hall - dewan
storage room - bilik stor

Hantu - Ghost
Pontianak - female vampire
Syaitan - Devil (Satan)
Jin - Djinn (genies in Arab folklore and Islamic mythology - from wikipedia)

Saya/aku = I
Awak/kamu/anda = you/your
Dia = he/she/his/her (pronounced as deer)
kita = we
kami = us/ours
mereka = they/their
ia = it, he, they, is, it is (pronounced as ear)
sendiri = himself/herself/ownself (myself)/yourself
diri mereka = themselves
diri = self (look after yourself = menjaga diri anda). Berdiri = stand
Diri sendiri /ku sendiri = by myself
Berdiri sendiri = standing alone
Diri aku = my life
ini = this
apa = what
yang = which/who/that

Sample sentences
Aku tidak faham = I don't understand
Aku cinta kamu = I love you
Aku kenang kamu = I think of u / I miss u
Ingat keluarga Kamu = think of your family
pukul berapa sekarang = what time is it now?
sabar sadikit tentu berjaya = slight patient of course successful
Today is Qingming festival = hari ini adalah perayaan Qingming
How much is the crab per kilo? = ketam, berapa harga satu kilo? Or berapa harga sekilo ketam? …

Sample paragraph
Forgot le ... Not expensive la. Almost all tables ordered the crab. Think it's the signature dish. I didn't try it that day because I wanted to eat a big big fish. Seabass only rm4 per 100 gm. It was so full of meat and so yummy!!*

The crab would be free if u catch it yourself haha
Lupa le..Tak mahal lah. Hampir semua meja pesan ketam. Boleh jadi itu lauk yang paling istimewa. Saya tak cuba sebab hari itu saya hendak makan ikan yang besar besar. Siakap hanya $4 ringgit untuk 100 gram. Banyak isi dan sangat sedap!!
Ketam di beri percuma kalau kita tangkap sendiri haha

hampir = almost
meja = table
boleh jadi = may be
yang paling = the most
lauk = dish
tak cuba = tried
sebab = because
hendak = want
isi = meat/content
sangat sedap = very delicious
tangkap = catch


Hi, here is the latest summary compiling contributions from everyone here:

On the road

laut - the sea

Petrol station
dimana tandas (wanita or lelaki) - where is the toilet
wanita - ladies'
lelaki - gent's
cukup - enough
buang air - pee

Eating place
Makan - eat
Minum - drink
panas = hot
sejuk = cold
daging = meat
lembu = beef
kambing = mutton
ikan = fish
sayur = vegetable
Ketam - crab
Udang - prawns
Nasi - rice
Kacang - nuts
pahit - bitter
manis - sweet
asam - sour
pedas - spicy
masin - saltish
kurang - less
lebih - more
keras - hard
sedap - delicious
cukup - enough
minuman (noun as minum is a verb) - drinks
air - water
air sejuk - cold water
air panas - hot water
ais - ice

Duit (or wang) = money

Here are some additions.


apa ini 8+8=71

Standard dia sama sama dengan tonychat dan clinton. Sebab itu ia tidak pas sekolah Pr. 6, sampai sekolah ketua buang dia semasuk secondary. Sebab itu Advance Mathmatics ia boleh buang dalam tong sampah.:biggrin:
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Alfrescian (InfP) + C
hey hey hey jaga sadikit ya....tony dan clinton kawan saya tahu tak

Standard dia sama sama dengan tonychat dan clinton. Sebab itu ia tidak pas sekolah Pr. 6, sampai sekolah ketua buang dia semasuk secondary. Sebab itu Advance Mathmatics ia boleh buang dalam tong sampah.:biggrin: