• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

So Drifter, are you in Japan or SG all along?


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Re: Visiting Chang E ?

Swee! 大家发啊!
I just bought many snake angpows and CNY decorations in 城隍庙.

Going to Chinatown with little tigress also to buy the goodies as well. Have fun in China brother :smile:


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Re: Visiting Chang E ?

Swee! 大家发啊!
I just bought many snake angpows and CNY decorations in 城隍庙.

Going to Chinatown with little tigress also to buy the goodies as well. Have fun in China brother :smile:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Good post . The moral of the story never meet those online forummers and don't be serious here . Sam leong is right . I will ask drifter gang to upz you soon .

Drifter has earned the respect of many members and what he stands for without the bullshit. He has warts, but then who does not have any? Just let go and don't worry too much for this is the place to share your thoughts except for some elements with huge egos.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Write Too Much, Reveals More.

You all headache lah. Don't quarrel liao please. I also like to quarrel last time, but since my health scare last month, I realise that everything also not important. Health is.

agree. good to have preventive medicine. for those drinking and cheonging alot, i encourage all to have a full medical, including an endoscopy, colonoscopy, prostate check, liver and pancreatic ultrasound. don't wish to hear another ram emergency. by then it may be too late. i started a thread on helicobacter pylori. many sinkies have it due to tropical hot and humid climate, contaminated food, exchanging bodily fluid with mei mei, bacterial infection, etc. h-pylori is treatable. please check with doctor. also have blood test done, and look out for std's. must take care of yourself. nobody else will. :eek:
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Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Re: Write Too Much, Reveals More.

many sinkies have it due to tropical hot and humid climate, contaminated food, exchanging bodily fluid with mei mei, bacterial infection, etc. h-pylori is treatable. please check with doctor. also have blood test done, and look out for std's. must take care of yourself. nobody else will. :eek:

How about blood instead of sperm when one ejaculates? There's a very good Chinese saying.

"Before 40, men look for illness. After 40, illness look for men"


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Write Too Much, Reveals More.

How about blood instead of sperm when one ejaculates? There's a very good Chinese saying.

"Before 40, men look for illness. After 40, illness look for men"

omg! you outspent your tadpole more than anyone in sg, except may be yawmyangel. hopefully, doctor finds root cause and prescribes the right treatment and medication. have kidneys check right away. :eek:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Drifter has earned the respect of many members and what he stands for without the bullshit. He has warts, but then who does not have any? Just let go and don't worry too much for this is the place to share your thoughts except for some elements with huge egos.

End of the day there's no respect, credibility or reputation of any sort to speak of on an Internet forum with anonymous nicks.
AK did not 'expose' anything....all he did was to destroy drifter's online persona. Drifter did not have a hair less from the whole episode...he is still faceless entity behind the comp.
Ah Ram got exposed countless times before he also took it in good sport....in fact he kept on going.
Afaik drifter did not use his online persona to con or cheat anyone....no harm done. Dun take all the name calling too seriously.....this is cyberspace.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The problem is not whether it abates or otherwise but the stupidity of wanting to be proven right as though it matters so much. Another point I might add is when a "good friend" wants to expose another as a fraud and ,mind you, a "good friend" he has not met personally. What happens if he also wants to expose a different "good friend" whom he has already met? He had already exposed that you cannot speak Mandarin and that "good friend" of yours begins to belittle you for having this "character defect" in SBF for all and sundry? Not only you but also another member who he has also met. Food for thought.

Heres the problem, I've never treat him as a good friend here, just a friend. I will not be good friend with such arrogant people in this forum.

You should read how he keeps biting at Ramseth and you will know what kind of personality he has in real life.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Drifter has earned the respect of many members and what he stands for without the bullshit. He has warts, but then who does not have any? Just let go and don't worry too much for this is the place to share your thoughts except for some elements with huge egos.

This is what I wanted to highlight about, he earned people's respect, by fooling everyone he's in Japan? what a joke :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

And now, if we compare him and Ramseth, who you will respect more? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
This is what I wanted to highlight about, he earned people's respect, by fooling everyone he's in Japan? what a joke :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

AK, leave while u are ahead lah. no point pissing off everyone lor.

whether drifter lie or not, it no big deal. most here at the forum to tcss only, no need to be so serious. end of the day, drifter, u and me are just a faceless moniker behind the PC screen.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
AK, leave while u are ahead lah. no point pissing off everyone lor.

whether drifter lie or not, it no big deal. most here at the forum to tcss only, no need to be so serious. end of the day, drifter, u and me are just a faceless moniker behind the PC screen.

Yah, a lot of people also pm me to let it go, I will lah, LOL

But look at Drifter, he's even worse than Iverbert, at least Iverbert apologises while our Drifter threatens, respect him? hahaha.....
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Re: I Tot U N Him Quite Pally

I only have issue with his loudmouth regarding religious stuff.[/COLOR]

Agreed. Drift does spam in the religious folder which may kill off good discussions. Whoever is assigned taking over his duties please take note.


Heres the problem, I've never treat him as a good friend here, just a friend. I will not be good friend with such arrogant people in this forum.

You should read how he keeps biting at Ramseth and you will know what kind of personality he has in real life.

See? You just don't get it. You really are a Sei Hao Hai!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Aiyah, say anything u like lah, u know jolly well I have been monitoring him before you two quarreled. U exposé his pic, but you let me start the threat, where got push the blame to you? Be glad I'm at your side, chao ah neh, LOL

OKOK but i never expose any pic he himself posted that pic. Also did you see what he was trying to do to me? He posted a pic of a clone scolding him in the comments section and then tries to frame me for putting down the remark on him. Yet in the process pawned himself. What a low down move by that fucker.

Also look at this:


hmmmm....the above coming from someone who routinely bash all the religion of this world and call all religious people idiots.....?

seriously, if u were so liberal and accepting of diversity, u wouldn't have condemn religion and insult religious people; not that i am a religious person anyway, but at least i am sensitive enough not to behave like an asshole like u. Ur real agenda for posting the above is quite obvious actually lol hypocrisy hypocrisy! lol

and how old r u this year? from some the posting in this forum, i gather that u r not exactly young. i am easily half ur age, but not even half as childish as u r. i mean, who the fuck would create a thread just to get back at someone he had some kind of gayish bickering with!? I thought only kindergarden/ primary school kids do that!!?? :rolleyes:
heyy...start acting ur age man!

and oh, before u start that "u r a clone of some else" bullshit again, no i am not a clone of anyone.
i had to post this because i find you a very petty person and u have ego the size of the universe...hey, this thread says it all!

oh yea! have fun with ur online flamewar loser drifter lol
ain't gonna come back here to see ur silly comments because they are all oh so trivial and egoistic in nature. Get a life or something man, and spend less time on the internet ya?


Yes I whack all religion .. Hypocrite ? Did I chose certain religion to whack ? Wow u are half my age ? That makes u 80+ . Old man like you will never understand :wink: anyway . This forum got anti- pap who whack pap and pro pap who whack non pap . And did they chose and narrow down certain race ? This forum is for whacking idiot . Are u one of them ? :wink:

Even someone who is half his age in his 20s is more mature than him. This guy is full of shit definitely has no grounds to accuse anyone of anything.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: I Tot U N Him Quite Pally

Agreed. Drift does spam in the religious folder which may kill off good discussions. Whoever is assigned taking over his duties please take note.

The worst thing is he doesn't even put up any good compelling arguments. He'll just simply dismiss the religion as fake with his bad engrish and puts this icon :wink: as if that even means anything. Also he only selects certain religions for bashing mainly buddhism, taoism and christianity which are mostly religions that have a majority of chinese ppl. He'll give excuses like christianity loves to evangelize which in his words mean trying to con ppl yet who has ever heard of buddhist ppl trying to convert ppl? The only christians that are mostly aggressive in conversion are those chc independent types.

Back in those days very few ppl had the inf status and since he had that he could easily infract ppl that disagreed with him and since he had high rep power ppl didn't dare try to debate logically with him since he has none.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Drifter has earned the respect of many members and what he stands for without the bullshit. He has warts, but then who does not have any? Just let go and don't worry too much for this is the place to share your thoughts except for some elements with huge egos.

only a moron like you think that he earn respect of whatever sort you claimed...

this guy only like to talks about topics he wasn't even sure or know about and act as though he knows so much. Such as vegetarian topics. I look at the stuffs he posted and i know this guy know nuts about vegetarian.

Just eat all the meat and drop dead lah.. sinkie loser.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
AK, leave while u are ahead lah. no point pissing off everyone lor.
Sleaguepunter, your advise is the best very practical, after one go in Poseidon in always tell myself to leave with my head high like a hero, if try to attempt the second shot and fail, that time really kana sai liao head so low feel so bad even first victory also become nothing. Thanks for the reminder.


Re: Preez Lah I'm Not That Ghia See Lah

All this would not have happened if u had chosen not to believe and take anyone seriously here because everyone is posting anonymously behind a moniker except for those with their identity already made known or exposed.

Moral of the story : Never arrange to meet up with people u know in cyberspace. If u do, never reveal your nick or just give a new clone account :biggrin: or else u may regret it later. Moreover this is a politically sensitive forum where politics always get involved. For example if i am a PAP agent or civil servant, i will have no problem meeting up and exposing my face to u as long i keep my identity a secret and u don't know my true background because PAP is the government and the law. :biggrin:
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It is not about believing or not believinv. It is abkut a sinkie who behave like a god and he is dumb enough to reveal that he is a sinkie fool. We love to torture sinkie fools. Especially those who earn a living by licking his master's ballz daily.