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Singaporeans should NEVER support China


Alfrescian (Inf)
but every countries are claiming territories based on successor states historical claim. can the claims be purely judged on proximity to the country which can be ambiguous.

eg. Vietnam are claiming some islands in the South China Sea, not part of her past dynasties but the territory of the predecessor, her colonial master French Indochina.

You have to see what this mercury is coming from. According to him only china is not allowed to do that. Other countries like vietnam or the US are allowed to claim their old territories except for china. You should know by now that this bugger isn't using logic to argue but totally illogical.


but every countries are claiming territories based on successor states historical claim. can the claims be purely judged on proximity to the country which can be ambiguous.

eg. Vietnam are claiming some islands in the South China Sea, not part of her past dynasties but the territory of the predecessor, her colonial master French Indochina.

Vietnam claiming emplty islands with no people claiming ownership. China is claiming lands (country) of an people that has ownership of the land.


You have to see what this mercury is coming from. According to him only china is not allowed to do that. Other countries like vietnam or the US are allowed to claim their old territories except for china. You should know by now that this bugger isn't using logic to argue but totally illogical.

And where is the damn logic to compare Vietnam claims with China claims? that's like comparing Chinese who killed an few Japanese civilians vs Japanese who killed 20 million Han Chinese. Vietnam is claiming islands with no people and hardly anyone give's a damn, there was never anybody who lived in the islands and if there were it's only an few people. There's no big deal with an bunch of empty islands with no people living in it but Tibet is an different matter because it's an very large land with several millions of people living in it and has absolutute ownership of the islands, because they were the first people that's the BIG DIFFERENCE, if you can't see that difference than you're an idiots. There is no comparison between them, China can compare it's territorial claim with U.S but don't even try to compare Vietnam, there's no comparison.

If Manchus were to still rule China to this day, we Han Chinese would be like Tibetan shouting for freedom day on night for our own territories. Just because U.S did bad things does mean China can go way step ahead in things they can do.


Alfrescian (Inf)
And where is the damn logic to compare Vietnam claims with China claims? that's like comparing Chinese who killed an few Japanese civilians vs Japanese who killed 20 million Han Chinese. Vietnam is claiming islands with no people and hardly anyone give's a damn, there was never anybody who lived in the islands and if there were it's only an few people. There's no big deal with an bunch of empty islands with no people living in it but Tibet is an different matter because it's an very large land with several millions of people living in it and has absolutute ownership of the islands, because they were the first people that's the BIG DIFFERENCE, if you can't see that difference than you're an idiots. There is no comparison between them, China can compare it's territorial claim with U.S but don't even try to compare Vietnam, there's no comparison.

If Manchus were to still rule China to this day, we Han Chinese would be like Tibetan shouting for freedom day on night for our own territories. Just because U.S did bad things does mean China can go way step ahead in things they can do.

You are an idiots. Just admit it you are biased towards chinese ppl and have double standards for others. Also FYI the manchus ruled china for hundreds of yrs but i'm sure you are fine with that and also being chinese does not mean being a han. In fact mongolians, tibetians and manchus are china ppl too. Get it straight you biased unreasonable illogical bullshitter.

Who's talking about china doing bad things because US did it. :rolleyes: You asshole you're saying it's ok for US to do bad things and totally ignore them cos you wear ang moh backside skin on your face like a dog.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Reading some of the comments that they will side PRC solely on basis of being Han Chinese, that means Pappies 50 years of nation building has failed big time.

Regarding Tibet, those who believe it's part of china needs to do more research on this matter.
At the same time read up on the atrocities committed by PRCs against Tibetans (still happening now).


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have debated specifically on this matter before.
Tibet historically was never part of china, give me some time to dig up the evidence to back up my pov.

Tibet has been a part of china since mongolian times. Iran jaya is not a part of indonesia. Tamil nadu isn't a part of punjab then for eg but nope it's fine for these countries to claim those areas but not china. Texas isn't a part of the US.


Wah! Youtube comments = every country has freaking horrible things to say about china. :rolleyes: You know how fucking stupid you sound with this comment.

No I don't, but do you know how rude you sound lol?:rolleyes:

Firstly let me ask you what language is youtube mostly in?

That's an clever question but I don't know..Singlish maybe?:rolleyes:

Let's see you read a few youtube comments and saw a few videos and made up this BS.

You need to your eyes check, there is more than enough anti-PRC comments in this forum.:rolleyes:

Excuse me some parts of china and some cities have even higher standards of living compared to singapore. :rolleyes: Also if you actually know how to read i wrote the standard of living in china today is much much better than china in the 40s and let me tell you that doesn't automatically occur. Go to some countries like india, african countries and their standard of living has not changed at all. Nice of you to actually leave things like that out cos you are biased

You're missing the point again, what makes PRC Chinese shameful it's because of their low class behavior not because if they have high standard of living, to them it just makes another irresponsible driver like Ma Chi. Sorry, but you ain't going to change my opinion and you still can't prove it to me either, though I'm sorry that you feel I've wounded your Han Chinese heritage especially if the Kelings maybe reading this, I speak only the truth:wink:. It doesn't matter if their from city or province, like I said many times before their mentality is still third world and low class. Beijing is one of the top 3 best cities in China but their behaviour are like animals.

LOL :biggrin: PRC Chinese climbing their windows like dogs


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... Is this call high standard? in the capital of China and one of China richest city and we see this. The funny thing is that bus looks more like an dog cage animal than an bus.



HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH. OMG you really spew BS straight out now. Oh it's common knowledge. Hey comeon if it was so easy to come to these type of conclusions why do ppl collect stats then. In future there's no need to even compare the number of world cup titles or goals scored by a player for eg to say which country is the best footballing country in the world. I'll just say hey brazil is the best country cos i read on youtube comments how good it is. See why not apply to everything else? Of course you'll use your snake tatic to somehow twist why you need stats to prove that but nope no need stats to prove that china is the most hated nation.

You must be the world longest laughing man :eek:,

China is the 4th most hated country in the world


* They think they own the whole South China Sea - in their dreams! Can't wait to see the fall of this

* China is a wolf in a sheep's clothes. Most hated neighbor in asia, they don't respect the international law and claiming the whole sea in southeast asia as theirs only where in fact the name south china sea was given by an ignorant feeling superior european man. They don't deserve any respect!

* Freedom to tibet should prevail, they want to conquer part of all country in south asian country to become super-power

Holy fucking shit. This is a snake move right here! Didn't you mention more ppl worldwide hate china so i wrote hey many ppl hate the US. When i caught you out on your BS you then go oh the US invasion of iraq has no meaning to us and then go back to only sinkies should worry about china. Hey don't be a snake and write nonsense ok. Also how do you know sinkies don't get hated as much as china especially when sinkie is so small. I suggest you go read the youtube videos on fadedholysoldier and other americans saying how much singapore sucks. Go and read the interview the star of the green hornet that stars jay chou did with david letterman or some other host on the country of singapore. He mentioned that singapore sucks! He's a hollywood star and they are supposed to be super liberal and politically correct and he says singapore sucks.

You didn't caught me in anything. I mentioned I don't want Singaporeans Chinese to be hated by other nations because of China, but you had to bring out U.S and other few nations who are in the same level of China. Just because U.S get just as much hate doesn't mean it's OK. You keep comparing nations in the same level as China but why don't you compare us civilized Singaporeans against them. Jay Chou said Singapore sucks because he think it's an boring country, but people say China sucks it's for their low morals, outrageous behavior, degrading mentality, violating human rights, communism, abusing it's citizens.

Don't talk cock lah bugger that makes up rubbish from his asshole. Why would so many ppl ask if singapore is in china if they know the difference.

Are you insisting that people won't eventually find out where Singapore? I don't know why you keep repeating this rubbish:confused: and which hole. I know I got my rubbish from my asshole, but which man did you get your's from?:wink:

Do you know how large china is or not? You see you are pretty fucking stupid. 1.3 billion ppl 1300 million ppl is more than 4 times the population of the US. 10k gals is such a small number. FYI in singapore you can see thai gals for eg working as chicken legally, illegally in geylang, in thai discos and online sites. Can you say that thailand is a chicken country? In any case you are too stupid to see proportion and how 1300 million population is bigger than countries with a 60 million or 100 million population for eg.

Do you know how large India is? in case you're forgotten everything about the Kelings. Do you know that India has 1.1 billion people, and 1100 million people is almost 85% of China population.

And FYI I don't give an crap about if they have 1.3 billion, if they want to be Chickens be an chickens in their own country, and stop seducing Overseas Chinese and non-Chinese clients to poke her smelly nest. Thailand is an Chicken country, it is the kingdom of prostitute in Asia.

Do you remember what your fucking comments were earlier? Remember you mentioned that you don't care if the number of ppl that shit and piss in public is in the minority you wrote as long as there are ppl that shit and piss in public that's bad enough. I then say oh if that's the case then there's the very famous and recent video of an ang moh woman that shit in a supermarket caught on camera in the US. So EVEN ang mohs shit and piss in public. What do you do here? oh yes there are 100x more shameless acts in china that you made up from your ass. How much bigger is china's population to the US i want to ask again.

Yes I do...but the problem is you just don't get the freaking point. You gave me one ang moh women who shit and bad in public? (did she have mental problem). Such things shouldn't exist but's that's still only one case. How often does that happens in the U.S? Properly like once in every damn year, or was it the first time ever? But that kind of shit happens in China everyday

Why don't you flipping understand? you told me of one ang moh,

Sticking up too much for china? The way you write is all BS and zero facts with opinions all pull out from your asshole. Look i think you better check your head but before that remember to remove the backside skin of the US from your face. I believe you are wearing too much US backside skin and wear it too tightly.

Yes, you're sticking up to much for China and PRC Chinese too much. You properly feel ashamed of the fact that another Chinese is pissing on another Chinese, and this makes you feel ashamed. You're properly thinking this in your head " why the fuck would you do this, don't you know that the Kelings and Ang Moh maybe reading this, you dickhead?" I bet pissed of the facts that I can say things to an race that has ancestral and bloodline connection, but like I said I speak nothing but the truth, PRC Chinese are uncivilized and Singaporeans should get their reputation shamed by their acts.

You wanted me to prove China Tibetan killed millions and I did.
You wanted me to prove China claim lands from country and I did.
You wanted me to prove China is one of world most hated country and I did it again.

Try to swallow your wounded pride, we Singaporeans Chinese are different from PRC Chinese. The fact that you keep saying that people think Singapore is part of China, or people think Singaporeans are also Chinese so they would treat them the say as any PRC Chinese shows you have low confidence in your own identity.


You are an idiots. Just admit it you are biased towards chinese ppl and have double standards for others. Also FYI the manchus ruled china for hundreds of yrs but i'm sure you are fine with that and also being chinese does not mean being a han. In fact mongolians, tibetians and manchus are china ppl too. Get it straight you biased unreasonable illogical bullshitter.

Who's talking about china doing bad things because US did it. :rolleyes: You asshole you're saying it's ok for US to do bad things and totally ignore them cos you wear ang moh backside skin on your face like a dog.

And aren't you biased for sticking up China with everything? Mongolians, Tibetans, Manchus are only China ppl by force not even migrants. Ask if them if they want independence and the majority of the would say yes. Those ethnic minoriti will never be the leadership of the's China's nation, nor do they hold any power against Han Chinese. Or do you want to me why are all the top leaders of the CCP Han Chinese? since they are China ppl they should hold just as much power or are China Han Chinese afraid something might happen?

Btw why aren't the Kelings you hate so much also Singaporeans? you would consider them foreigners and smelly people, no? they too were early migrants of Singapore.


Tibet has been a part of china since mongolian times. Iran jaya is not a part of indonesia. Tamil nadu isn't a part of punjab then for eg but nope it's fine for these countries to claim those areas but not china. Texas isn't a part of the US.

Tibet has been a part of china since mongolian times.... was that because the Yuan was an Mongolian rule dynasty:confused:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tibet has been a part of china since mongolian times. Iran jaya is not a part of indonesia. Tamil nadu isn't a part of punjab then for eg but nope it's fine for these countries to claim those areas but not china. Texas isn't a part of the US.

historical claims are sometimes ambiguous. why China cannot take advantage and claim Tibet. all countries do that to claim more territories.
the Burma/Shan State relationship is quite similar to China/Tibet. Burma insisted on taking over Shan State. China cannot do so to Tibet. this was the few good things that Mao Zedong did - invaded and annexed Tibet into the Chinese mainland again. the international world who condemned that act can go to hell.

also Tibet deserves to be enslaved to China. Tibet fought Chinese warlords for control of the ethnically Tibetan areas in Xikang and Qinghai during 1911-49. fuck those Lamas!


Alfrescian (Inf)
wah! i believe this mercury fella was writing that long winded post from 2 hours back.

You sound really dumb by making up inferences with 0 hard evidence to back it up and i just simply called a spade a spade. You sound dumb that's a fact so what's there to be offended about?

youtube in singlish? Yes that's right you see why didn't you dare answer my question? Cos that makes you look stupid. You don't know how viets, koreans etc think cos they don't write in english on english forums. The majority of them write on their own language forums.

You need to your eyes check, there is more than enough anti-PRC comments in this forum.:rolleyes:

HAHAHAHA using this forum to gauge anti prc sentiment is even worse than using youtube. :rolleyes:

You were asking me about standards of living now you change to behavior ah? Yeah i see a few prcs climbing into the bus and then what? Ppl from other countries do it too. Let me remind you again but the bigger population of the prc. Then you showed me a picture of some china ppl squashed inside a train. That happens in japan too so the japanese are as bad correct?

You must be the world longest laughing man :eek:,

Cannot help it what. When ppl write something so stupid you just cannot help it but to laugh out long and loud. HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHaH

i saw that list you wrote. Did you know your beloved US is right at the top. Hey china is less hated than the US so that's fine. Actually who says china wants to own the entire south china sea? Did you know an entire ocean is named after india. So i suppose the indian ocean belongs to india then. :rolleyes:

You didn't caught me in anything. I mentioned I don't want Singaporeans Chinese to be hated by other nations because of China, but you had to bring out U.S and other few nations who are in the same level of China. Just because U.S get just as much hate doesn't mean it's OK. You keep comparing nations in the same level as China but why don't you compare us civilized Singaporeans against them. Jay Chou said Singapore sucks because he think it's an boring country, but people say China sucks it's for their low morals, outrageous behavior, degrading mentality, violating human rights, communism, abusing it's citizens.

Don't act like a snake lah. You mentioned that a few chinese pee and shit in public and that's bad so i mentioned ok a few US ppl also did it and then you suddenly changed standards. Also it's a fact that ppl will associate SG with china. Ever heard SG is a part of china phrase? It's not jay chou that mentioned SG sucks. It's his co-star or rather the star of the green hornet who is a jewish ang moh fella. Can you read or not? Go search on him and find his interview where he says SG sucks.

Do you know how large India is? in case you're forgotten everything about the Kelings. Do you know that India has 1.1 billion people, and 1100 million people is almost 85% of China population.

And FYI I don't give an crap about if they have 1.3 billion, if they want to be Chickens be an chickens in their own country, and stop seducing Overseas Chinese and non-Chinese clients to poke her smelly nest. Thailand is an Chicken country, it is the kingdom of prostitute in Asia.

Yeah i know the population of india. You want to make a pt make it don't just write pointless statements. Oic so thailand is worse compared to china in terms of chicken.

Yes I do...but the problem is you just don't get the freaking point. You gave me one ang moh women who shit and bad in public? (did she have mental problem). Such things shouldn't exist but's that's still only one case. How often does that happens in the U.S? Properly like once in every damn year, or was it the first time ever? But that kind of shit happens in China everyday

Why don't you flipping understand? you told me of one ang moh,

You are really damn dishonest. You mentioned that you don't care if it's in the minority as long as you can see ppl pissing and shitting in public that proves the entire country is junk. I then followed YOUR standards and mentioned ok i can find an example of that occuring in the US too but yeah she has to be mentally ill. :rolleyes: FYI you want me to find more pics of ppl shitting in public in the US that's easy to do. PPl shit and pee in the open everywhere all the time so what's your pt?

Yes, you're sticking up to much for China and PRC Chinese too much. You properly feel ashamed of the fact that another Chinese is pissing on another Chinese, and this makes you feel ashamed. You're properly thinking this in your head " why the fuck would you do this, don't you know that the Kelings and Ang Moh maybe reading this, you dickhead?" I bet pissed of the facts that I can say things to an race that has ancestral and bloodline connection, but like I said I speak nothing but the truth, PRC Chinese are uncivilized and Singaporeans should get their reputation shamed by their acts.

You wanted me to prove China Tibetan killed millions and I did.
You wanted me to prove China claim lands from country and I did.
You wanted me to prove China is one of world most hated country and I did it again.

Try to swallow your wounded pride, we Singaporeans Chinese are different from PRC Chinese. The fact that you keep saying that people think Singapore is part of China, or people think Singaporeans are also Chinese so they would treat them the say as any PRC Chinese shows you have low confidence in your own identity.

I don't see the problem sticking up for chinese. I'm chinese so i stick up for them. Nothing wrong. It's you that somehow needs to find some type of reason to say why chinese cannot stick up for other chinese yet you don't have a problem when other races do it. Do you think ang moh countries stick up for one another? Of course. Malays do it so do indians and so on but you don't have a problem there yet somehow you have a problem when chinese stick up for other chinese. You must be one weird fucker wanting to see chinese ppl be disunited. Probably a chinese dog here. Actually what are you writing about and mohs and kelings reading? You must be mad. :biggrin: I managed to disprove all your so called "truths" as BS that you simply cooked up from your asshole. Also pls lah don't put words into my mouth. I didn't ask you to prove anything. I merely showcased the facts that other countries also do the things ppl in china do. Every other country claims lands and kills other ethnicities so what the chinese do is normal therefore what's there to call them the most evil ppl in the world? You see you're just full of shit, dishonest and i have managed to refute all your false allegiations.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Tibet has been a part of china since mongolian times.... was that because the Yuan was an Mongolian rule dynasty:confused:
this has always been the point of contention.
PRCs have distorted history and bent facts to suit themselves just like our MIWs.

During the 13th and 14th centuries both China and Tibet came under the influence of the Mongol empire. China claims today that Tibet and China during that time became one country, by virtue of the Mongols domination of both nations. In validating this claim, it must first be remembered that virtually all of Asia was dominated by the Mongols under Kublai Khan and his successors, who ruled the largest empire in human history. Second, the respective relationships between the Mongols and the Tibetans and between the Mongols and Chinese must be examined. These two relationships were not only radically different in nature, but they also started and ended at different times. Tibet came under Mongol influence before Kublai Khan's conquest of China and regaining complete independence from the Mongols several decades before China regained its independence.

going by this logic if PRC wants to count this way then they have more legitimate claims over many countries now as the mongol empire covered 16% of the Earth's total land area.


Alfrescian (Inf)
historical claims are sometimes ambiguous. why China cannot take advantage and claim Tibet. all countries do that to claim more territories.
the Burma/Shan State relationship is quite similar to China/Tibet. Burma insisted on taking over Shan State. China cannot do so to Tibet. this was the few good things that Mao Zedong did - invaded and annexed Tibet into the Chinese mainland again. the international world who condemned that act can go to hell.

also Tibet deserves to be enslaved to China. Tibet fought Chinese warlords for control of the ethnically Tibetan areas in Xikang and Qinghai during 1911-49. fuck those Lamas!

I'm rather hazy on the burmese and shan issue and didn't china give back shan to burma? Something along those lines. Look it's a fact of life. Humans enslave and kill one another. Muslims took over egypt and now they have lost their original religion for eg. The turkish took over the holy roman empire and it's a part of turkey today. US won texas from mexico and killed the red indians. These are just a few examples. Here's the problem though. Don't you think it's weird when all of a sudden the focus is only on one country that does what everyone does and they actually want to talk about morals and point fingers at said country when they themselves do it. It's the proverbial pot calling the kettle black issue. It's similar to a few criminals in a jail cell. Now they are all in jail cos they committed crimes. Don't you think the criminal will think it's so hypocritical when one criminal actually points fingers at another criminal saying he's a bad person when he himself is also in jail for a criminal act? That's the whole issue on tibet and the western media. Why not they talk about freeing iran jaya from indonesia? How about giving back texas to the mexicans and mind you in california and LA area there are more latinos and mexicans over there compared to anglo whites. How can such nations with blood on their own hands dare talk about morals? Also tibet and china have always had a close relationship. If china didn't take over tibet, tibet would have done the same but i'm sure ppl are fine with tibet taking over china.

All this hypocrisy that has been exposed time and again just shows the motives these nations and ppl have.


Alfrescian (Inf)
this has always been the point of contention.
PRCs have distorted history and bent facts to suit themselves just like our MIWs.

During the 13th and 14th centuries both China and Tibet came under the influence of the Mongol empire. China claims today that Tibet and China during that time became one country, by virtue of the Mongols domination of both nations. In validating this claim, it must first be remembered that virtually all of Asia was dominated by the Mongols under Kublai Khan and his successors, who ruled the largest empire in human history. Second, the respective relationships between the Mongols and the Tibetans and between the Mongols and Chinese must be examined. These two relationships were not only radically different in nature, but they also started and ended at different times. Tibet came under Mongol influence before Kublai Khan's conquest of China and regaining complete independence from the Mongols several decades before China regained its independence.

going by this logic if PRC wants to count this way then they have more legitimate claims over many countries now as the mongol empire covered 16% of the Earth's total land area.

I want to ask you one question. Why do you think the mongols lost their empire? Did they give it back to the original inhabitants? Of course not. :rolleyes: Why did mongols lose china eventually? Cos they got overthrown. The chinese managed to beat them up and take back their land and they were ruled by the qing during that period but that's over and they now have tibet. Nothing wrong at all.

I just have one question for you. Why do you think it's ok for the americans to take over red indian lands and mexican lands cos they are stronger but it's not ok for chinese to do it? Why is it ok for the mongolians to take over chinese lands?


Alfrescian (Inf)
During the 13th and 14th centuries both China and Tibet came under the influence of the Mongol empire. China claims today that Tibet and China during that time became one country, by virtue of the Mongols domination of both nations. In validating this claim, it must first be remembered that virtually all of Asia was dominated by the Mongols under Kublai Khan and his successors, who ruled the largest empire in human history. Second, the respective relationships between the Mongols and the Tibetans and between the Mongols and Chinese must be examined. These two relationships were not only radically different in nature, but they also started and ended at different times. Tibet came under Mongol influence before Kublai Khan's conquest of China and regaining complete independence from the Mongols several decades before China regained its independence.

going by this logic if PRC wants to count this way then they have more legitimate claims over many countries now as the mongol empire covered 16% of the Earth's total land area.

i think the Chinese historical claims are based on the Yuan dynasty based in China, not the Mongol empire. the Yuan dynasty was one of four khanates under the Mongol empire. the Yuan dynasty is a imperial Chinese dynasty in official Chinese histories.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i think the Chinese historical claims are based on the Yuan dynasty based in China, not the Mongol empire. the Yuan dynasty was one of four khanates under the Mongol empire. the Yuan dynasty is a imperial Chinese dynasty in official Chinese histories.

To tell you the truth the mongolians are listed as one of the main 3 han races in china. I remember ram wrote about that. China also has 50 minorities officially recorded down and they have special status in china over the majority han and all of them are chinese as in citizens.

Your words make sense but i suspect ppl will find some way to twist that around so as to give some type of moral high handed manner as to why china does not own tibet but why thailand can own issan that they took from the cambodians for eg.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I want to ask you one question. Why do you think the mongols lost their empire? Did they give it back to the original inhabitants? Of course not. :rolleyes: Why did mongols lose china eventually? Cos they got overthrown. The chinese managed to beat them up and take back their land and they were ruled by the qing during that period but that's over and they now have tibet. Nothing wrong at all.

I just have one question for you. Why do you think it's ok for the americans to take over red indian lands and mexican lands cos they are stronger but it's not ok for chinese to do it? Why is it ok for the mongolians to take over chinese lands?
my point of contention is that PRC got no legitimate claim over Tibet. They annexed Tibet just like you said because they were stronger. Tibet was invaded.

I did not say it was okay for the US or other countries to annex their neighbours, you bringing in US and the rest is a strawman's argument. I am not well versed in Texas and Irian Jaya's history.....perhaps i will do my research while in prison when i have all the time in the world.
I have been to Tibet and seen first hand the oppression of the Tibetans by PRC government and the Free Tibet movement. I have not been to Texas or Irian Jaya but so far I have not heard of any Free Texas campaign.