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Singaporean bus driver dismissed after Indian FTrash parents complain


Alfrescian (Inf)
He was not doing his job properly. If he cannot handle kids don't be a fucking bus driver that ferry kids.

He is a driver, not a disciplinarian. He had brought the issue to the school administration, probably staffed by Ah Nehs. They didn't do anything about it.
The kids walked out on their own accord.

If you can't support your fellow sinkee when he is in the right, you are just like the PAP, traitors.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Retarded Racist dumbfucks complaining just because it's Indian Kids involved. If the idiot was driving for a local schools and end up your own kids have to make their own way home will you complain or not? Dumbfuck retards in here will be the first to screw the principal and get that idiot sack.

He was not doing his job properly. If he cannot handle kids don't be a fucking bus driver that ferry kids.

If its your kids, I'll make the driver leave shim at the LimChuKang cemetery 超级白.
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I must say that all Singapore born Indians are difference. I have many Singaporean Indian friends and their children are very well behaves :smile:

What you said is Not true......................

Some local-indians are even worse than the India-indians in terms of guai-lan behaviour and attitude.
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Interesting case. I am curious to know if a school bus driver in Singapore gets any training or directive how to handle such situation. I can fully understand how hard it must be to focus on driving safely with a bunch of rowdy kids in the back. On the other hand, i can also understand the reaction of the parents.

A better way would certainly have been to stop at the side of the road and inform his superiors or the school about the situation. They could have gotten a replacement driver or asked the parents to pick up their kids from the bus.

Obviously he wasn't fit to be a school bus driver.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Interesting case. I am curious to know if a school bus driver in Singapore gets any training or directive how to handle such situation. I can fully understand how hard it must be to focus on driving safely with a bunch of rowdy kids in the back. On the other hand, i can also understand the reaction of the parents.

A better way would certainly have been to stop at the side of the road and inform his superiors or the school about the situation. They could have gotten a replacement driver or asked the parents to pick up their kids from the bus.

Obviously he wasn't fit to be a school bus driver.

The driver stopped and the kids just decided to walk out.
He was fit to be a school bus driver ...he is not fit to be a disciplinarian. If these were sinkee kids, the driver could have handled them. But there were Ah Neh kids who share the attitudes of their parents.

The driver should sue for wrongful dismissal and let this be debated in the court of public opinion.

da dick

Global Indian International School
i'm confused. why they even need an international school? their school system is shite. and if they want their kids to go to an ah neh school so they can fit in better when they go back india, then they retarded. what kind of idiots want to go back to a shithole once they've escaped it?


The driver stopped and the kids just decided to walk out.
He was fit to be a school bus driver ...he is not fit to be a disciplinarian. If these were sinkee kids, the driver could have handled them. But there were Ah Neh kids who share the attitudes of their parents.

The driver should sue for wrongful dismissal and let this be debated in the court of public opinion.

School bus drivers need to maintain order and discipline on the bus. This fellow couldn't, worse, he opened the doors and let the minors go their own way. Wrongful dismissal? Hell no! But they should fine the bus company too, for not selecting/ training their drivers properly.

And please spare me with your court of racist opinion...


Alfrescian (Inf)
What you said is Not true......................

Some local-indians are even worse than the India-indians in terms of guai-lan behaviour and attitude.

That's correct local shit skins can get drunk and fight in public and abuse their wives in public too very common.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ah Nehs are known to talk big and behave like they owned the world. This is another example of that outrageous behavior of Ah Nehs.

That's also the impression of most patrol officers and investigators. Malays' best. Most are very friendly and hospitable when we visit them. Even when arrests need to be made! Same applies for Traffic Police officers. They are the more forgiving type.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Retarded Racist dumbfucks complaining just because it's Indian Kids involved. If the idiot was driving for a local schools and end up your own kids have to make their own way home will you complain or not? Dumbfuck retards in here will be the first to screw the principal and get that idiot sack.

He was not doing his job properly. If he cannot handle kids don't be a fucking bus driver that ferry kids.

so far never heard of local kids or rather chinese kids being so fucked up that the bus driver does not even want to drive them. Now when i was a kid i sat in a school bus and i am sure many of the forummers here did too but even though me and my frens were pretty naughty at that time laughing and shouting we didn't fuck it up so bad till the bus driver said fuck it i'm not driving you anymore get out. You really have to be fucking impossible and a total asshole for the driver to do that and the driver doesn't want to discipline those fuckers. Not his job and i am sure he would have gotten complaints on that.

Know that you are pro pappy but supporting foreign shit skins that treat u like a piece of shit simply cos u aren't white nor a fellow shit skin like them? U like the PAP will learn why shit skins are called snakes that bites the hand that feeds them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's correct local shit skins can get drunk and fight in public and abuse their wives in public too very common.

They are super garang when in a group. But when alone, garangness disappear. Dealing with them during Thaipusam was always a big headache. Even Indian officers had problems dealing with their own kind.


Alfrescian (Inf)
They are super garang when in a group. But when alone, garangness disappear. Dealing with them during Thaipusam was always a big headache. Even Indian officers had problems dealing with their own kind.

i read i think from this forum maybe from you about how they would pull out drivers passing by in cars during thaipusam and some ppl got killed.

They have banned drumming or clapping and whistling during thaipusam and i am sure the reason why they did that is cos of what u stated here these assholes behave like animals. Then of course idiot sinkies got butt hurt and complained of racism and shit while totally ignoring shit skin fucked up behavior yet if it were the chinese ppl that behaved like that they would cheer and say good job govt for banning it if chinese ppl behaved like that during their festivals.

You should go to bigger forums like edmw for example where some asshole racist m&d or keling or maybe a chinese dog would be starting threads condemning chinese practices like money burning and ridculing it but praising non chinese customs and fucked up behavior from non chinese. Mind you many changes have been made to chinese customs like burning of hell money is regulated. The getai singing also has to stop at 12 midnight am i correct?


i read i think from this forum maybe from you about how they would pull out drivers passing by in cars during thaipusam and some ppl got killed.

They have banned drumming or clapping and whistling during thaipusam and i am sure the reason why they did that is cos of what u stated here these assholes behave like animals. Then of course idiot sinkies got butt hurt and complained of racism and shit while totally ignoring shit skin fucked up behavior yet if it were the chinese ppl that behaved like that they would cheer and say good job govt for banning it if chinese ppl behaved like that during their festivals.

You should go to bigger forums like edmw for example where some asshole racist m&d or keling or maybe a chinese dog would be starting threads condemning chinese practices like money burning and ridculing it but praising non chinese customs and fucked up behavior from non chinese. Mind you many changes have been made to chinese customs like burning of hell money is regulated. The getai singing also has to stop at 12 midnight am i correct?

Getai singing must stop at 10.30pm due to too many complaints from members of the public(maybe not too difficult to guess who are the majority of those people that complained)
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Getai singing must stop at 10.30pm due to too many complaints from members of the public(maybe not too difficult to guess who are the majoirty of those that complianed)

serious ah? 10:30pm? Wtf this is racism towards chinese. Do you hear any outrage? Probably a bit but i don't think it's a lot. Now how do u garner more outrage? Change the race. If malays and kelings did getai singing for some off reason these outraged ppl feel they have a bigger right to feel outraged.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very sorry for the poor bus driver (or Captain as that title is called in Singapore)

Ferrying a bunch of no gooders and spoilt brats from a most corrupted and filthy nation.

I wonder why we need them here in the first place when we can have people flocking here from Europe Americas or Australia / NZ.

Today its the turn of the driver, tomorrow their demands may be different.

Lucky the driver was a local. If it was a foreigner it may even cause him to drive that vehicle against an oncoming vehicle and then blame the spare parts to be of inferior quality.

That is the case of the sunken submarine INS Sindhurakshak. Poor quality spares and lack of safety hatches. Thanks to the philandering politicians in India - a Nation that is the biggest public toilet in the world.

China should invade it and rule it for another 350 years like the ang-mors, for the filthy Indians are not fit to run any affairs.


serious ah? 10:30pm? Wtf this is racism towards chinese. Do you hear any outrage? Probably a bit but i don't think it's a lot. Now how do u garner more outrage? Change the race. If malays and kelings did getai singing for some off reason these outraged ppl feel they have a bigger right to feel outraged.

WTF! you mean up till now you still don't know the time had been brought earlier to 10.30pm?

BTW, I give you another tip, from my observations of what those forumners with hokkien words as usernames post in their postings in that old CNA Market Talk forum or STOMP forum etc.

My view/very strong guess those forumners that purposely choose a very common hokkien word or very common chinese word as their username they are extremely high probability are non-chinese( they could be ethnic indians or malays). Hence your that enemy in this forum that forumner with the nick 'PhuaCheeBye' , I think he is ethnic indian.

Last time, in that old CNA Market Talk form, that forumners with the nick of Tangsen, Aiya, guailanone, they admitted they are indians in their postings in the final days of that forum before it closes. It's apparent they purposely choose a very common hokkien/chinese word username as decoy,
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