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Serious [ Singapore News ] Beware of Pro Muslim Anti Chinese Bilahari Kausikan : The One Accusing Others of Manipulation is The One Trying To Manipulate YOU



S’pore should guard against false binary choices in Chinese public diplomacy: Bilahari Kausikan

TODAY file photo Mr Bilahari Kausikan said that Beijing uses a mix of persuasion, inducement and coercion techniques to create a psychological environment which poses false choices for other countries.

Published 27 June, 2018

SINGAPORE — China's public diplomacy in the region often involves presenting false choices in a binary fashion, said retired top diplomat Bilahari Kausikan, adding that such psychological operations would fail once those being targeted are aware of Beijing's intentions.

Speaking at a conference on Chinese public diplomacy in East Asia and the Pacific on Wednesday (June 27), Mr Kausikan said that Beijing uses a mix of persuasion, inducement and coercion techniques to create a psychological environment which poses false choices for other countries.

He told an audience of more than 50 academics and policy makers that this has been a simple, but powerful and effective instrument.

"This technique of forcing false choices on you and making you choose between false choices is deployed within a framework of either overarching narratives or specific narratives… The purpose is to narrow the scope of choices and they are usually presented in binary terms," said Mr Kausikan, who was previously permanent secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and now chairs the National University of Singapore's Middle East Institute.

"The intention is to stampede your thinking so that the critical faculty is not fully engaged and to instill a sense of fatalistic inevitability of the choices forced upon you."

He cited several examples of falsehoods that have been put forth by Beijing when dealing with the Republic, including how relations under founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew were much better as compared to now because the current Government does not understand China.

"(These discourses are) powerful because they are not entirely fabricated. They do contain a kernel of truth," he said.

"(But) they are either extremely simplistic… or leave out vital facts," he added, pointing out that Mr Lee went against the Chinese-supported Communist united front in the 1950s-60s and prevailed.

Other examples of untruths, said Mr Kausikan, include how Washington represents the past while Beijing stands for the future, as well as suggestions that those who are close to the United States will find it hard to have close economic ties with China.

A study released this week by AidData research laboratory, Centre for Strategic and International Studies and the Asia Society Policy Institute said that China has spent more than US$48 billion (S$65 billion) across East Asia and the Pacific between 2000 and 2016 to reward trade partners and those supporting its foreign policy positions.

Mr Kausikan noted during the conference - organised by the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies together with those who produced the study - that China's influence can be brittle even if it succeeds in its public diplomacy.

For one, Beijing's efforts would only work when those targeted are unaware of the psychological operations against them.

"Once you are aware (of the manipulation), you have to be particularly obtuse to fall for it," he said. "Exposure is therefore the best countermeasure".

Other vulnerabilities in the Chinese approach he added, include "cultural altruism" as well as a tendency towards "self-deception… and rigidity". This may lead to China over extending itself in the region.

But he said that even when China's intentions are exposed, the other parties may opt to play along due to genuine sympathy towards the Chinese position, cultural affinity or to ensure that bilateral relations can be kept on an even keel.

This may also be due to "transactional reasons – for hope of reward or fear of sanctions", Mr Kausikan noted.

When asked during the question and answer segment on what would be Singapore's core strength in countering Chinese attempts to influence the Republic, the veteran diplomat said the idea of being a multi-racial country is important.

"Modern Singapore is not based on being a Chinese country… No one can ignore China. But significant influence is not dominant influence or exclusive influence," he stated.

Mr Kausikan added that most Singaporeans are not really interested in foreign policy, and this creates a fertile ground for psychological manipulation.


Singapore should move away from putting Indians in position of authority and influence in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are a quarrelsome bunch of people and thrive on conflict which explains their disproportionate numbers in the legal industry, including in politics.

Their dissentious approach to relationships and their need for conflict help explain why Singapore polices towards it neighbours are always contentious. Their genetic and cultural predispositions towards quarrels and conflicts have been noted by LKY and just recently, by Mahatir when he said something along the lines of "selepas tu, lawan lah" ("after that fight") after noting the preponderance of Malaysian Indians who choose to make a career in the legal profession.

This Indian Kausikan, who fancies himself a Chinese with his "Bee Kim Hee" pseudonym, is no different. He fits the stereotype of the loudmouthed and cocky Indian braggart, seeking quarrels with anyone and everyone.

As the Malays say, "kasih pangkat, keling kembang" ("give rank/position, and the Indian (head) start swelling up", as in the Indian will start being all cocky and arrogant).

The Chinese majority need to push back against these Indians and put them in their places.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
More Indians should go into social work and counselling thereby putting their oratorical skills to good use instead of just being lawyers and politicians.


What significant good has he achieved for Spore or Sporean, beside taking fat pay check and allowances for years. Has he spoken up against all the balls up policies made by CAQ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore should move away from putting Indians in position of authority and influence in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are a quarrelsome bunch of people and thrive on conflict which explains their disproportionate numbers in the legal industry, including in politics.

Their dissentious approach to relationships and their need for conflict help explain why Singapore polices towards it neighbours are always contentious. Their genetic and cultural predispositions towards quarrels and conflicts have been noted by LKY and just recently, by Mahatir when he said something along the lines of "selepas tu, lawan lah" ("after that fight") after noting the preponderance of Malaysian Indians who choose to make a career in the legal profession.

This Indian Kausikan, who fancies himself a Chinese with his "Bee Kim Hee" pseudonym, is no different. He fits the stereotype of the loudmouthed and cocky Indian braggart, seeking quarrels with anyone and everyone.

As the Malays say, "kasih pangkat, keling kembang" ("give rank/position, and the Indian (head) start swelling up", as in the Indian will start being all cocky and arrogant).

The Chinese majority need to push back against these Indians and put them in their places.

His full name is Bilahari Kim Hee Kausikan.


His full name is Bilahari Kim Hee Kausikan.

Yes, it is Bilahari Kim Hee Papanasam Seiur Kausikan. He is the son of P.S. Raman, one of the very early members of the "Indian Pride" that served as a beacon of light for the younger Indians and demonstrated to them how to take pride in their Indianness. He did this by shunning his Indianness and the numerous and available Indian tangachis as he was salivating and craving desperately for a Chinese girl.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I heard that his spouse is a Japanese?
He was at 4 SMC during NS, but not sure where he was posted, after commissioning.
He was about to ROD, when he joined us (reservist officers) at SATO (Advanced Course for Reservist Armour and Infantry Officers).


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Singapore should move away from putting Indians in position of authority and influence in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are a quarrelsome bunch of people and thrive on conflict which explains their disproportionate numbers in the legal industry, including in politics.

Their dissentious approach to relationships and their need for conflict help explain why Singapore polices towards it neighbours are always contentious. Their genetic and cultural predispositions towards quarrels and conflicts have been noted by LKY and just recently, by Mahatir when he said something along the lines of "selepas tu, lawan lah" ("after that fight") after noting the preponderance of Malaysian Indians who choose to make a career in the legal profession.

This Indian Kausikan, who fancies himself a Chinese with his "Bee Kim Hee" pseudonym, is no different. He fits the stereotype of the loudmouthed and cocky Indian braggart, seeking quarrels with anyone and everyone.

As the Malays say, "kasih pangkat, keling kembang" ("give rank/position, and the Indian (head) start swelling up", as in the Indian will start being all cocky and arrogant).

The Chinese majority need to push back against these Indians and put them in their places.
Yep. This Indian is a Snake. I hope China's intelligence officers VX him when he's abroad. Lol :biggrin:


Cuntmouth was exiled. Even old fuck agreed he was a cunt mouth. Now hes unleashed. Why would any idiot reporter give him talk time?


In summary, all he's saying is any country who is pro-Beijing is an idiot who lacks his intellectual brilliance and therefore fall prey to China's "psychological operations" (whatever that means). The weird part of his whole narrative if you just swap the words from China to US it works just as well for anyone - a clear sign the guy is simply spouting emotive religious ideology.


S’pore should guard against false binary choices in US public diplomacy: Bilahari Kausikan


TODAY file photo Mr Bilahari Kausikan said that US uses a mix of persuasion, inducement and coercion techniques to create a psychological environment which poses false choices for other countries.

Published 27 June, 2018

SINGAPORE — The United State's public diplomacy in the region often involves presenting false choices in a binary fashion, said retired top diplomat Bilahari Kausikan, adding that such psychological operations would fail once those being targeted are aware of Washington's intentions.

Speaking at a conference on American public diplomacy in East Asia and the Pacific on Wednesday (June 27), Mr Kausikan said that the White House uses a mix of persuasion, inducement and coercion techniques to create a psychological environment which poses false choices for other countries.

He told an audience of more than 50 academics and policy makers that this has been a simple, but powerful and effective instrument.

"This technique of forcing false choices on you and making you choose between false choices is deployed within a framework of either overarching narratives or specific narratives… The purpose is to narrow the scope of choices and they are usually presented in binary terms," said Mr Kausikan, who was previously permanent secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and now chairs the National University of Singapore's Middle East Institute.

"The intention is to stampede your thinking so that the critical faculty is not fully engaged and to instill a sense of fatalistic inevitability of the choices forced upon you."

He cited several examples of falsehoods that have been put forth by Washington when dealing with the Republic, including how relations under founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew were much better as compared to now because the current Government does not understand the Trump adiminstration.

"(These discourses are) powerful because they are not entirely fabricated. They do contain a kernel of truth," he said.

"(But) they are either extremely simplistic… or leave out vital facts," he added, pointing out that Mr Lee subscribed to western capitalistic values in the 1950s-60s and prevailed.

Other examples of untruths, said Mr Kausikan, include how Washington is the sole superpower while Beijing is plagued with precarious internal problems, as well as suggestions that those who are close to China will find it hard to have close economic ties with the United States.

A study released this week by XXX (I'm sure the US spends a lot in APAC as well, just too lazy to search for the numbers) said that the US has spent more than US$XX billion (S$XX billion) across East Asia and the Pacific between 2000 and 2016 to reward trade partners and those supporting its foreign policy positions.

Mr Kausikan noted during the conference - organised by the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies together with those who produced the study - that the United State's influence can be brittle even if it succeeds in its public diplomacy.

For one, Washington's efforts would only work when those targeted are unaware of the psychological operations against them.

"Once you are aware (of the manipulation), you have to be particularly obtuse to fall for it," he said. "Exposure is therefore the best countermeasure".

Other vulnerabilities in the American approach he added, include "cultural altruism" as well as a tendency towards "self-deception… and rigidity". This may lead to the US over extending itself in the region.

But he said that even when the United State's intentions are exposed, the other parties may opt to play along due to genuine sympathy towards the US position, cultural affinity or to ensure that bilateral relations can be kept on an even keel.

This may also be due to "transactional reasons – for hope of reward or fear of sanctions", Mr Kausikan noted.

When asked during the question and answer segment on what would be Singapore's core strength in countering US attempts to influence the Republic, the veteran diplomat said the idea of being a multi-racial country is important.

"Modern Singapore is not based on being a western democracy. No one can ignore US. But significant influence is not dominant influence or exclusive influence," he stated.

Mr Kausikan added that most Singaporeans are not really interested in foreign policy, and this creates a fertile ground for psychological manipulation.