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[Sg] - 88 year old Singaporean man : Because of my WWII trauma, I can't eat fucking Jap food today!


The real danger is that Japan does not acknowledge the wrongs they inflict on so many Asian countries. Even denying many atrocities they committed across Asia. Their evil military elites of that era are still honoured as heroes.
In Germany all elementary school students are taught the horrors of the Holocaust, and inculcated with the creed that a genocide must never again happen under German auspices.

The Japanese have never established any school program educating their children about the WWII atrocities committed by their forebears. Rather, millions still pay respects to their war heroes at Yasukuni Shrine annually. To date, the government has not offered any formal apology to any Asian country, nor made reparations. All their official 'apologies' are merely statements expressing 'regret' if you actually understand the nuance of the Japanese wording used.


The real danger is that Japan does not acknowledge the wrongs they inflict on so many Asian countries. Even denying many atrocities they committed across Asia. Their evil military elites of that era are still honoured as heroes.
whether the Japs acknowledge their crime is beyond this man's control. but what he can control is his own willingness to forgive.


Hokay, selling off my Toyota nao!!!
Oh wait...then buy what car? BYD? No thanks. Conti? No thanks. Kimchi car? no thanks.


whether the Japs acknowledge their crime is beyond this man's control. but what he can control is his own willingness to forgive.
One can forgive, but never forget. And PTSD is a real condition, whether certain situations or objects can trigger unpleasant, fearful memories


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
View attachment 195615

He should fear more about CCP coming for him. CCP killed more Chinese than the Japs do in WW2. And we have CCP dogs in Singapore and this forum.
You know what this clip / pic is about right? This Falungong moron tried to do a Bollywood and the kind PLA actually stopped to persuade him to go home. This classic footage has shown the world the benevolent character of CCP. Respect!

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
You know what this clip / pic is about right? This Falungong moron tried to do a Bollywood and the kind PLA actually stopped to persuade him to go home. This classic footage has shown the world the benevolent character of CCP. Respect!
Yes, you should migrate to CCP China. I heard they are looking desperately for people like you to donate your entire wealth to your esteemed leader Xi.