Transmodified from PAP Mouthpiece CNA at hxxps://
PEASANTPORE: Ruler Loong ended his shorter than usual State Of The Regime Speech with a positive - though still rather cryptic - note on Peasantpore’s leadership renewal. Succession plans are “learnt from history”, he said on Sunday (Aug 20).
This year's State of the Regime Speech, Ruler Loong's 19th, took on a distinct resonance in what is set to be his final term as Peasantpore's Compradaor before 'handing over responsibilities' to seat warmer Deputy Prime Minion Lawlan Wong.
Ruler Loong had previously signalled his intention to his Yankee handlers to step down by 2022 but was given an excuse to delay his exit using severity of the Wuhan Plague which he pledged to see the nation through. However after a series of controversies threatening to erode vital support for the ruling party, Ruler Loong conceded that he may have to go to take the rap but any thoughts of him fading off the scenes are far fetched.
Internationally, a smooth leadership transition would signal continuity and stability to global Ang Moh and Nihon investors. Domestically, it’s all about the selling stupid stories to the peasants that Ruler Loong may emulate Qian Long and reign as 太上皇.
What is Peasantpore's readiness for political leadership transition? Of the three compradors in post-independence history, Ruler Loong is the second longest-serving, having been at the helm since 2004 after his father staged a cleverly planned dynastic succession involving ex-Regent Woody as seat warmer.
Against a post-pandemic backdrop with geopolitical uncertainty, economic headwinds (aging population) and self inflicted political fiasco, the Young Turks within PAP regime has no choice but to take centerstage as the House of Lee's political fortune declines.
House of Lee loyalists are spreading rumours about the preparedness of current batches of Young Turks who may opt for an autocracy and cohabitation with Labour Pariahs to weaken the House of Lee vice grip on political power. The House of Lee loyalists decided to bring Minion Heng $wee $wee down as they deemed him too weak to play goat games and drag Labour Pariahs into the m&d using 莫须有. An aging Ruler Loong was forced to pick Lawlan Wong as compromise as Prince Hongyi was repeatedly balked by brave dissenting peasants who spoke against a second dynastic succession.
However the Lee loyalists with tacit sarpok from Ho Jinx will want to stage another procedural erections to stake their claim to more power lest Ruler Loong's health visit Lord Yama to prevent the Ho Clan gaining any mileage scenes while the bickering intensifies.
As usual, Ruler Loong is playing a dangerous game by fueling speculation and giving hopes to other pretenders to the throne to throw everyone off track. Ruler Loong said in July that he had no plans to call an early erection but various opportunists are itching for a chaotic early erection with hung results to ensure their well being when Ruler Loong visits Lord Yama.
It is likely that Lee loyalists insist that peasants should accept the lessons of history and accept that Ruler Loong ought to emulate Qian Long As 太上皇 for another 60 full moons. This will would provide foreign investors and Uncle Sam with a sense of direction and certainty. It would give clarity whether Prince Hongyi may be eased into the Imperial Court via Lawlan's invitation at a later date, without spelling "dynastic succession" in full or a transition to an inevitable Triumvirate of Elites with Ruler Loong acting as the power broker aka 太上皇 till Ho Jinx completes the wealth transfer of the Lee's sizeable fortune overseas.
PEASANTPORE: Ruler Loong ended his shorter than usual State Of The Regime Speech with a positive - though still rather cryptic - note on Peasantpore’s leadership renewal. Succession plans are “learnt from history”, he said on Sunday (Aug 20).
This year's State of the Regime Speech, Ruler Loong's 19th, took on a distinct resonance in what is set to be his final term as Peasantpore's Compradaor before 'handing over responsibilities' to seat warmer Deputy Prime Minion Lawlan Wong.
Ruler Loong had previously signalled his intention to his Yankee handlers to step down by 2022 but was given an excuse to delay his exit using severity of the Wuhan Plague which he pledged to see the nation through. However after a series of controversies threatening to erode vital support for the ruling party, Ruler Loong conceded that he may have to go to take the rap but any thoughts of him fading off the scenes are far fetched.
Internationally, a smooth leadership transition would signal continuity and stability to global Ang Moh and Nihon investors. Domestically, it’s all about the selling stupid stories to the peasants that Ruler Loong may emulate Qian Long and reign as 太上皇.
What is Peasantpore's readiness for political leadership transition? Of the three compradors in post-independence history, Ruler Loong is the second longest-serving, having been at the helm since 2004 after his father staged a cleverly planned dynastic succession involving ex-Regent Woody as seat warmer.
Against a post-pandemic backdrop with geopolitical uncertainty, economic headwinds (aging population) and self inflicted political fiasco, the Young Turks within PAP regime has no choice but to take centerstage as the House of Lee's political fortune declines.
House of Lee loyalists are spreading rumours about the preparedness of current batches of Young Turks who may opt for an autocracy and cohabitation with Labour Pariahs to weaken the House of Lee vice grip on political power. The House of Lee loyalists decided to bring Minion Heng $wee $wee down as they deemed him too weak to play goat games and drag Labour Pariahs into the m&d using 莫须有. An aging Ruler Loong was forced to pick Lawlan Wong as compromise as Prince Hongyi was repeatedly balked by brave dissenting peasants who spoke against a second dynastic succession.
However the Lee loyalists with tacit sarpok from Ho Jinx will want to stage another procedural erections to stake their claim to more power lest Ruler Loong's health visit Lord Yama to prevent the Ho Clan gaining any mileage scenes while the bickering intensifies.
As usual, Ruler Loong is playing a dangerous game by fueling speculation and giving hopes to other pretenders to the throne to throw everyone off track. Ruler Loong said in July that he had no plans to call an early erection but various opportunists are itching for a chaotic early erection with hung results to ensure their well being when Ruler Loong visits Lord Yama.
It is likely that Lee loyalists insist that peasants should accept the lessons of history and accept that Ruler Loong ought to emulate Qian Long As 太上皇 for another 60 full moons. This will would provide foreign investors and Uncle Sam with a sense of direction and certainty. It would give clarity whether Prince Hongyi may be eased into the Imperial Court via Lawlan's invitation at a later date, without spelling "dynastic succession" in full or a transition to an inevitable Triumvirate of Elites with Ruler Loong acting as the power broker aka 太上皇 till Ho Jinx completes the wealth transfer of the Lee's sizeable fortune overseas.