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PAP Spin - Onus on workers to prove hunger for jobs


Alfrescian (Inf)
Janice Heng
Saturday, Jul 06, 2013

One strand of public unhappiness over foreign labour policy has been the idea that some bosses simply prefer foreign professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) to Singaporean ones.

The Government is moving to tackle this, by obliging employers to give local candidates fair consideration. But a disquieting question arises: what happens if Singaporeans aren't good enough to win a fair fight?

Plans to make firms give Singaporeans a fair chance were mentioned in this year's Budget debate, and came up again at an Our Singapore Conversation session last Saturday. Participants were asked their views on measures such as having to state why a foreigner is required for the post, or having to show that no local candidate can be found.

Acting Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin said the Government was looking at adjustments to "add in some level of process" in hiring.

Meanwhile, the Government is also looking to raise the minimum threshold for Employment Pass salaries, which should ensure that local and foreign PMEs compete on quality rather than price.

A commentary by managing editor Han Fook Kwang last Sunday, however, raised the point that firms might have good reason to prefer foreign candidates as workers here might lack hunger and skills.

Of course, this is not an argument against the upcoming measures. Firms should indeed have to make unbiased assessments of Singaporean candidates, rather than dismiss them as inferior. But if firms give Singaporeans a fair chance yet still find them lacking - what then?

There is an arguable obligation for any Government to ensure good job opportunities for citizens, and place limits on competition from foreign jobseekers. But as Mr Tan pointed out, this cannot extend to pure labour market protectionism.

On Saturday last week, he cautioned that levelling the playing field should not mean jeopardising the economy's openness and dynamism.
Balancing citizen aspirations and economic openness is only possible to a certain extent. If and when a perceived excess of foreigners can no longer be explained by hiring bias, Singapore will have to make a choice.

It can bite the bullet and adopt some form of "affirmative action" for Singaporean workers. Or it can accept that Singaporeans have had their chance on a level playing field, and the best person should get the job.

The first option is chosen at the expense of quality and at the risk of losing foreign investment, as well as engendering a complacent labour force. The second leaves citizens in the lurch.

Of course, the dilemma would be averted if Singaporean PMEs turn out just as capable and hungry as their foreign counterparts. Whether or not this is currently the case, our best bet is to try and make it so.

When it comes to raising our labour force's capabilities, there is much the Government can do: from the usual upgrading and training, to reforming the education system to encourage critical thinking, initiative, and other skills prized by employers.

But when it comes to hunger, the onus is on workers. The hunger for a job should not just be expressed in demands to be spoonfed. It should spur self-improvement, hard work, and the willingness to broaden one's diet - for there are many worthy jobs that are not office-bound.

If all else fails and we end up facing that dilemma, perhaps a little tough love would be in order. After all, the unemployment rate in Germany and China - two countries whose citizens were said to be hungrier - is around twice that of Singapore's. Tougher conditions might eventually make for a tougher breed of Singaporean PMEs.

How long that will take is an open question. We might have to wait for a new generation which grows up in conditions other than full employment, where being able to get a job is no longer taken for granted.

But change can also happen one worker at a time. When, for instance, a university student on exchange realises that his peers in Europe are worrying about finding any job at all after graduation, and that perhaps he should do the same.

Or when a job seeker waiting for an interview looks at his foreign counterpart in the same room, who might have better qualifications or a willingness to work harder for the same pay, and feels not bitterness, but the urge to out-compete.

Yes, governments are obliged to provide job opportunities. But the job itself is something to be fought for.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The PAP repeating the same old spin that sinkees are not good enough for the jobs. If that is true, sinkees are definite stupid to vote in the PAP as their government.
You can't have it both ways ...you can't say sinkees are not good enough to compete for jobs and then say sinkees are smart enough to vote in capable people for government.

A commentary by managing editor Han Fook Kwang last Sunday, however, raised the point that firms might have good reason to prefer foreign candidates as workers here might lack hunger and skills.
The argument made to allow foreigners in to take jobs from sinkees is based on a typical right-wing thinking that people are unwilling to work. The government has made it the easiest place in the world to hire foreigners. Even an open economy like HK has restrictions! So, it is pure bs to argue that sinkees don't have the skills or the hunger to work.

Since the PAP argues that it would be necessary to let foreigners in when sinkees are not keen or do not have the skills to do the job, then why doesn't it apply the same argument on sinkees serving NS? Is the government saying that it doesn't require skills or commitment to defend sinkapore?

The PAP has to decide ...if sinkees are good enough to fight in a modern sophisticated defence force, then why are they not capable of holding a job?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I've known since way back in the 80s and early 90s that Singaporeans are generally inferior when it comes to putting in an honest day's work and being flexible enough to accomodate changing job requirements.

My preference at the time was Malaysians. They had no problems when it came to accepting tough projects that required long hours or travelling for extended periods to remote parts of the world.

Singaporeans were far too used to going home to Mummy for dinner. They wanted a 5 day week, regular hours and no surprises.

I would suspect that the current crop of Singaporeans are even more spoilt.


I've known since way back in the 80s and early 90s that Singaporeans are generally inferior when it comes to putting in an honest day's work and being flexible enough to accomodate changing job requirements.

My preference at the time was Malaysians. They had no problems when it came to accepting tough projects that required long hours or travelling for extended periods to remote parts of the world.

Singaporeans were far too used to going home to Mummy for dinner. They wanted a 5 day week, regular hours and no surprises.

I would suspect that the current crop of Singaporeans are even more spoilt.

Agreed. First world Singaporeans should be be more productive than third world Indians or Chinese but this is not the case. They are complainers par excellence, more concerned with their personal lives than the work they are paid to do.
Not value for money at all. By the way, the current political leadership and civil service is no better. Unfortunately Singaporeans keep giving them tenure.


Agreed. First world Singaporeans should be be more productive than third world Indians or Chinese but this is not the case. They are complainers par excellence, more concerned with their personal lives than the work they are paid to do.
Not value for money at all. By the way, the current political leadership and civil service is no better. Unfortunately Singaporeans keep giving them tenure.

Whether deserved or not Singaporeans have a poor reputation as thinking employees for what they cost. Companies are based here because of the infrastructure, the legal framework, security and English being the working language. Singaporeans are not stupid but seen as insular and unambitious. I think the civil service should absorb all the Singaporeans and give them 9-5 jobs. That should suit them greatly.
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No strict n punitive Enforcement by MOM on the nasty bastard Singapore Employers who have
Who have discriminated against the Singapore Employees for the last 20 years.
The MOM have been sleeping for the last 20 years.
The NTUC have been sleeping for the last 20 years.
The PAP have been sleeping for the last 20 years.
U don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand all these
wayang by the PAP and the MSM especially the The Shit Times
Fully staffed by PAP lackeys n cronies.


Singapore workers don't have to prove anything.

They just need to Vote out PAP next GE and it will be proven that FT are useless lowly paid leeches out to suck the honey from our pot.

Never read or believe what ever is printed out by Mediacorp. They're just brainwashing you. When a new govt takes over after PAP you will see the better truth, just like what North Korea is like when one day they're freed.


I've known since way back in the 80s and early 90s that Singaporeans are generally inferior when it comes to putting in an honest day's work and being flexible enough to accomodate changing job requirements.

My preference at the time was Malaysians. They had no problems when it came to accepting tough projects that required long hours or travelling for extended periods to remote parts of the world.

This is exactly the same thing that an SME boss told me recently. He's in IT so most of his IT staff are men. He said that the Sinkie man will get 'very distracted' by phone calls from his wife/GF/Mummy when he require them to work OT. His Malaysian staff live alone so he don't have that problem with them.

However, not all FTs are like that. I've got Auusies, French, Koreans etc complaining about the long working hours and the absence of work life balance here.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Job hopping not a crime. If the employers don't give any worthy reasons for the employees to stay, they won't.


Alfrescian (Inf)
tis article is full of sh*t! ...

... When, for instance, a university student on exchange realises that his peers in Europe are worrying about finding any job at all after graduation, and that perhaps he should do the same ...
y shud he worry about dat? ... r workers in sinkielan paid as much as in europe? ... do workers pay their gahmen fat cats as much as in sinkielan 2 provide jobs? ...

... Or when a job seeker waiting for an interview looks at his foreign counterpart in the same room, who might have better qualifications or a willingness to work harder for the same pay, and feels not bitterness, but the urge to out-compete ...
y shud a sinkie worker compete 4 a 4eign counterpart in sinkielan? ... y did ze fat cat gahmen self-inflict tis prob on sinlkies? ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Foreigners don't have a right to work in sinkapore. Likewise, foreign companies don't have the right to operate from sinkapore. If they want to operate in sinkapore, they should hire sinkees. If they don't think sinkees are not good enough, then move to China, India or Philippines.

We need home grown world class companies and letting foreign companies with no restriction does not benefit sinkapore in the long term. Where is the technological, management skills transfer?

Twenty years from now. like 30 years ago, we will still be faced with few successful local business with international reach. And sinkees will be no better off than today.

The PAP has NO roadmap for sinkapore to join the first world. We are only first world in GDP but in every aspect we are third world.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
However, not all FTs are like that. I've got Auusies, French, Koreans etc complaining about the long working hours and the absence of work life balance here.

Some countries can afford to implement measures to balance work and play. These countries are usually rich in natural resources or are large enough to prevent them from being buffeted by external forces.

For example, NZ has its dairy, its wine, its forestry and its tourism. These sectors earn valuable foreign exchange that feed the laggards regardless of how productive they are.

Australia has its minerals. Commodity prices go up and down but the country has a rock solid foundation which will see them through the long term as demand for minerals isn't going to disappear in the foreseeable future.

Singapore, on the other hand, has nothing other than people. It's economy is built around enabling wealth creation by providing reliable services to those who want a base for their wealth creating enterprises. Corporations and wealthy individuals come to Singapore for the following reasons :

1. Law and Order.
2. Low Taxes.
3. Good Infrastructure.
4. Stable currency
5. Cheap labour.

If some other country in the region succeeds in matching or surpassing Singapore in these areas, Singapore will start to go downhill with nothing to fall back on.

That is why it is so important for Singapore to remain at the top of its game. It can't afford to have a workforce that isn't willing to go the extra mile. If no foreigners were allowed in and Singaporeans started adopting the same work ethic as the OZs or the Kiwis, the country wouldn't last more than a decade before it became irrelevant.


Why talk about Sinkies not deserving their pay when they are operating in a free market and there are no minimum wage laws.

If a company agrees to pay a candidate a certain salary, it must have reasons to believe that the candidate deserve that salary. If the staff is not performing, it can give him/her a month notice to leave the company. If the company think that its too expensive to operate in Singapore and they also can't find the right candidates, they are free to move elsewhere.

The increasing number of companies setting up their HQ/Hub here say otherwise.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some countries can afford to implement measures to balance work and play. These countries are usually rich in natural resources or are large enough to prevent them from being buffeted by external forces.

For example, NZ has its dairy, its wine and its forestry and its tourism. These sectors earn valuable foreign exchange that feed the laggards regardless of how productive they are.

Australia has its minerals. Commodity prices go up and down but the country has a rock solid foundation which will see them through the long term as demand for minerals isn't going to disappear in the foreseeable future.

Singapore, on the other hand, has nothing other than people. It's economy is built around enabling wealth creation by providing reliable services to those who want a base for their wealth creating enterprises. Corporations and wealthy individuals come to Singapore for the following reasons :

1. Law and Order.
2. Low Taxes.
3. Good Infrastructure.
4. Stable currency
5. Cheap labour.

If some other country in the region succeeds in matching or surpassing Singapore in these areas, Singapore will start to go downhill with nothing to fall back on.

That is why it is so important for Singapore to remain at the top of its game. It can't afford to have a workforce that isn't willing to go the extra mile. If no foreigners were allowed in and Singaporeans started adopting the same work ethic as the OZs or the Kiwis, the country wouldn't last more than a decade before it became irrelevant.

Excellent post by boss! Zxxclap clap clap....


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Excellent post by boss! Zxxclap clap clap....

All my posts are excellent. The problem is that many of the members here don't have sufficient brains to appreciate my wisdom. The quality most lacking is the ability to read between the lines while taking everything I say at face value.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All my posts are excellent. The problem is that many of the members here don't have sufficient brains to appreciate my wisdom. The quality most lacking is the ability to read between the lines while taking everything I say at face value.

Worse advice, I have seen, lot of loose end coming from you......:biggrin:


All my posts are excellent. The problem is that many of the members here don't have sufficient brains to appreciate my wisdom. The quality most lacking is the ability to read between the lines while taking everything I say at face value.
hahaha...my idol, u are right again.....
only kuku pple like kukubird can appreciate your wisdom.
(now can you upz my points or not.....u twit!)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Janice Heng
Saturday, Jul 06, 2013

The Government is moving to tackle this, by obliging employers to give local candidates fair consideration. But a disquieting question arises: what happens if Singaporeans aren't good enough to win a fair fight?

Did this regime came in from a fair fight?


Those PAP bastards never got in via fair fights.
They fixed good people with their fucking kangaroos into jail or got them out of the country
The PAP bastardised all organs of government into thei appendages and used that to fix elections

The PAP good only at fucking and screwing sinkies of hundreds of billions of our money into smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY Stinkapore sovereign funds and their own fucking obscene pay
