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Not blue pill.. but laughter's best medicine


Alfrescian (Inf)


Allan McDonald
30 June 2024




Alfrescian (Inf)
Marine Le Pen pushes President Macron towards the guillotine


Alla and Chadvar
1 July 2024

The Guillotine​

Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party wins the French elections convincingly. These are difficult times for Emmanuel Macron.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The U.S. Supreme Court overturned centuries of precedent that no person is above the law and granted wide-ranging immunity to Trump for nearly any action he could take as president.


Steve Greenberg
3 July 2024

License to Kill​

The U.S. Supreme Court, with a 6 to 3 Republican majority -- half of those appointed by Donald Trump -- overturned centuries of precedent that "no person is above the law" and granted wide-ranging immunity to Trump for nearly any action he could take as president, even to the point of killing a political rival or trying to overturn the results of a free election.