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Serious Ngerng Yi Ling (Roy) - Crowd Funding 7 April 2021 .


Congrats to Mr Justin Hugo Roy getting more than 70k in less than 4 days! Even faster than uncle leong!
Pinky ji pai siao Liao!



Why pay Loong. Keep the money in trust fund and invest.

Since u have collected total sum already its a safe margin.

Play the installment game still continue pay Loong monthly. It will take years to pay him and let it rolls.... if he die early u don't have to pay him anymore.

This is settlement so don't be silly or heroes to pay him full.

Pissed him off slowly to frustrate him. Stop pay him and wait for his lawyer letter of demand. And still don't care how many lawyer letters he sent, wait for warrant letter than pay.

Then next month still stop pay him wait for his lawyer letter of demand to pay. Then don't care how many letters he sent, let him pay the lawyer letters fee... then wait for warrant letter then pay.

Keep doing this in cycle to frustrate him... make him buaysong and you buaysong too.

This settlement has nothing to do with the court, police, or lawyers... so fuck him with this humilation to tell him want money to pay you work harder to keep sending your lawyer letter of demands and warrant then I pay....

Keep dragging until he mati...

This defamation case useless and is private matter and only results in settlement...

Can don't pay or pay as little as $50 a month...

He already paid his lawyer fees upfront... so to claim lawyer fee to pass on to you still do the same as above... wait for warrant letter than pay... he died no case to pay.... next GE if he loses 2 more GRC loong is finished and forced to resign from his party....

Then he is powerless 虎落平阳被犬欺.....

Keep the crowdfunding money in trust fund and help others who are sued by PAP .....
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Now with the funded money set aside the money in the trust fund. Invest the money in stocks to make money.

Continue to pay Loong by installment for next 12 years. If he die soon, the game is over.

Then play the delay game. Defamation is a private matter, the court give the judgement to settle legal costs only. No police involved becos it is a commercial law suit and about settlement simialr to loanshark, mortgage of biz loan.

Defamation is under commercial case and end of case is settlement. How the loser want to pay by installment is up to his financial earning and obligation...

the loser can be the plaintiff or the defendant...

don't pay to too obediently, wait for his laywer letter of demand send to you and still don't pay. It cld cost $150 to pay for the lawyer to letter a letter. 2nd letter still don't pay... wait for warrant letter than u pay....

Then after paid the warrant... back to still don't pay when he issue lawyer letter of demand to pay.... keep going like this to frustrate him and keep him mad at you. He want yr money he has to work hard to get it from you. Let him spend lawyer letter and warrant money and his time to pursue you. Hope die in car accident or heart attack and the game is over.

You pay him in full you are the loser.... now let Loong know that defamation lawsuit is nothing but a shit idea to clear defend yr stupid name... many ways to skin a cat....

Let loong be a loser....


Kee Chew


Hello everyone,

My lawyers will send a notice to Hsien Loong’s lawyers today to inform him of the payment, and I will update you again on the outcome.

I would like to thank my lawyer Eugene Thuraisingam, for assisting me during these last few years, and working tirelessly to help me throughout, even with the sudden requests that keep cropping up. Everytime an application needs to be made to court to change the terms of the payment (like this time), Eugene would assist me even if it would seem to me a hassle, but Eugene would do so, and pro bono. Ariffin Sha has also been assisting Eugene with dealing with these requests and I am grateful.

Again, I would like to thank the all of you for coming onboard this crowdfunding movement, for contributing to the campaign, and for helping share the campaign. I would like to thank you for remembering the advocacy I did on the CPF, and for stepping up to help a fellow citizen and fellow human in lifting the burden the powers that be imposed on me. I would like to thank you for standing alongside justice, and against oppression and bullying. And I am so proud to be standing alongside you, in gratitude to you.

There are today a lot more braver people who are speaking up, and this power allows us to be a formidable force against those that want to rob us of our freedom and equality.

I hope that after Leong Sze Hian's and my successful crowdfunding, that we will no longer see the defamation suit be used as a tool to persecute citizens for speaking up and asking questions in the public interest of Singapore.

The Singapore government should no longer stonewall individuals for asking important questions and matters of public importance. These matters should be addressed transparently and with accountability.

In the articles I wrote, I had mapped out how the CPF funds invested in government bonds are then transferred to the national reserves, and invested in GIC, of which Temasek Holdings has access to.

Prior to me being sued, there was no one single government platform where this information as a whole could be found. We did the know that the CPF was eventually funneled into the GIC and accessible by Temasek Holdings.

It was only after I was sued that for the first time in decades, that this information was finally made available for the first time. It was only after I was sued that the connection between the CPF and GIC was publicly acknowledged by PAP's ministers and admitted to in parliament.

For that, I am thankful that I had kept pursuing the truth.

However, even so, 60% of CPF account holders aged 50 to 70 are still not able to save enough inside their CPF to meet the basic retirement sum. And even though researchers at Singapore's universities have calculated that a minimum of S$1,379 is required for a basic standard of living in Singapore, the average CPF payout is still only S$355 and 74% of CPF holders received less than S$500 in payouts in 2018.



Also, by 2019, Medisave had accumulated a balance of S$102 billion, but only S$1.1 billion could be withdrawn in 2019 for direct medical expenses, or only 1% of the total balance.


It has been 7 years since the truth about how the CPF is invested is finally made known, but Singaporeans continue to receive inadequate retirement payouts, and are not able to retrieve adequate medical support from their Medisave.

How many more years of advocacy would we need for things to change? Will the PAP government be willing to change policies, when it took until 2014 for it to admit publicly to how the CPF is being used?

And only after I was sued?

The CPF is of utmost importance in Singapore, because it is connected to the retirement, housing, healthcare and education or Singaporeans, as well as the national reserves, and the monies invested in the GIC and accessible by Temasek Holdings.

Today, the people heading the important ministries managing Singaporeans' finances, CPF, housing, healthcare and education are former principal private secretaries or people connected to Temasek Holdings.

We need answers from them as to how equipped they are to manage Singaporeans' finances and CPF, and how the monies can be equitably returned to Singaporeans.

Once again, I thank you very much for supporting me in this crowdfunding movement, and remembering the CPF advocacy that I did.

I finally feel vindicated after 7 years. While I was found to have wronged by the courts, in the eyes of public opinion, I have been done right by you.

You have shown me that justice will prevail, and there is hope for Singapore.

Today, you have made history by being the heroes behind this movement to say you no longer tolerate oppression and threats.
