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MND REVIEW say that AIM did not wrong - like that also can


Alfrescian (Inf)
MND findings on AIM - released

MND submitted its findings to PM, the following is the summary:

MND findings show that we have screwed the voters big times but we will try to exonerate PAP TCs who sell its software to a PAP $2 company. Thus, I will state that there is no mistake, no conflict of interest, no corrruptions, every transaction is above board, audit never query, the clause is fair and just, WP is trying to politicise the matter.

MND: LHL awaits your approval

LHL: Approved.

Khaw: Eh? so fast ah, you haven't read the report of my findings?

LHL: No need to read, it is our 2 months wayang and daft Singaporeans will believe us just like they think I sincerely apologise to them during GE2011.

Khaw: OK, than I will deliver the speech in parliament in next sittings and said you approve it.

LHL: Don't say I approve, say this govt approve so that every of my man in parliament can sing the same tune.

Khaw: Good suggestion, it is easier to corner 6 WP MPs with our 87 dogs in white. My concern is netizens are intelligent groups who may add pressure on us for lying. I already lied many times including my bold statement about HDB making losses.

LHL: My lawyers letters are on standby to sue and the words "baseless, false allegations, untrue, no evidence" did pretty well to scare those netizens and silent critiques. My mercenaries aka msm are best weapons to do further white-washing on 24/7 for the next few weeks to months.

Khaw: Lethal! that is why I like to join PAP. High pay, easy money, hidden lies, comfy job, no stress, many guard dogs, prestique. It is no wonder that Dr Asshole Koh Poh Koon is in desperation to be part of our lucrative cronyism.

LHL: You pat my back I pat yours, now go get ready for your AIM parliamentary speech.

Khaw: My ministry's top dog has already prepared the speech prior to the reivew two months ago. I just have to read it out only.

LHL: Lethal!!!! Make sure Teo Ho Ping, the screwed up TC chairman, buy us lunch after everything is swept under the carpet.

Khaw: Ho Ping has already booked a french restaurant prior to Punngol by-election. He knew this case was in good hands to exonerate him.

LHL: Don't let public know this is a conspiracy.

Khaw: Don't worry, the french restuarant is owned by one of our man who recently retired as millionair from his perm.secretary role. He whole family spend $50,000 on french cooking out of taxpayers' money. He is now serving only the ministers market, nobody will know and it is highly private place from public eyes. One plate of XO french toast is $5000.

LHL: You must be joking, my favourite mee siam without cockle cost only a fraction of this $5000.

Khaw: Who cares, the ministers are paying for it using taxpayers money. No loss to them.

LHL: That reminds me us of AIM...shsshhh.....:biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The MND Review Team has failed!

[h=2]The MND Review Team has failed![/h]

May 3rd, 2013 |
Author: Contributions

I am familiar with government procurement rules, and will
restrict my comments to this area.

All personnel working in Town Councils are by law treated as civil servants,
and thus required to comply with govt procurement rules. If the TC rules do not
reflect this, then it is an epic failure to start with.

Under the govt procurement rules all tenders must specify the registration
head and financial category that companies must satisfy. Under the MOF, all
suppliers are registered under specific heads and financial category that
pre-qualify them to participate in govt tenders. The financial category granted
is normally 10 times the paid-up capital of the registering company. A $2
company is therefore not acceptable for registration, and can only participate
in low value govt purchases through quotations.

When the PAP TCs called the Open Tender that resulted in the contract award
to AIM, the TCs failed to specify the registration head and financial category.
The tender notice was also terse and misleading. This should have raised a red
flag to anyone interested in the tender and knowledgeable about AIM’s status and
it being a $2 company. T
his might be the reason for the other 4 companies that
collected the tender documents not to submit their bids. The TCs’ personnel who
managed and approved the tender would reasonably be expected to be aware of the
basic procurement rules. If not, there is room to suspect dereliction of duty.
It’s not within their authority to bend the rules to say that a $2 company like
AIM has the capacity and resource to meet the contract requirements and is
therefore acceptable. From above, one cannot but conclude that the tender called
by the PAP TCs was specifically aimed at AIM! T
his case is much worse that the
Brompton bike procurement by NParks both in terms of the higher cost involved
and the intent to circumvent the procurement rules.

The MND Review Team has failed!




Related: MND: AIM deal is alright


Alfrescian (Inf)
Civil servant should remain impartial and stay out of AMP-Nizam issue

[h=2]Civil servant should remain impartial and stay out of AMP-Nizam issue[/h]
May 3rd, 2013 |
Author: Contributions

The Hogwash Dispenser of the Week award has been given to Azmoon Ahmad, chairman of the AMP - More hogwash from AMP Chairman on the Nizam issue. Bit it looks like Ho Ka Wei, Director (Corporate Communications Division) from the Ministry of Culture Community and Youth, is not satisfied. He wants that title for himself.
Here is his forum letter to the Straits Times.
Ex-AMP director’s proposal a repackaging of earlier idea
YESTERDAY’S report (“Ex-AMP director drops out of May Day protest”) quoted Mr Nizam Ismail, former board director of the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), as saying that he presented the Community Forum (ComFor) proposal as an innocuous idea that was raised at AMP’s convention last June. He denied that it was a race-based approach to politics that he had personally pushed for.
In fact, ComFor was a repackaging of the earlier “Collective Leadership” proposal that the AMP had advanced in 2000. Then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong rejected that proposal and explained why it was unwise to set up a Malay national leadership chosen exclusively by the Malay community.
The AMP’s report for its convention last year talked about “reposition(ing) MMOs (Malay/Muslim organisations) into organisations that engage a national, inter-ethnic, issue-oriented agenda”.
Mr Nizam played a leading role at the convention and championed this idea strongly.
I made a post pertaining to above. In my post I mentioned that the PAP doesn’t like competition. ComFor had objectives that directly competed with the govt’s own platform, Community Leaders Forum (CLF) - PM Lee twists AMP’s arm – thou shalt not compete against thy govt.
At the convention, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong opposed this idea. He cautioned AMP about venturing into civil society issues not primarily to do with the Malay/Muslim community. He reiterated that we should not discuss matters that concern all Singaporeans, organised into Malay groups, Chinese groups and Indian groups, each with a different ethnic perspective.
Such a racial basis to national affairs and politics would pull our people apart and destroy our racial harmony. This has been a consistent stand of the Singapore Government since 1959.
The Government was relieved that AMP eventually decided to abandon ComFor, after discussing the matter further after the convention.
That’s quite a hypocritical load of manure. If Comfor would destroy the fabric of unity between races as what Ka Wei so colourfully puts, what about the govt approved CDAC, Mendaki, Sinda etc?
We note that the same Straits Times report quoted AMP chairman Azmoon Ahmad as saying that the AMP wants to move on and continue with its mission for the community.
The Government looks forward to continue working with the AMP so long as its focus remains the uplifting of the Malay/Muslim community.
Ho Ka Wei
Director (Corporate Communications Division)
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth

There is really no necessity for Ka Wei to comment on the AMP-Nizam issue. He is a civil servant and should remain impartial. The hogwash dispensing should be done by politicians or politicians-wannabe.
Ka Wei, being a civil servant, has overstepped his boundary. Too bad, the Hogwash Dispenser of the Week award will remain in Azmoon’s hands.
* The writer blogs at http://wherebearsroamfree.blogspot.com/


Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

This whole review is predicated on letter of the law and not on the spirit. This is an exercise in semantics. Shame on the PM and his men. Those knowledgeable including Sylvia has never suggested anything illegal.

Try doing this in MNC which is listed on stock exchange. The staff doing this will be shown the door.


Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

Note also the slant in the SCM reports. First the sugar icing that no wrong was done, then in a sort of passing wind, a quick slick short mention of the politicising of municipal politics and strategic review.

What about mention of general public interest, moral hazard? None, just review cos some sector thought it good to be depoliticised, but not the PAP leadership. They dont think so. Wtf!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

I find it too painful to read the whole report. It void of intellect explanations. The whole episode of MND review is to quickly slam the door close on inquisitors and hoped that AIM incident can be swept under the carpet. I also noticed there was no mentioning of AIM was registered as a $2 company in the report. All vital questionable points were missing to make PAP TCs look like they were doing "things" above the board.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: MND findings on AIM - released


People with weak heart, please do not attempt to read MND report. If you die of heart attack or bowel constipation from reading MND review, it is just not worth the effort.


Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

I find it too painful to read the whole report. It void of intellect explanations. The whole episode of MND review is to quickly slam the door close on inquisitors and hoped that AIM incident can be swept under the carpet. I also noticed there was no mentioning of AIM was registered as a $2 company in the report. All vital questionable points were missing to make PAP TCs look like they were doing "things" above the board.

its shit like this that makes it important for more checks and balances in parliament. good job MND review Team, you have convinced me of the need for more opposition come 2016.


Re: Civil servant should remain impartial and stay out of AMP-Nizam issue

Director(Corporate Communications Division) ? Just a PRO with high sounding title.
Just another MIW lackey to impress his MIW masters.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

its shit like this that makes it important for more checks and balances in parliament. good job MND review Team, you have convinced me of the need for more opposition come 2016.

Checks and balances? A change of ruling party is needed to put a stop to such things.

There are certain things that the ruling party will fix themselves once they start losing seats. These are usually tweaks at non-sensitive areas or cosmetic. Others, only a change of government can achieve. This is one of them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

Instead of convincing the readers, every time they wrote an excuse like this, their supporters percentage will drop by 5%. Now we can confirm that MOM's & SMRT's statements on PRC's strike case is totally false, and the police could have ill-treated the drivers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

The MND Review team was designed to fail against PAP cronies...its meant to protect the PAP


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Civil servant should remain impartial and stay out of AMP-Nizam issue

Director(Corporate Communications Division) ? Just a PRO with high sounding title.
Just another MIW lackey to impress his MIW masters.

Govt funded agencies should not be partisan. Really?? Did MND's review not mention that it is not uncommon for PAP supporters, MPs and those who stood by PAP agenda to be partisan? They came up with one excuse, and justify with another excuse and than use another excuse to contradict their first excuse and ended up with lots of words because Shit Times journalists couldn't be bothered to question all these PAP contradicting stand. The readers will have to digest and derive their own conclusion. I don't call ST as news, but a bunch of incompetent and useless PAP propagandists.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

The MND Review team was designed to fail against PAP cronies...its meant to protect the PAP

When MCYs said it only deal with grasslooters to deliver funds to help the resident and denied opposition MPs such service, it pretty sum up conflict of interest. Chua Mui Hoong was screaming her throat that such unethical exploitation of taxpayers money to serve only the grasslooters did not help bringing back the voters' confidence in PAP because nobody trust grasslooters in this days and age. MND review is very much in line with PAP full denial of doing wrong and holding the residents' interest in ransom.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

The MND review is a cover-up. It states that the tender was opened and AIM won because it was the only bidder. Did they bother to examine how the specs were crafted? An open tender will not lead to competition if the specs are crafted to cater to a particular party.
Two, the review said that it didn't cost the PAP TCs extra money. Really? Did the PAP TCs eliminate the headcounts that used to support the system? No, they did not. So, they are paying AIM a monthly fee and paying for the support personnel. The support headcount is part of the cost. Then, there is the management fee paid to AIM. Well, that was not accounted for too.

It is a crap review. Now if the newspaper has any integrity, it would have been able to critique the review. What a sham!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

All this will add another nail into the PAP coffin,,but the 60% will need to know that and act accordingly. Its pointless if PAP keeps getting rewarded every erection. Than more AIMs, and more people will suffer,,,but if the people suffer cos they vote PAP they deserve it,,,

When MCYs said it only deal with grasslooters to deliver funds to help the resident and denied opposition MPs such service, it pretty sum up conflict of interest. Chua Mui Hoong was screaming her throat that such unethical exploitation of taxpayers money to serve only the grasslooters did not help bringing back the voters' confidence in PAP because nobody trust grasslooters in this days and age. MND review is very much in line with PAP full denial of doing wrong and holding the residents' interest in ransom.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

The MND review is a cover-up. It states that the tender was opened and AIM won because it was the only bidder. Did they bother to examine how the specs were crafted? !

When there is an agenda, their tender notice has to be very "unique" such that it is either mpossible to meet the requirements within a short span of time as in the case of Brontompbike case or the tender will be made very ambiguous that nobody has the confident to tender as in AIM's case. These, again are not reported (or disallowed) in the Shit Times.
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Re: The MND Review Team has failed!

No comments from the political goondu goh meng seng on this review.

Seems like he 100% agree with his pap boss endorsed mnd report.