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Malaysia banned importing "Allah Socks" from China, Agong calls for investigation




KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia's king on Tuesday (March 19) condemned a convenience store chain and called for an investigation after several pairs of socks emblazoned with "Allah", which means God in Arabic, were found for sale in one of its stores.

Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar said in a Facebook post that "strict action should be taken against any party found guilty" based on investigations by the authorities.

The king serves as the official head of Islam in the Muslim-majority Southeast Asian country.

The rare royal rebuke reminded Malaysians to ensure social harmony by refraining from discussing sensitive issues on religion, race and the royalty.

The socks bearing the word "Allah" were being sold in one outlet of local chain KK Super Mart, sparking public outrage after photos of them were shared widely on social media.

Some Muslims regarded the controversial clothing as insulting, especially since the socks' sale was during the fasting month of Ramadan.
Islam is the official religion in Malaysia, and Malay-Muslims make up over two-thirds of the country's 34 million people.

Race and religion are thorny issues in the country which witnessed deadly racial riots in 1961.

KK Super Mart has apologised for the socks.

"We view the matter seriously. Immediate action has been taken to halt the sale of the said stockings," it said in a statement last Wednesday.

Its supplier Xin Jian Chang has also issued an apology, saying the "problematic socks were part of a larger shipment of 18,800 pairs ordered" from a company based in China.

"Contrary to earlier reports, it has been confirmed that there were only five pairs of socks bearing the sensitive word," it said.
Sultan Ibrahim said errors regarding religious and race issues cannot be allowed.

"Whether it is intentional or not, whether it is imported or exported in a local factory, I want the enforcement authorities to investigate and take strict action," the king said. AFP


where to buy allah socks? i want ta pair.
i also want buy allah men's underwear, women's bra and panty


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you are genuinely not happy, sink a few China 'fishing boats' in the South China Sea. I believe Malaysia has territorial claims over parts of the South China Sea.

Bans, investigations, protests etc will accomplish nothing.


where to buy allah socks? i want ta pair.
i also want buy allah men's underwear, women's bra and panty

Try shopee and share the link here. Malaysia might still have some unsold stock left. Should also buy 1 more for your house mate
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Alfrescian (Inf)

I believe this Tiong sock factory is supplying socks to pasar malams, Daiso, department stores etc.

Are you going to throw a tantrum over one pair of socks, or have a comprehensive boycott? :cool:


If put Jesus or Buddha, I believe Christians or Buddhists don't even care and in fact might even increase sales...LOL.

This shows this PCB ROP is so farking petty and sensitive which is a disgrace to mankind.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
its a racial issue, everything can become racial issue in Muttland...thats the beauty of that cuntry.
to make it more spicy, its a Chink shop selling these socks leading to allegations that it was a deliberate attempt to insult islam.
some say, if its a mutt store caught selling...nothing would have happened.
honestly...its ridiculous that non muslim cannot speak the word 'allah', no one can draw & illustrate allah....


its a racial issue, everything can become racial issue in Muttland...thats the beauty of that cuntry.
to make it more spicy, its a Chink shop selling these socks leading to allegations that it was a deliberate attempt to insult islam.
some say, if its a mutt store caught selling...nothing would have happened.
honestly...its ridiculous that non muslim cannot speak the word 'allah', no one can draw & illustrate allah....

Correct. Moreover, Islam has zero copyright nor IP over this word 'Allah' worldwide, what gives them the right to prevent others from using it?

syed putra

Islam is the official religion in Malaysia, and Malay-Muslims make up over two-thirds of the country's 34 million people.
I dunno where they get the figures from.sabah and sarawak bumis distance themselves from malaya malays.
That is 30% of the population. The current problem is the malays in peninsular. They are only 50%. Or just about 17 million. Maybe less.