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Breaking: Terrorists in Mudland show true colours, threw petrol bomb at KK mart over allah socks



Petrol bomb thrown at KK Super Mart in Perak amid 'Allah' socks controversy​

Petrol bomb thrown at KK Super Mart in Perak amid 'Allah' socks controversy

Malaysia convenience store chain KK Super Mart has come under fire after socks bearing the word 'Allah' were found to be sold by them. (Photo: Facebook/KK Super Mart)
26 Mar 2024 07:17PM (Updated: 26 Mar 2024 07:46PM)

IPOH: Malaysia police have confirmed that a petrol bomb was thrown at a KK Super Mart convenience store in Perak early Tuesday (Mar 26) morning.

This incident comes after socks bearing the word “Allah” were found to be sold by the minimart chain .

Malaysian court charged five executives from the supermarket chain and its supplier with hurting religious feelings on Tuesday.

Perak police chief Mohd Yusri Hassan Basri said a local worker found the bomb at the store in Jalan Bruseh, near Bidor, at 5.35am. She lodged a police report regarding the incident at 8.49am.

“The 20-year-old complainant was working when she heard the sound of a bottle breaking in front of the store and went to check," he told reporters on Tuesday.

“There were shards of glass and explosive material resembling firecrackers on the floor. She also smelled an odour resembling kerosene.”


Malaysia minimart executives charged over 'Allah' socks

‘Allah’ socks furore: Malaysian king calls for stern action, says religious blunders ‘unacceptable’

Malaysia mart’s ‘Allah’ socks blunder sparks backlash from Muslims and debate among politicians

Mohd Yusri said police are tracking down individuals involved in the incident, adding that the case is classified under Section 427 of the Penal Code for causing mischief. The offence carries a jail term of up to two years, a fine, or both upon conviction.

“We are still conducting investigations to track down the suspect and are reviewing footage from the closed-circuit television cameras of the store,” he said.

The sale of the socks had drawn a rare royal rebuke from Malaysia's king, who called for an investigation and "strict action" against those who are found guilty.

Photos of the socks circulated quickly on social media, sparking public outrage as some Muslims regarded them to be insulting, especially as the incident happened during the fasting month of Ramadan.

KK Super Mart has apologised for what happened, saying it viewed the matter "seriously". It added that it had taken action to stop the sale immediately.

Supplier Xin Jian Chang also issued an apology, and explained that the "problematic socks were part of a larger shipment of 18,800 pairs ordered" from a China-based company.
Source: Bernama/CNA/rc

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Bodoh lah, bomb convenience store got use? Try the Chinese embassy lah. :rolleyes:

Your Allah is so impotent, you must seek revenge on his behalf. :roflmao:

Muuds do not have the balls to do so. If they dare try at China embassy, China will pull out major projects or trade and their economy will plunge til 1 SGD : 5 MR lol.