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Low Thia Khiang continues to shun the hawkers



The Hammerroid Towkay has vowed to continue collaborating with the politically motivated NEA while shunning the hapless hawkers:

Low on hawker centre cleaning dispute: Let’s move on

"I would expect the town council to continue to work with NEA for environmental issues on the ground, be it market hygiene, cleanliness, be it littering, be it the dengue fever issue, be it midges at Bedok Reservoir issues," said the MP for Bedok Reservoir-Punggol division.

So, the Towkay has again put in all his ‘good faith’ in the politically motivated NEA for market hygiene and cleanliness while continuing to put in ZERO ‘good faith’ in the hawkers for their inputs in the market hygiene. Maybe, the Towkay still thinks very highly of the NEA for helping him to clear the midges even though it is supposed to be politically motivated.

By taking such a conciliatory, subservient and capitulating tone yet again, the Towkay has shown that the ‘good office’ of the Hammerrhoid Town Council ‘can be bullied or is an easy target to be used by the government to score political point.’

And by not engaging the hawkers, not even bothering to clarify the dispute with them, the Towkay once again shows that the powerless hawkers can also ‘be bullied or is an easy target to be used by the Hammerrhoids to score political points.’

大鱼吃小鱼, 小鱼吃虾米。

Finally, the question that has always been on the mind of the hawkers: when is the Towkay ever going to Grace their market again?
Asked if he would go down to speak to the hawkers, Mr Low reiterated his wish to move on and said: “Whatever it is, the town council will have to do what is necessary.”

“WHERE GOT TIME! Ask me to go down? Why don’t you order those suckers to crawl up! Tell those hawkers to go and fly kite and suck eggs!” the Towkay roars back furiously.

Yep, how can these low-caste hawkers expect such a super lao-cheow to fly down from his ivory nest and stoop so low for these insignificant calafares? 没大没小!

Nevertheless, the long-forgotten hawkers may decide to dedicate this Teochew song to the high-and-mighty Towkay:

“忘记” (The Long - Forgotten)


忘记你已经不再回来;…..We’re so sorry Towkay, we’ve forgotten that You’ll never come back to us;
忘记离别你的无奈。.....We’ve forgotten that the last time You Grace us was so long ago, even then You appear so sibei reluctant to see us.
一去渺茫我心中的爱;..With You long gone, we’re so tiny and insignificant, to be totally ignored by Your beloved Town Council ‘good office’’;
今夜漂泊在天涯;……….Who has but abandoned our market into the dark wilderness, leaving it so unclean and so unhygienic;
秋风吹红了无数相思。..And when the wind blows the dirt and dust all over our market, it makes us to think of You even more so.
当我梦中醒来;……......Even in our sleep, we’ve always been dreaming;
是否此情解不开?……...When is our nightmare with the Town Council ‘good office’ ever to be resolved?
多少伤心的安排。….....After they and their contractors have made so many arrangements to hurt our feelings
历遍沧桑的我;…........But after being bullied so easily and so repeatedly by the Hammerrhoids;
为何还在等待?…........Yet, why are we still eagerly waiting for Your Return to Grace our market?

“Towkay, 我们会永远等着你回来!!!” – the hawkers.
“Towkay, please come back!.............. Please invite us to Your Dialogue!” – the hawkers.

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Finally, the Towkay Graces the hawker centre!......but that was a very, very long, long, long time ago.....


“I’ve been waiting for you! Waiting for you to come here!” – shouted the hawker at the Towkay after waiting so long-long for His Grace to visit his stall for ages.

The hawkers still remember very nostalgically the very last time when they met the Towkay which was so very long, long time ago, when they were simply being treated by the Hammerrhoids as background props for the Towkay to anyhow abuse for His PR wayang show and later pasted onto his Facebook photo. Then, the Towkay didn’t think that the ‘hawkers need, very much, peace to do their business,’ and should dedicate time and space to entertain and to amuse Him.

Now, the hawkers have to be a bit more patient and wait for another 3 more years till GE2016, when the Towkay will be very very free yet again. Then the hawkers will have the great fortune and tremendous blessing to be featured yet again as expendable calefare extras and decorative background props in the Towkay’s PR wayang.




“Towkay, do you know that we’re still waiting for You to Grace our market?” cried the hawkers

TOC speaks with Hawkers at Bedok

He commented that it is disappointing that there had been more reporters dropping down to ask what the situation than the MPs from Workers’ Party dropping down to check on them. According to him, none has dropped down to speak with the hawkers yet.

“Towkay, 你知道我在等你吗?”- 小贩们的无奈呐喊


莫名我就喜欢你;……...............For no reason, we’ve been supporting the Hammerrhoids;
深深地爱上你;………...............And we’ve been falling deeply in love with the Towkay;
没有理由没有原因。..............And for no logic and no explanation.

莫名我就喜欢你;…................For no reason, we’ve been supporting the Hammerrhoids;
深深地爱上你;…......…...........And we’ve been falling deeply in love with the Towkay;
从见到你的那一天起……..........Ever since the very first and only time when the Towkay Grace our market, which was so long, long ago.

你知道我在等你吗?...............Towkay, do you know that we’re still waiting for You?
你如果真的在乎我;……….........Towkay, if You really care for us;
又怎会让无尽的夜陪我度过?....Then how can let our long-suffering nightmare with Your Town Council good office to continue so endlessly?

你知道我在等你吗?...............Towkay, do you know that we’re still waiting for You?
你如果真的在乎我;……….........Towkay, if You really care for us;
又怎会让握花的手在风中颤抖?.Then how can You let wind blowing dirt all over the market, and we have to work in trembling fear?

莫名我就喜欢你;……..............For no reason, we’ve been supporting the Hammerrhoids;
深深地爱上你;………...............And we’ve been falling deeply in love with the Towkay;
在黑夜里倾听你的声音。…......But we can only dream to hear Your voice in our sleep without any hope to meet Your Grace ever again.




Towkay, when will you be coming back to our market?” – the hawkers asked with deep anxiety.

何日菌再来 (When will the Hammerrhoid pests be coming back?)


忘れられない あのおもかげよ!......Towkay, you have long forgotten about us but we will always remember your wayang-about at our market!
ともしび 揺れる この雾のなか;…..We can still recognise that in the mist of all your Hammerrhoids’ flashing cameras;
ふたり并んで よりそいながら;……..You masquerading around, patting our shoulders and leaning close to us, pretending like our long-lost brothers;
ささやきも ほほえみも;…..........…Faking to smile so hard and sweet-talk to us with empty promises;
たのしくとけあい;………...............Bluffing us, as we all melted into a state of intoxicated joy and ultimate repentance;
過ごしたあの日!…………................To actually believing you that you will forever have our interest in your heart and will be visiting our market very often!
ああ いとしの君 いつまたかえる?…Oh, Towkay, when will you be coming back to our market since your last and only visit in GE2011?
何日菌再来!………........................When will your Hammerrhoid pests be coming back to kacau our stalls and harass our patrons again!
