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Lee Wei Ling & her sis-in-law fighting?


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>29320.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>Feb 28, 2010

Being the Panda's daughter

Regardless of how I'm perceived by people, I will continue to do what is right and just

<!-- by line -->By Lee Wei Ling

Recently, I have been asked to give talks, or just to meet and greet certain 'VIPs', more often than before. This is probably due to the fact that I began writing regularly for this newspaper in 2008.

I have no doubt that when my name is heard, it is almost immediately followed by the thought, 'she is LKY's daughter'. I suspect many readers first read me because they were curious about LKY's daughter, how she thought and felt, especially since some perceived me as anti-establishment.

I am Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's daughter and I am proud of him. That does not mean I need to agree with every decision the Cabinet makes.

But I am not anti-establishment either. On the contrary, I would like the establishment to make decisions that are correct for Singapore. When it makes a decision that I think is unwise, I try to give feedback and hopefully persuade the authorities to reconsider their position. Why else would I, a neurologist, agree to be part of the roster for the Think-Tank column in The Straits Times or write in this space roughly every fortnight? I hope that by now people read me because they find what I write interesting and educational. (kojakbt: as you can see, it's the ST fellas who want to "sarkar" her...)

As for my family, I am aware that I am perceived by outsiders - including some members of my extended family - to be at the bottom of the totem pole among my nuclear family, including both my sisters-in-law. This does not upset me.

We all have our own roles in society. I chose a role that is relatively low-profile, but which gives me satisfaction since I am able to help and comfort my patients. The psychological rewards of being a doctor are almost immediate versus the longer timeframes for a public policy or business decision to bear fruit.

But perceptions, whether accurate or not, do affect how people react to me. Many people think I have a 'godfather'. But as my staff at the National Neuroscience Institute know, events last year proved that my family connections do not give me special protection.

Others may believe that I am powerful and have special privileges. But I am influential only if I, like any other writer, can persuade Singaporeans to a particular point of view.

As for special privileges, what are they? Well, I can use the Istana grounds, as I have since my childhood. But it has been a while since I used the Istana grounds to jog or exercise, though I do take friends there for a walk once or twice a year.

But perceptions, as I said, do matter. I know many people do not treat me the way they would treat others. I try to put them at ease by treating them as equals. In discussions, some who do not know me well may defer to me though I actually prefer robust debate. I cannot know everything, and most certainly cannot be right on every occasion.

'Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story,' the Desiderata urges us. I have a strong egalitarian streak, so I naturally would listen to the 'dull and ignorant'.

Just this past week, a friend of mine sent me a report from The Economist of a study of OECD countries: 'One of the reasons people try to get ahead is to boost their children's chances in life. And indeed the children of the well-off and well-educated earn more and learn more than their less fortunate peers....'

My friend commented: 'Whether you believe in nature or nurture, most apples do not fall too far from the tree. We (in Singapore) provide everyone with equal opportunities - in fact, more help is given to those from the lower end - but we cannot expect equal outcomes.'

I replied: 'Yes, we all have different weaknesses and strengths. We are all also fellow travellers in transit in this present time and country. Here and now is the only certainty you and I know. That applies as much to Singapore's billionaires as it does to the cleaning lady in my office.

'The ideal that Singaporeans should strive for is a society where all are treated equally. Being treated equally does not mean being paid the same. But in our personal interactions with one another, unless we know or strongly suspect the other person is a bad person, we should try to treat everyone with the same degree of consideration. I use the word 'consideration' rather than 'courtesy' because I find 'courtesy' a somewhat phoney thing. I may or may not do you good or harm, but I can still treat you courteously.'

In the fourth century, a great Chinese writer Tao Yuan Ming - who unlike most Chinese scholars, wanted no official position and preferred the seclusion of a farming life - was forced to take up a minor official position because he could not feed his family by farming. Less than 80 days after he took up his position, a higher ranking official visited him. Warned to be courteous to the higher official or he would get into trouble, Tao declared: 'I will not bow for five bushels of padi.'

Perhaps five bushels of padi was his annual remuneration. My close circle of friends understands when I say: 'I won't bow for five kilograms of gold.' It means I will not waver from my principles no matter what the cost.

A humorous aspect of being 'LKY's daughter' is that not infrequently, various people ask to meet me though they have nothing specific to discuss with me. My mother used to say wryly of such people: 'If they cannot see the Panda, the Panda's daughter may be an acceptable substitute.'

Perhaps wanting to meet the Panda's daughter is a reflection of the awe with which many view my father. That is a compliment to him, not a merit I won myself.

Regardless of how people perceive the 'Panda's daughter', I will continue to do what is right and just, until I'm physically unable to do so anymore.



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>> As for my family, I am aware that I am perceived by outsiders - including some members of my extended family - to be at the bottom of the totem pole among my nuclear family, including both my sisters-in-law. This does not upset me.

Both her sisters-in-law think that she is at the bottom of the totem pole?

This England very chim leh... can some bros here explain in simple England what she meant ah?

I know what is pole dancing but bottom of totem pole means wat ah?


> Well, I can use the Istana grounds, as I have since my childhood. But it has been a while since I used the Istana grounds to jog or exercise

hey, Kojakbt also want to go Istana and do jogging leh... how cum she can I cannot one? So unfair...


> 'If they cannot see the Panda, the Panda's daughter may be an acceptable substitute.'

Perhaps wanting to meet the Panda's daughter is a reflection of the awe with which many view my father. That is a compliment to him, not a merit I won myself.

LKY is a Panda meh?

I don't see any "oh bak kak" in LKY's eyes leh?



Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>> As for my family, I am aware that I am perceived by outsiders - including some members of my extended family - to be at the bottom of the totem pole among my nuclear family, including both my sisters-in-law. This does not upset me.

Both her sisters-in-law think that she is at the bottom of the totem pole?

This England very chim leh... can some bros here explain in simple England what she meant ah?

I know what is pole dancing but bottom of totem pole means wat ah?


Have you seen early native Central American (e.g. Maya civilisation) pillar structures with carvings of gods, devils and animals? That's a totem pole.


Alfrescian (Inf)
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td height="8"></td></tr><tr><td class="msgtxt">> As for my family, I am aware that I am perceived by outsiders - including some members of my extended family - to be at the bottom of the totem pole among my nuclear family, including both my sisters-in-law. This does not upset me.
Both her sisters-in-law think that she is at the bottom of the totem pole?

It means people like Old Man's bros & sister & their families - those are Wei Ling's extended family - her uncles, aunts & cousins.

She is saying even they think she is the least important among her siblings & their wives (the including both my sis-in-law part).

Meaning : Dr Lee knows outsiders including even her uncles/aunts/cousins think she is the least influential member of her family, behind LKY & Mrs LKY, LHL & HC, LHY & LSF (since Dr Lee is single, these people are her immediate nuclear family)

Get it ?:cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
So, what's at the bottom of the totem pole?

I'm not very sure but I think that the bottom are symbolic carvings of sins and shames against that particular tribe or clan. The top is usually something godly, regal or lofty, like the American bald eagle.

Queen Seok Duk

Why use so chim English to explain what is so simple ?

They see her at the bottom of the 'totem pole' means they see her no up lah. So easy.


I'm not very sure but I think that the bottom are symbolic carvings of sins and shames against that particular tribe or clan. The top is usually something godly, regal or lofty, like the American bald eagle.

Are u saying that even her sis-in-laws think she is a shame of the family?


Why use so chim English to explain what is so simple ?

They see her at the bottom of the 'totem pole' means they see her no up lah. So easy.

HAHAH! That's why, I think in Singapore, she should use Singlish... just say her sis-in-laws think she is very "lau lan"... then everyone in Singapore will understand...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are u saying that even her sis-in-laws think she is a shame of the family?

I'm only talking about totem pole generally, as far as I understand it. What she or her sis-in-law or whoever thinks, I don't know. If I know, I'd be a millionaire.


Alfrescian (Inf)
there's no restriction on the vertical order of totem poles. some poles have significant figures on top, some have significant ones at the bottom, and many have important ones in the middle. some don't have any vertical arrangement at all, comprising lone figures. there are even 'shame' poles, constructed to shame another party.

Lee Hsien Tau

In electronic amplification construct, she is the bottom transistor in the totem pole. The non-glamorous workhorse without the credits.


this one also another one out of touch with her audience.

what totem botem bole? writing for ST use local english lah. not writing for IHT or Economist u noe? next time should just say 'my sis-in-laws see me no up'.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td height="8"></td></tr><tr><td class="msgtxt">I know what is pole dancing but bottom of totem pole means wat ah?

You're a typical sinkie twit! One that spends half his life on the internet but doesn't have a clue how to use the web for his own benefit.

If you don't understand what being "at the bottom of the totem pole" means, simply do a search for "totem pole" and do some research for yourself.:rolleyes:


Vertical order of images is widely believed to be a significant representation of importance. This idea is so pervasive that it has entered into common parlance with the phrase "low man on the totem pole." This phrase is indicative of the most common belief of ordering importance, that the higher figures on the pole are more important or prestigious.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Handsome or not?

Time & illness destroy the physical form invariably......


and below, a picture in the 70s when she accompany her parents on their first visit to China. Also in pix, Dr Ahmad Mattar, SR Nathan & Ngiam Thong Dow....... Wei Ling was like any young gal in her 20s though no beauty then but still ok lah...


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