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Japanese got citizenship at 19 for serving NS, Now...



Ogawa Ryuju (kusokun) wrote,
@ 2010-11-13 00:24:00

Current mood: calm

"ICA : Sorry to waste 2 years of your time for our country, We're still friends right?"
I've receive another letter from the ICA today.

"Dear Sir,


We refer to your appeal through Mr Heng Chee How, MP for Jalan Besar GRC,
Whampoa Branch concerning the above matter.

2 As you were granted Siungapore citizenship by registration under article 124(1) of the
Constitution of Singapore, you were therefore required to take the Oath of Renunciation,
Allegiance and Loyalty(ORAL) between 31 Aug 2009 and 30 Aug 2010 as stated clearly on your Singapore Citizenship Certificate no S8873492J.

3 We regret to inform you that we are unable to accede to your request to reinstate your
Singapore citizenship as there is no provision for reinstatement of Singapore citizenship once a
person failed to take the ORAL within the stipulated time frame and ceased to be a Singapore
citizen. Nevertheless, we would like to advise you to submit a fresh SC application for our

Yours faithfully"

I guess i'm still stateless..
Thank you everyone for the support you've given me.



Stateless man fights for Singapore citizenship
By Ewen Boey – November 19th, 2010


A 22-year-old man has found himself caught in a fix after discovering that he is stateless, and ‘no longer a Singapore citizen’.

Ogawa Ryuju was born in Japan to a Japanese father and Singaporean mother and has been living in Singapore since the age of 10. Last year, at the age of 21, he had decided to relinquish his Japanese citizenship to become a Singaporean despite the difficulties he had faced, as he had spent most of his growing up years in the city state.

“I was 10-years-old and only in primary 2, and I could hardly speak English then. My schoolmates also liked to pick on the fact that I’m half-Japanese, so they would bring up the issue of World War II among other things,” he told Yahoo! Singapore.

In Singapore, Ryuju had done his ‘N’ Level examinations, and served two years of National Service. He also possesses a pink identity card and a Singapore passport.

“Singapore is where I call my home, where my friends and family live. It does not matter to me if I’m a citizen of Japan or Singapore, as long as I can live here,” he said.

Foreigners have to take an oath to confirm their status as Singapore citizens at the age of 21. Once they turn 22, their Singapore citizenship will be forfeited if the oath has not been taken.

According to Ryuju, the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) claimed they had sent him two letters — first when he turned 21 on 31 August 2009, and then six months after that — to inform him that he had to take a formal oath to finalise his citizenship. However, he claimed that he did not receive any letters from ICA.

“They sent me two letters, but I did not receive anything. When they did not hear from me, they could have called and told me that I needed to go down. After all, they’ve got all my details,” Ryuju lamented.

He only discovered the bad news on October 4 this year, just over a month after his 22nd birthday, when he went down to the ICA to renew his Singapore passport.

“They told me that I was no longer a Singaporean, and the person even showed me a letter that they were preparing to send to me. This was a bit ridiculous as my 22nd birthday had passed more than a month before, and they still hadn’t officially informed me of this,” he said.

He also revealed that his initial appeal to the ICA was recently rejected. His Member of Parliament assisting him in this matter, Mr Heng Chee How, had advised him to re-apply for Singapore citizenship.

However, Ryuju is holding strong to his principles.

“I believe that this situation is the fault of the ICA. If they had handled the situation well, there would not have been this miscommunication. Instead, they do not even want to admit that they have any fault to play at all. I believe that all humans make mistakes, and I’m seeking an apology from their side on this mix-up before I apply again,” he added.

When asked if he would regret spending two years of his life in National Service only to end up not retaining his Singapore citizenship, he shook his head immediately.

“Of course, who wants to spend two years of his life in NS? But for me, I think NS was good as I learnt a lot of values that I otherwise would not have picked up if I was simply leading a normal life outside,” he declared proudly.

ICA could not be reached for comment on the matter.

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Japan-born guy who lost S'pore citizenship: He deserves it for missing deadline


So sad
Sure or not?
STOMPer Jin He feels that Ogawa Ryuju, the Japan-born man who lost his Singapore citizenship after missing the deadline for taking a compulsory oath, was not serious enough to be a citizen here, and therefore, does not deserve to be one.

Mr Ogawa had renounced his Japanese citizenship in July this year, and had become a Singapore permanent resident, having served National Service and lived most of his life in Singapore.

However, when he wanted to renew his passport this year to go to Hong Kong for a holiday, he was told by an ICA officer that he was no longer a Singaporean, because despite having a pink IC, he had failed to complete the Oath of Renunciation, Allegiance and Loyalty before he turned 22.

Mr Ogawan claims he did not know about this. He also claims he did not receive two reminder letters from ICA -- the first sent on Aug 31 last year and another one six months later -- reminding him to take the Oath.

STOMper Jin He, however, feels that Mr Ogawa should have taken the requirement for his Singapore Citizenship more seriously. He said:

"I read recent articles about Ogawa Ryuju and felt so annoyed.

"He failed to comply with the Singapore Citizenship requirement to take his oath of allegiance (he was given about TWO years to do this), he claims he’s not aware of this requirement although it is stated on his citizenship certificate.

"He claims of not having received written reminders about the requirement, and when told that he could re-submit his application, he continued to insist that it was not his fault for missing the deadline.

"I feel the Singaporean Citizenship should be reserved for those who deserve it, who are serious about applying for it, and who respect our law!"