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Serious It's Official! 96% Of All Sinkies And Samsters Support Ukraine! Only 4% Whackjobs Support Fascist Russia!

orh mee suah

Of the 1,711 interviewed, 5% of them are uninformed because they don't read the local newspapers. The rest of them are misinformed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ukraine is just another bitch of the WEF, not too different from Sinkieland. :cool:



You are one of the 4% whackjobs who support Putin? It's strange that while some oppies are so upset about supposedly lack of democracy in Singapore, they support fascists leaders like Putin, Trump, Xi, Erdogan for eroding democratic institutions within their own countries.
How has trump eroded democratic institutions?


Damn! Didn't expect the brainless zombies to be so many. But I take it with a ladle of salt. You can't trust the numbers this administration throws out.


You are one of the 4% whackjobs who support Putin? It's strange that while some oppies are so upset about supposedly lack of democracy in Singapore, they support fascists leaders like Putin, Trump, Xi, Erdogan for eroding democratic institutions within their own countries.

I am surprised only 4% are even remotely informed about the things they express disagreement with.

Public lynchings, kid nappings and gruesome murders by citizen militias are normal and lawful part of democratic institutions? Give me Putin and public order any time good sir! :unsure:

A Singaporean

Only dumb Sinkies believe PAP survey. Just like survey that says 99% Sinkies believe foreigners create good jobs for Sinkies.


Fake news. You can tell when they say 71% in China sympathises with Ukraine. China netizens bought up all products on Russia's online store in 1 day. I might have believe it if they just say 61% of Sinkies supported Ukraine.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
View attachment 138238

SINGAPORE - A vast majority of Singaporeans back Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia, while six in 10 agree with the Republic's decision to slap sanctions on Moscow, according to an online survey conducted over March 9 to 10.

The Blackbox Research poll found that 95 per cent of 1,711 Singaporeans interviewed supported or sympathised most closely with Ukraine in the conflict which Russia started on Feb 24, calling it a special operation to disarm its neighbour.

Kyiv and its Western allies, however, say Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the invasion as an act of aggression aiming to subjugate Ukraine.

Singapore, like many countries around the world, reacted by imposing sanctions on Russia earlier this month targeting banks and goods like electronics, computers and military items. This move was supported by 60 per cent of Singaporeans polled by Blackbox, with 35 per cent saying they were unsure or had no opinion.

A total of 6,920 people aged above 18 responded to the survey conducted across Australia, China, India and Singapore. Data was weighted by age and gender to better reflect the latest census data in each country, said Blackbox, a Singapore-based agency that monitors emerging regional and global trends.

Four per cent of the Singaporean respondents said they were behind Russia in the conflict, which the United Nations said has killed hundreds of Ukrainian civilians and led to more than three million fleeing to neighbouring countries.

In China - where respondents are mostly from urban cities Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen - 3 per cent felt the same, with 71 per cent saying they sympathised with Ukraine instead.

More than eight in 10 in China were undecided on their government's stance,
which Blackbox framed as not taking sides in the conflict.

Beijing has not condemned Russia's actions, saying it recognises Ukraine's sovereignty but that Moscow has legitimate security concerns.

In both Australia and India, where urban dwellers also make up most of the respondents, around 9 in 10 polled said they supported Kyiv.

Apart from sanctions, Singapore has denounced Russia's actions as an unprovoked attack that violates international law and sets a "dangerous precedent" for small states like itself.

Some quarters in the Republic have questioned this strong posture, against a backdrop of swirling propaganda and disinformation pushing pro-Russian, pro-China and anti-United States views online.

Authorities have told The Straits Times that they are keeping a close watch for possible hostile information campaigns directed at Singapore in relation to the ongoing conflict.

In the Blackbox poll, nearly seven in 10 Singaporean respondents said they blamed Russia for the crisis, while just over half of those in China said they did not know. Three per cent in China said the US was at fault.

Respondents were also asked to state their agreement with a set of statements. Over six in 10 in Singapore did not think that the invasion would herald the beginning of World War III; half were not sure if Russia would emerge victorious; while more than four in 10 did not think Ukraine would win.

The majority of respondents in China answered "not sure" to all of these statements, including one on whether Beijing would eventually be pulled into the conflict.


The most appropriate response for the average sinkie would be "I'm sorry but I don't have a sufficient understanding of what is going on to choose a side" and I'm surprised not a single percentage point was assigned to this category.


I know of oppies who will not fight for Singapore should we get invaded. They even went around telling their friends that sinkies should welcome foreign invaders. They are proudly preaching treason. As you said, these oppies are traitors!!
The reasoning is really simple - invasions these days are like "hostile takeovers". There is simply a change in management, a bit of value extraction and that is it. Life goes on. Is there a need for you to personally protect the good life foreigners enjoy thus far? U ask me, they should pick up a gun, fight and die for their host who has provided good opportunities for them. :unsure:


The way the poll is conducted is almost guaranteed to get such results. Who you support - Russia, Ukraine or remain neutral is a political question. Do you sympathize with Ukraine / Ukrainians is a moral question. These two are completely different questions appealing to different values.

Either Blackbox, a supposed expert organization in polling, is too dumb to see that or there is some sort of agenda they are pushing. The way the article is framed deliberately conflates these two concepts by lumping support for Ukraine and sympathizing Ukraine together. It is entirely possible for someone to support Russia or remain politically neutral and yet sympathize with Ukraine.

Similarly, there are sure to be people who feel strongly against the Ukrainian government and think they are the criminals who brought Ukraine to the brink of destruction through disastrous geopolitical brinksmanship and yet feel sorry for the average citizens who are now paying the price. If Blackbox polled me with the same question, I would have answered sympathize Ukraine as well, but that does not mean I "support" Ukraine which by implication means its government.

As a Straits Times propaganda piece, I suspect they sense that some Singaporeans are uncomfortable with the PAP's openly taking sides and are seeking to use this article to twist the whole thing as Singaporeans are almost universally supporting the government's actions and sell the idea that PAP stands on the side of "justice".
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The way the poll is conducted is almost guaranteed to get such results. Who you support - Russia, Ukraine or remain neutral is a political question. Do you sympathize with Ukraine / Ukrainians is a moral question. These two are completely different questions appealing to different values.

Either Blackbox, a supposed expert organization in polling, is too dumb to see that or there is some sort of agenda they are pushing. The way the article is framed deliberately conflates these two concepts by lumping support for Ukraine and sympathizing Ukraine together. It is entirely possible for someone to support Russia or remain politically neutral and yet sympathize with Ukraine.

Similarly, there are sure to be people who feel strongly against the Ukrainian government and think they are the criminals who brought Ukraine to the brink of destruction through disastrous geopolitical brinksmanship and yet feel sorry for the average citizens who are now paying the price. If Blackbox polled me with the same question, I would have answered sympathize Ukraine as well, but that does not mean I "support" Ukraine which by implication means its government.

Black Box Research is the approved stats/polls merchant by the PAP govt. If I remember correctly, it released other surveys and studies over the years, including one before the last election. :biggrin:

If your media is untrustworthy, don't expect the pollsters to do any better. :cool: