In a horrific case from Uttar Pradesh, a 20-year-old girl named Afreen was brutally beaten by her father and her brother for being in a relationship with a Hindu boy. The girl’s father identified as Niyamat Ullah, and her brother Haider Ali killed her and then buried her in a nearby piece of land.
As per the initial reports, the incident is said to have taken place on August 4 in the Tikawwar village of Amethi’s Piparpura region. The girl, studying in class 12, was in a relationship with a boy named Sarvesh Sharma. Her relationship with the boy was not acceptable at home and the girl was warned several times by her father and her brother.
The girl, however, was caught in the main market area of the village by Niyamat Ullah and Haider Ali while she had gone there to meet the boy. She was then beaten up by the father-son duo in the market, the video of which was shared on social media by one user.
The duo could be seen in the video dragging the girl and slapping her in the presence of other people in the market.
Reportedly, Amethi police took cognisance of the event and called everyone to the police station for inquiry. They were later sent home only after the girl’s mother was called to the police station.
According to the sources, the girl was then brutally beaten by her father and brother resulting in her death. She was later buried in a nearby piece of land on August 5. The neighbours, and other relatives of the family, were told that the girl was ill and that she died due to lack of treatment….
In a horrific case from Uttar Pradesh, a 20-year-old girl named Afreen was brutally beaten by her father and her brother for being in a relationship with a Hindu boy. The girl’s father identified as Niyamat Ullah, and her brother Haider Ali killed her and then buried her in a nearby piece of land.
As per the initial reports, the incident is said to have taken place on August 4 in the Tikawwar village of Amethi’s Piparpura region. The girl, studying in class 12, was in a relationship with a boy named Sarvesh Sharma. Her relationship with the boy was not acceptable at home and the girl was warned several times by her father and her brother.
The girl, however, was caught in the main market area of the village by Niyamat Ullah and Haider Ali while she had gone there to meet the boy. She was then beaten up by the father-son duo in the market, the video of which was shared on social media by one user.
The duo could be seen in the video dragging the girl and slapping her in the presence of other people in the market.
Reportedly, Amethi police took cognisance of the event and called everyone to the police station for inquiry. They were later sent home only after the girl’s mother was called to the police station.
According to the sources, the girl was then brutally beaten by her father and brother resulting in her death. She was later buried in a nearby piece of land on August 5. The neighbours, and other relatives of the family, were told that the girl was ill and that she died due to lack of treatment….