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if a girl says she likes u, and u sort of like her...but...


A relationship with an expiry date is like a contract job. I know of many contract employees who eventually transition into permanent staff owing to their good performance. Many a couple either remain together or split after they begin dating. I believe that couples who fall in love too easily or too fast are more likely to fall out of love quickly as well. My wife and I grew in love over the more than 20 years we have been together.
ok. point noted. i m just exploring balancing commitment with freshness.

syed putra

A relationship with an expiry date is like a contract job. I know of many contract employees who eventually transition into permanent staff owing to their good performance. Many a couple either remain together or split after they begin dating. I believe that couples who fall in love too easily or too fast are more likely to fall out of love quickly as well. My wife and I grew in love over the more than 20 years we have been together.
If there is a offer, never decline. Take it.