Sadly but only hard truths - youth is wasted upon the young.
While youthful & young, beyond the restrictions of parents, most will want to experience life, to experience every possibility of life, & some even resort to crime & hurting others.... Eventually, youth & even mortal life is NOT forever...Make the wrong choice, there will be a price to pay - loneliness, as a consequence of Free Will chosen....Make the right one, one will become successful & even immortalized for eternity by loved ones...
LOVE is what created CIVILIZATION. We current Humanity knows only the 3 dimensions - length, breathe, height, to determine realities based upon our 5 senses. The 4th dimension is TIME, which Humanity can SIMULATE thru AI, but there are many, many other dimensions yet to be known, based upon mathematical calculations such as Quantum Mechanics, which is still a minute conception within the VAST field of Knowledge to know.
However, the HIGHEST DIMENSION is LOVE.. It is such that is able to propagate the Human experiment across the Universe than cold & emotionless AI can. Such would be deemed as 'cheem' and not most would realize it or even yet to realize it...
To bring all back to Earth, it is thru LOVE that Humanity had learnt civilization & the means to ensure & enhance it, for generations to come, to survive & propagate, in peace & evolution that progress, justice & equality & much more virtues will be realized.
It begins with the family, the building blocks of civilization. Properly nurtured, the child will grow up to do the same as their beloved parents did, to truly experience the gift of life.
No one or BEING promised that life would be a bed of roses everyday. We all are fallible & make mistakes most of the time, but DO have the ability to communicate, acknowledge, correct & progress...
Most youths would have dreams & desires of ideal companions in life, but the sad truth is that NO ONE is perfect - attractive, handsome or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, black or white, etc, etc. Each would only have naturally bias based upon experiences, peers or adult influenced ignorance, but WE Humankind are Humans 1st before differences set us apart.
Ultimately, it will be LOVE that binds us back. So what exactly is LOVE? Even scientists & neurologists can only stumble & mumble for answers to quantify it scientifically, but yet they know within their hearts, like many other layman, whom experienced it, what it is.....