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How to lose belly fat?


Liposuction will do u fine if u're very fat but pls choose a qualified doctor and not that Burmese cockanathan so-called doctor! She shld be struck off the roll and back to the drawing board....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just focus on healthy foods that's what I'm doing. People have noticed that I've lost weight & kept it off. :smile: All I'm doing is avoiding snacking on processed foods, avoiding MacD/KFC, no more fizzy drinks, etc

sure healthy foods are good obviously but oh well as long as junk food are taken in moderation and one doesn't have any illnesses like high blood pressure and stuff shouldn't be a big issue.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Jah_rastafar_I said:
sure healthy foods are good obviously but oh well as long as junk food are taken in moderation and one doesn't have any illnesses like high blood pressure and stuff shouldn't be a big issue.

In fact I read one comment from MacDonald that their hamburger is healthy with optimal proportions of carbohydrate, vegetables and protein according to the food pyramid.


Alfrescian (Inf)
In fact I read one comment from MacDonald that their hamburger is healthy with optimal proportions of carbohydrate, vegetables and protein according to the food pyramid.

I'm not sure about that nor do i think any health enthuiast would endorse that but shouldn't be a problem if you don't eat macs all the time.


New Member
Along with doing cardio workouts such as walking or jogging you must eat healthy also. Consider foods that speed up your metabolism such as whole grains, fish or foods high in protein. You should eat five to six small meals a day instead of three large meals to keep your metabolism going and burn fat.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Jah_rastafar_I said:
I'm not sure about that nor do i think any health enthuiast would endorse that but shouldn't be a problem if you don't eat macs all the time.

At least on this claim that it follows the recommended food pyramid, Macs should be better than most hawker food.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Discipline is the key to losing your belly fat... I used to think running once a week, doing constant sit ups everyday would reduce my belly fat.. But I was dead wrong.. My belly fat started to reduced after I kena the weekly RT at my army camp.. Went there every week without fail even though I hated it.. Then few weeks after my RT, I saw a development on my tummy that I thought I would never see.. I managed to reduce my beer belly.. Then I started getting interested again in taking care of my physical well being.. Started jogging again 3 times a week, bought myself a mountain bike and riding it at least twice a week.. After 5 months, my belly fat is now a thing of the past.. Of course I would at times also indulge in the occasional supper and a few bottles of Guinness.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Agree. Mac is my staple almost all my life. I've never had any health or medical problem.

Not yet. You'll probably experience the problems down the road

The trouble with fast food is that it's got plenty of bad things in them e.g. lots of calories, trans fat, additives, sugar.... You only have to look at the US to see all the health problems it has created. Over there the food portions are larger & that's why you are seeing the problems sooner than in other countries.

Take for example the problem with obesity in Spore school kids. When I was in school there was no such problem unlike today where the problem is serious enough that they have exercise program in the schools for these overweight kids.


As usual I read the whole thread before butting in.Obeity is a modern phenomena...at least it was never an issue during and after world war.Anyway answering how to loose weight is like shooting in the dark.Because we know notting aboout the target.Yes,you the target.What is your genetic make up and your way of life matters.Otherwise one man's food is another's poison.

I been through that before.Strict dieting,self control and regular exercise lost me 12 kilos is 2 months....and I kept the pace for the next six months.And relaxed for a month or two.Within this 2 months back to square one.And I wondered why.

My findings are as follows.Never never loose kilos is a rush.It's detrimental to you.The ideal ratio is 1 kilo per month.Secondly,your lose of weight is not necessarily lose of body fat.It's lose of body water.That's how most company in loosing weigh business spin resulst and stuff themselves fat with your dollars.They dehydrate you.And once you are off their programme the same fat cell attracts water cell and you become fat again.For which they lay the blame on you.How convenient.

Now,for belly fat;it's a little bit more complicated.Ever notice most Indians always comes with a pouch?We call that beer belly,right?That precisely it because beer still ferments in you stomach....and therefore such stomach is lot more gassy than it should be.Thereby it's sort of bloated.

I am not suggesting Indians generally binge on beers but just look at Indians diet....their mostly vegetarian diet consists of Legume; the yellow beans thingy lah.And it's quite fermenting.Hence your diet matters in where you get fat.

The best doctor is you yourself.Of course you need a close friend to tell about your back that you cannot see.But the last thing to seek help is fom one of those companies that advertise fiercely .You would not only shed some of your body water but a lot of your cash too.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
4. if you have fat genes, you are fat regardless!

That would defy the law of conservation of energy and is simply not possible. Fat cannot come from nowhere. Fat is stored energy and if fat could morph from thin air, the world's energy crisis will solved next week.

If the human body uses more energy than it consumes, then fat is used up and the person gets thinner.

If it consumes more than energy than it expends over a period of time, the excess energy is stored as fat.

Anyone who is fat can lose weight steadily as long as their average energy output is more than the energy consumed in the form of food. No genes can prevent this from happening. Einstein's equations would all need to be re-formulated if this was the case.


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Now,for belly fat;it's a little bit more complicated.Ever notice most Indians always comes with a pouch?We call that beer belly,right?That precisely it because beer still ferments in you stomach....and therefore such stomach is lot more gassy than it should be.Thereby it's sort of bloated.

I glup down lots of beer, always thought the carb in beer are converted to fat and store around the belly area.

Geez... if it is the stomach that gets bloated, now I must find some ways to blurp out those fatty gases. :biggrin:

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Leongsam said:
That would defy the law of conservation of energy

Anyone who is fat can lose weight steadily as long as their average energy output is more than the energy consumed in the form of food. No genes can prevent this from happening. Einstein's equations would all need to be re-formulated if this was the case.

This is over-simplification of the process. You are assuming that all that goes in is absorbed. I believe the metabolism rate of different people is different. You may ascribe this difference to their genes. If your body contains a large number of fat cells that can accumulate energy, you put on weight. If you are someone who does not have many of these cells, the extra calories are passed out. As a simple illustration, if you take a diabetic person who has a poor metabolism rate of converting sugar and carbohydrate to usable energy, the excess calories are passed out in the form of sugar in the urine. To get the energy the body needs, he has to get it from his fat cells and over a very short time he gets much thinner if his blood sugar is not medically controlled.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Glaringly said:
I glup down lots of beer, always thought the carb in beer are converted to fat and store around the belly area.

Geez... if it is the stomach that gets bloated, now I must find some ways to blurp out those fatty gases. :biggrin:

Don't come near me when let go those gases.


While still on the subject of fat belly or fatty belly rather; one simply assume that a slim belly for human is next to perfection of good health whereas fat belly is otherwise.But when you observe some natives living in primitive conditions they also tend to have fat bellies....and they are fit more than any of our best athlete.Take papua guineans tribes for example ,just google their images and most have fat bellies....but their lives are far from sedentary.Why?

I figure it has something to do with your diaphragm...so long as the muscles in your diaphragm are in healthy condition fat bellies or not does not amount to much.Why than they have fat bellies.I think it's the diet.Remember ,that non carnivorous animals have much longer intestines.And carnivorous animals ,like birds eat and shit quickie but their metabolic rate is super high.

Just observe some animals that are purely vegetarian..Most have fat bellies.Like bovine specie for example.But cats like dogs are both 100% meat eaters.But cats normally have fat bellies and dogs normally don't.I suppose the life style and the metabolism rate of the species matters......ever notice how high the metabolic rate of dogs compared to cool cats?


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Anyone can teach me how to lose belly fat?

I had been running for 2 weeks but belly still there...

I cut down on drinking but no help...

Sit-up and crunches also no use...

I thought I will share with you the fundamentals of weight loss. PM me if you need more information.

The human body gains or losses weight through your input and output. [Input-Output=Weight]

Input refers to your intake and Output refers to your activities.

1lb of body weight = approx. 3,500 calories. The ideal situation is to create a 500 caloric deficiency everyday and you will lose 0.5kg a week. The deficiency can come from diet, additional activities or a combination of both. I do recommend using a combination of both.

On the topic of input, you have to constantly measure your intake. Get a notebook and write down what you eat. HSA (Health Science Authority) has a fantastic database for your reference on all local food, incl that yummy plate of Char Kuay Teow.

Daily Caloric Requirement
There are 3 types of metabolic rates that impact your daily requirement. Do a seach on the web for the exact calculation. I don't have it off-hand.
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)- This is the amount of energy or calories needed for your body to function. e.g. Heart to beat, lungs to breathe, etc... To calculate this, it is always a factor of your body weight. Can't remember the magic number.
Thermogenics Metabolic Rate - This is the energy expanded to keep your body at 37deg. It is usually estimated at 10% of your RMR
Activities - Lastly, will be the energy requirement for activities. For example, sitting in front of the computer, working in construction, the additional exercise you have done. Get the estimates off charts available everyone online.

When you add up these 3, it will be your daily metabolic rate. However, do remember that all these numbers are based on estimates and you need to adjust it as it goes by +-200 to 300 calories. Meaning, if your daily requirement is 2000 calories and you only consume 1500 calories for a week and you still don't lose the 0.5kg, then either increase your exercise by a little or reduce consumption by a little. However, never go below your basic requirements (RMR+TMR)

1g Carbs - 4 calories
1g Protein - 4 Calories
1g Fats - 9 Calories

Food consumption ratio - Typically most people will adopt 40:40:20 (Carbs:Protein:Fats) ratio, but there has been a lot of newfangled diet regimes which has been extrememly popular. You will have to adopt one and try it out. It will take at least 3-6 months before you can see something visually.

This will be the activities you engage in, e.g. Gym work, cycling, Walking.

Find one that fits your schedule and stick to it. You need to do it for at least 6 months before your body will start changing. The ideal situation is to be active at least 3 times a week and up to 6 days if possible. Do a mixture, and not just stick to one.

Strength Training - I personally think Strength Training is one of the most critical weapon you should use. Think of muscles in your body being factories that burn calories. So the more muscles you have, the more you burn. You should try to include it in your regime.

Duration of workout
For all your workout, try to maintain it between 30-45 mins. Your body starts burning fats from the 20-25th minute onwards, while anything too way beyond will deplete your glycogen store and you will start burning muscles too (Catabolic Stage).

Gym workout - If you ever hit the gym, spend more time working out, rather than chatting. I have met many who claim to spend 2hrs in the gym and I think they are stoopid and spent most of their time chatting instead. I personally target a rest in between sets to be around 30sec to 1 min. There are many programmes around and you have to experiment to find one which you like and will stick to. I personally subscribe to HIT programme and I love the book by Dr. Ellington Darden, but HIT is not easy to follow, especially when it calls for stage 2 failure at every set.

Myth: "Burn Fats in my Gut" - There is no such thing as "Spot reduction". You lose calories and weight across your body. Where is loses first is determined in your genes. There are some that put on weight first in the bottom and first to lose it there, while has it in their belly.

What I stated here is rather generic, you still need to customise a little based on your age, body weight (You don't want to kill your knees), prevailing health conditions, etc...

Most importantly - Enjoy yourself. Losing weight is a lifestyle change and not a one-off exercise. If not you will end up with the "Yo-Yo" weight syndrome. :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
While still on the subject of fat belly or fatty belly rather; one simply assume that a slim belly for human is next to perfection of good health whereas fat belly is otherwise.But when you observe some natives living in primitive conditions they also tend to have fat bellies....and they are fit more than any of our best athlete.Take papua guineans tribes for example ,just google their images and most have fat bellies....but their lives are far from sedentary.Why?

I figure it has something to do with your diaphragm...so long as the muscles in your diaphragm are in healthy condition fat bellies or not does not amount to much.Why than they have fat bellies.I think it's the diet.Remember ,that non carnivorous animals have much longer intestines.And carnivorous animals ,like birds eat and shit quickie but their metabolic rate is super high.

Just observe some animals that are purely vegetarian..Most have fat bellies.Like bovine specie for example.But cats like dogs are both 100% meat eaters.But cats normally have fat bellies and dogs normally don't.I suppose the life style and the metabolism rate of the species matters......ever notice how high the metabolic rate of dogs compared to cool cats?

You don't know anything don't just write out nonsense ok. FYI many poor african ppl have fat bellies and it has nothing to do with their lifestyle. Goddamn writing nonsense again.


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
At least on this claim that it follows the recommended food pyramid, Macs should be better than most hawker food.

My thoughts on the food pyramid.

Food Pyramid is way overdue for a correction. We are no longer farmers and do not need such a large base of carbohydrates. For Macs to claim that they follow the food pyramid, I will be very worried that I am consuming large amount of unnecessary carbs. And they forgot to mention that 1 meal (Burger+Fries+Soft Drink) has approx 1000 calories!, before you even upsize it... If your daily requirement is only 2k calories, how to eat Macs..... Not to mention that addictives and salt.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's why a ketonic diet should be the way to go. Actually no need to go the ketonic route just eat less carbs so less rice and grains more meat and fats.

Once i went the ketonic route when previously i had been eating lots of rice. Well i actually managed to reduce all fat on my belly where previously i had a bit of stubborn fat without even exercising.