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He ended the sentence with vulgarities


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 27 May 2010
Man behaved like hooligan when I honked at him for stopping illegally


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Dalang spotted this driver stopping illegally on a double yellow zigzag line on the road and honked to tell him it was not allowed. Enraged by his action, the driver then came down from his car to confront the STOMPer.

The STOMPer describes:

"We all know by law that the stopping of vehicles as well as dropping off and waiting for people on a double yellow zigzag line are simply not allowed.

"Today, I was driving my lorry on the second lane of a road going to a Sim Lian construction site and I needed to turn left at the traffic lights.

"This car, SJD 2448P, was in front of me and I saw him stop, without turning on his hazard lights.

"I pressed on the horn to give him a signal that he was not allowed to stop his car on this road because it has a double yellow zigzag line.

"He then gave me a hand signal, telling me to change to the first lane and to stop honking at him.

"As it was lunch hour at 12pm, there were many vehicles on the road.

"I pressed the horn again to tell him that he should not stop here.

"The owner then got down from his car and walked towards my lorry.

"He was acting like a hooligan and told me off.

"He said, 'You cannot wait ah? Cannot wait then change lane lah! I dropping my wife off only what! What's wrong?'

"I told him nicely, 'Sir, this is a double yellow zigzag line. You should not even stop your vehicle here. Should I call the Traffic Police and ask them to come down and see if it's legal?'

"The owner then replied, 'I know it's my fault, so what? Can't you wait?'

"He ended the sentence with vulgarities.

"His wife then came down from his car too and dragged him away, saying, 'Aiya, don't quarrel with this kind of people lah. We just complain to his company can already!'

"I know that driving heavy vehicles are dangerous on the road, no matter expressway or neighbourhood routes.

"We play our part to ensure safety on the roads so those driving normal saloon cars, please be fair to us too and obey the local traffic rules."


Wah, still call him "Sir". Should have shouted, "KNNA, why you stop here, hah!"

Anyway it got nothing to do with driving a saloon, a lorry or even a bicycle. All road users should be considerate and ensure the safety for all. Otherwise, like the Chinese saying , "hor chia long si".

New Honda kar leh - SJD plate - should have undergone some form of baptism of fire!!! The least civilised way he could do was just to wave and smile and say sorry hor! Now he faces embarrassment from his boss or colleagues looking at his picture.


Wah, still call him "Sir". Should have shouted, "KNNA, why you stop here, hah!"

Anyway it got nothing to do with driving a saloon, a lorry or even a bicycle. All road users should be considerate and ensure the safety for all. Otherwise, like the Chinese saying , "hor chia long si".

New Honda kar leh - SJD plate - should have undergone some form of baptism of fire!!! The least civilised way he could do was just to wave and smile and say sorry hor! Now he faces embarrassment from his boss or colleagues looking at his picture.

Well said!

There are many more this kind of people..sigh..


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wear PT clothing? NS or Regular?

aiyah...all who ever served NS sure have PT attire one lah.
even beach rd golden mile market selling any FT also can buy.
but look at his lanjiao face must check which unit he belongs to and then complain to his CO lor.:mad:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You honk at thus driver? That is the sinkie way of alerting others. That sinkie deserved to be beaten up and sent to hospital.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Wah, still call him "Sir". Should have shouted, "KNNA, why you stop here, hah!"

Anyway it got nothing to do with driving a saloon, a lorry or even a bicycle. All road users should be considerate and ensure the safety for all. Otherwise, like the Chinese saying , "hor chia long si".

New Honda kar leh - SJD plate - should have undergone some form of baptism of fire!!! The least civilised way he could do was just to wave and smile and say sorry hor! Now he faces embarrassment from his boss or colleagues looking at his picture.

hor chia long si is hokkien lah bruddah.
check his number plate can find where he lives then go and smash his car lor.