The prosecution's justification to amend the corruption charges under s.6(a) of Prevention of Corruption Act to s.165 of Penal Code is flawed.
The "litigation risk" was in reference to corruption charges. In other words, there was no litigation risk with respect to the 32 lesser charges of accepting gifts and 1 charge for obstruction of justice. That is to say, irrespective of the corruption charges, the Prosecution would still have secured a conviction for the lesser charges. That is also to say, if the Prosecution had proceeded with both corruption and accepting gifts charges, regardless of the litigation risk with respect to the corruption charges, the Prosecution would still have secured a conviction for the lesser charges WITHOUT THE NECESSITY of accepting a guilty plea for the lesser charges.
On the other hand, if there was a risk that they might not secure a conviction for the lesser charges and that the Prosecution might not get anything, then it would be worthwhile to consider giving up the corruption charges for a sure conviction under the lesser charges via a guilty plea. So, if anything, the Prosecution should have concerned itself with whether there was a litigation risk with respect to the lesser charges, and not the corruption charges.