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group of 30 want join Chiam Party ont the spot but SPP REJECTED


Chiam want a SDA alliance of SPP + RP. That Desmond don't want? Why does Chiam want RP to join. What's in it for him?

anyway Chiam better don't consider Desmond to take over his Potong Pasir, that guy not charismatic, ask him to run, might as well invite Ling How Doong to run.

Agreed.. He looks very unattractive, fat and unhealthy


If he doesn't take care of himself, how can we entrust our SMC or GRC to him?



sdp supporters and even members filtered into RP. then they quit and dragged out a few RPpies over to sdp. my pet snake is very slippery and slithery.


i had attended some SDA rallies in the past, majority of the candidates fielded were mostly NSP people. NSP's departure has no doubt been a blow to the SDA, while NSP has grown on its own, there are still talks of plenty of differences, drama, failed merger with RP, infighting in the SPP or SDA rather. The SDA leadership has failed to take the alliance forward, SPP being the leading component party has not been able to grow, and Chiam's decision to bring in his wife to take over the SPP leadership has upset some key players in the party. Sounds like more bad times for the alliance... :(

That was then but SPP looks like it has grown. NSP, of course, has grown also. In fact all opposition parties seem to have grown. Even new RP started with 70 members at their Party Congress. That is a positive sign.

Green Light

Alex Zhixiang Tan:

alright since I'm no longer a member I can tell everyone what happened.

1) No respect for orderliness and proper administration

Desmond allowed 30 members barged into room without proper administration "Go in go in don't need to register". a ...SPP cadre and I stopped the crowd and like a mad man he shouted and insisted his way through.

2) Inappropriate behavior of a Sect Gen

first thing right up to my face "Alex Tan your no longer a member of SPP because your application was not approved on 6 of May"

(my application form is under his care all along. now it's gone? and i'm not with SPP? no worries I will stay with Chiam side as a non-member supporter volunteer as an adviser.)

the room was a rowdy drama for the first 1 hour with Desmond's "members" and I can tell many of them are clueless at what's going on. are they members? SPP needs volunteers every Thursday to help out at Meet-the-People session so badly and now popped out so many members?

2 "cadre" members voted into SPP CEC, bryan chua bingsheng and Sydney soon. both just joined this year and yet they are "cadre"? just because Desmond insisted so? does Democracy means disregard of proper procedures?

Desmond's men was so rude in the room. taunting Mrs Chiam, shouting words like "you are old and slow"? like wth? is this a circus?

I was giving my ending speech to the conference and Desmond can shout all the way from his seat "this is not a member!"

let me share this scenario I saw personally with my own eyes. at the end of the conference, chiam asked Desmond for the 5 new "cadre" members' hp number and address. Desmond waved him off and rushed the 5 out of the room.
what arrogance?! I pity the old man. I would have slapped Desmond if I am Mr Chiam.

a sect gen of the Democratic Alliance with no regards for civilized and democratic orderliness. SPP will be in ruins if it has a leader like this. Singapore will be in ruins if it has a MP like this.
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2 hours ago · Like


Alfrescian (Inf)
Looks like an internal coup in progress. Why is Chiam See Tong so unfortunate? It happened to him at SDP, now it's happening again at SPP.


DL looks like Tom Cruise compared to the other fat guy from the WP.

Someone went to ST with a readership of 1.4 million to squeal that DL will be ousted. What do you expect him to do? Sit around like an idiot? The Chiams have this nasty habit of hurting people that are closest to them. In this case, a deputy who has sacrificed more than 1 decade of service. They prefer an outsider to an insider who incidentally is also the SG of SDA.

Some wayang ah bengs are hoping that DL would be ousted because they are eyeing Pasir-Ris Punggol which will be re-carved.



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Singapore News

Opposition SPP elects 14 members to CEC
By S Ramesh | Posted: 25 July 2010 2213 hrs

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Desmond Lim

SINGAPORE : The opposition Singapore People's Party (SPP) held its Ordinary Party Conference on Sunday, and elected 14 members to its decision making Central Executive Committee (CEC).

Veteran politician Chiam See Tong remains in the committee.

The new faces include his wife Lina Chiam and member Desmond Lim, who's reported to have differences in the party over the possible inclusion of the Reform Party into the Singapore Democratic Alliance.

Mr Chiam is the chairman of the Alliance while Mr Lim is its secretary-general.

The CEC will meet in three weeks to decide on the positions.

Current Chairman Sin Kek Tong said he hopes to make the party stronger for the next general election.

But Sunday's event wasn't without its drama.

A group of about 30 people tried to become members on the spot to take part in the party conference.

But they were asked to leave after cadre members voted against the move. - CNA /ls

PAP spies?


Looks like an internal coup in progress. Why is Chiam See Tong so unfortunate? It happened to him at SDP, now it's happening again at SPP.

I guess there are many ppl like me, wonder why Ken don't opt to work with NSP but SPP. Maybe he feel that Chiam can draw more votes, but in the long run, NSP is the better choice. My view only.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I guess there are many ppl like me, wonder why Ken don't opt to work with NSP but SPP. Maybe he feel that Chiam can draw more votes, but in the long run, NSP is the better choice. My view only.

Desmond Lim continues washing dirty laundry on the Chinese evening papers today. He's finished. Chiam See Tong is finished. SPP is finished.



I guess there are many ppl like me, wonder why Ken don't opt to work with NSP but SPP. Maybe he feel that Chiam can draw more votes, but in the long run, NSP is the better choice. My view only.

Perhaps because SPP possesses the SDA umbrella, whereas NSP does not. RP can join SDA while keeping its existence but to combine with NSP requires one or both to dissolve. But of course that depends on what proximity of cooperation RP and NSP wants. If it's loose cooperation, then it means combined rallies, combined press conferences etc.

Either RP and NSP can also register an umbrella that is similar to SDA's properties, or NSP can dissolve and merge with RP (since NSP was prepared to dissolve and join SPP some time ago).


People are asking "What would you do if you were him?"

Well, if I were him, I would gracefully back off even if KJ joined the alliance and took my place, for the sake of the opposition parties and for the sake of Singapore.
I'll just contribute in whatever ways I could, to the best of my ability.
That's what I would do.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
It is sad to read Mr Chiam being treated like that. Most don't realise that he is not a born politician like the rest of the sharks in the tank.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Looks like this bugger is the bug itself, saves PAP all the troubles.

So did PAP bug this room or not? :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
he give his leadership to his wife, that means he doesn't trust anyone of them...

maybe he believed they are all PAP spies? :biggrin:

Chiam give his fiefdom Potong Pasir to his wife, that probably piss off many at SPP.
I thought Chiam would leave the SMC to Sin Kek Tong, his loyal lieutenant who seemed a decent bloke but he prefer family politics.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Chiam want a SDA alliance of SPP + RP. That Desmond don't want? Why does Chiam want RP to join. What's in it for him?

anyway Chiam better don't consider Desmond to take over his Potong Pasir, that guy not charismatic, ask him to run, might as well invite Ling How Doong to run.

SDA has always been a one man show. Now that man is in poor health and is due to retire soon. The only way OUT is to get KJ in as the new Sec-Gen of SPP so that he can speak to Lee Kuan Yew's face and say that he also can do his succession planning PROPERLY. It's all about legacy building. He wants to be able to say: PAP can do succession planning, and so can I. I am so good as them.

Of course that will mean Desmond must be demoted. Of course Desmond will not want that.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Looks like an internal coup in progress. Why is Chiam See Tong so unfortunate? It happened to him at SDP, now it's happening again at SPP.

You must be out of your bloody fucking mind. No one is couping against Chiam See Tong. Chiam and Lina want KJ in. Desmond don't want because he will then have to be DEMOTED to make way for KJ to be the new Sec Gen.

No one is challenging CHiam's position. Even Lina has been voted in, despite reservations from the old guard.

That cannot possibly be compared to Chee Soon Juan, who did not even force Chiam to resign in the first place. Only a fucktard like you will even dream of linking the two.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Someone went to ST with a readership of 1.4 million to squeal that DL will be ousted. What do you expect him to do? Sit around like an idiot? The Chiams have this nasty habit of hurting people that are closest to them. In this case, a deputy who has sacrificed more than 1 decade of service. They prefer an outsider to an insider who incidentally is also the SG of SDA.

It is expected that kenneth jeyaretnam will do that. Why won't he. Chiam wants him to get the SG post, so he certainly can go to ST to squeal on DL. It is Chiam decision to get an outsider for the job. He wants to leave a legacy and dun think desmond or anyone else in SPP/SDA is good enough.