When a person becomes a Christian, God becomes his Father.
The 'health and wealth' church movement has taken the concept of this privilege to the fallacious extreme.
They now treat God like a vending machine. Put money into the offering bag and expect God to multiply it many folds. This is reckless faith. This is showing disrespect to God's love. It is like spoilt children not knowing how to behave.
Thus, for such a group of people and the other malpracticing Christians, a healthy dose of God-fearing is in order.
Otherwise, as the Bible commands in Luke 10:27:
Love your Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.
let me rephrase your statement;
"When a person becomes a SantaClausian, Santa Claus becomes his Father.
The 'health and wealth' church movement has taken the concept of this privilege to the fallacious extreme.
They now treat Santa Claus like a vending machine. Put money into the offering bag and expect Santa Claus to multiply it many folds. This is reckless faith. This is showing disrespect to Santa Claus' love. It is like spoilt children not knowing how to behave.
Thus, for such a group of people and the other malpracticing SantaClausians, a healthy dose of Santa Claus-fearing is in order.
Otherwise, as the Bible commands in Luke 10:27:
Love your Lord your Santa Claus with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind."