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Eat & Sue


I penned this piece (below) on my mobile note app last night, lying on my snuggly bed, in a rather 'intoxicated' state :smile:

I just did a “sober” review, corrected some typos, and so on. I thought it is best, leaving this piece, in a more or less “original state”, when I was writing last night :smile:

... here it goes...

I was out with Sue tonight, our usual weekly girls' night out, where we can talk about matters close to our hearts and let go of our feelings and frustrations about work, life, men and so on.

We had a quick dinner at Liang Court, then, adjourning to Wine Connection, Robertson Walk and started on a bottle of pauillac (though in the end, I think we had 3 bottles… hahaha :smile: )

I am uncertain whether it was the "adverse" effect of the pauillac ∼I finally disclosed to Sue that I have been "active" in this forum and she gave me a "haunted" look like W.T.F. am I doing?!?

I told her that my pseudo name in this forum is 'Claire', and I have been rather active, writing anonymously, about my life, the things I had observed in my daily life, him and even mentioning her at times. She said I am deranged. I assured her that I do not use real names of myself or others when I write, nor do I disclose personal details or post pictures. I unequivocally told her not to worry. She was speechless for a while giving me a sardonic expression.

Composing herself and downing a big gulp of pauillac, she did a quick google search, had a quick browse through this infamous forum for the first time in her life. Her first response wasn't at all complimentary, and in some words ∼ crap; loutish; vulgar, crass; scums, perverts, juvenile, nut cases, uncouth and more unpleasant adjectives. I am not surprised as this was what I felt exactly when I surf this forum for the first time long ago.

I told her not to pass any quick judgment. I advised her to spend some time "sieving" the good threads/posts, ignoring the usual bad apples when she gets acquainted here as a “guest”. She said she will, when she has the time. In fact, she did comment that there's lot of stuff here about David and Wendy, for real, for fun or for purely for gossips.

In any event, my "alcohol infused" intention of telling her about my "involvement" in this forum is not to help the egoistical owner's traffic objectives. My "tipsy" purpose was to ask Sue, to help me “decrypt” someone whom I have an online crush, to which Sue retorted that I am crazy :smile:

I told her that I may have "fallen in love" with an online guy ∼ my elder brother, Eat ∼ and for the honest fun of it, I wanted her to assess the intelligence of the man behind the keyboard. She laughed and said I am “stupid”, though she did promise to look at all my threads and focus on the ones that I had suggested. Well, my elder brother Eat, if and when you read this, please do not be terrified or offended. Sue and I are just having some girly fun, absolutely no wicked or malicious intent, nor are we stalking you :smile:

Anyhow, more shocking about last night was Sue sharing with me a long kept secret of hers. She hadn't even told with me before in our decades of best friendship.

I was initially shocked when I heard her story, and did ask her if I could pen some bits and pieces here. She was reluctant, though she finally agreed, provided that no personal details are disclosed. Haha :smile: Thankyou Sue. :smile:

And so it goes…

Some years ago, Sue met a guy online after getting to know him on Facebook. He was from Hong Kong, a very senior executive from a reputable global company. He was married (then), at the time when Sue got to know him.

Their online relationship moved on from Facebook to emails, started from an innocuous sharing of hobbies and interests ~ gradually moving on to open jokes about liking each other ~ and then the more serious “if and buts” stuff ~ for example “if I am not married, I would have…”; “but we didn’t meet before you got married” etc etc. Old songs like “It’s sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along” became more meaningful to him and he would send Sue the lyrics of this song together with those lovely emails.

Anyway, after a month or so of online communication, he finally came over to Singapore on a business trip and met Sue face to face. The rest is X-rated and I have to stop here. Otherwise, Sue would kill me literally speaking. :eek:

To cut the long story short, they had a wonderful "forbidden love" relationship. If not for the fact that he was married, Sue said that she would have been living Hong Kong leading a high society life by now. They had their intimate holidays a couple of times, in Osaka, Seoul, Sapporo, etc where they were confident that no one would spot them. She said it was true love but, alas, the good times had to come to an abrupt end when his wife intercepted her email and mobile messages.

I can swear with my life that Sue isn’t a Cocotte, Saseko or Amkae. She did find true love with him, except that the timing was absolutely wrong. I can sympathise with her. I told her she should have "forced" a divorce between him and the wife. Sue said that it was not right, as she was wrong in the first place ∼ she was the 3rd party ∼ and quoting the late Princess Diana words, "..there were three of us in his marriage, so it was a bit crowded.."

Sue, if you are reading this, enjoy this forum if you have the time. Let's have some harmless anonymous fun here.

Love you Sue. Always best friends & XOXOXO :smile:
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It's probably true love for Sue because the guy was successful in his career and rich. If it was the same chap earning about $3k a month, then no true love. At least they had some fun together.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's probably true love for Sue because the guy was successful in his career and rich. If it was the same chap earning about $3k a month, then no true love. At least they had some fun together.
no moni, no hunny ...

but den, online tings, u never noe ... dat fella cud rook back n smile wif delite on his tricks in eating chip abalones ...
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Hi John Tan:smile: and good morning to you :smile: I failed to mention that this was a boy named Sue and that we took turns to plough into each others' anus.Hope this does not make you jealous but I will make it up to you tonight with my Bangla bangers. :smile:

Love Claire.


Alfrescian (Inf)
good evening sister. thanks for dedicating a thread on me and sue, especially when she's your best buddy. it's ego-boosting, libido-lifting, and at the same time soul-searching. after reading this i'll need to take a break and compose myself before replying in earnest with heartfelt sincerity. for now, it will be extremely difficult for anyone to take a 2nd glance at me let alone fall in love, especially in my destitute condition. i share a room with two others in bedok for lack of income and have to resort to "servicing" the landlady occasionally in order for her to waive rent. due to lack of space in the room, i'm forced to share a mattress with a part-time fourth roommate. she's an old lady who collects cardboards in the day and sleeps at night, which allows me to sleep on the same mattress in the day and do my shift at night. i earn peanuts as i work as a jaga and sometimes beg for a living or collect recyclables. the one treasured luxury is access to the jaga computer and internet so i can post nonsense during the midnight shift - a reason why i seem to be in a different time zone. the other luxury is a kup of kopi on saturdays at soy eu tua kopitiam on upper east coast road. it's my only form of weekly exercise as i have to drag myself from bedok to siglap by foot along the linear park trail. along the way, i meet pinoy maids walking their mistresses' dogs, and then there are aunties and uncles too out of shape to jog. apart from online interaction and my flat mates, those strangers are my other regular social encounters. the fun is in watching the dogs sniff each other. i'm sure with this confession you will not find me attractive at all, besides piquing your scant interest. hope your best buddy, sue, is also reading this, and this should cause her to cringe and go "yucks! what a bloody loser!" :p :biggrin: :wink:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi Claire, once again you and your hiao ji ness, me and my English lesson :p
Hope this line is not provocative nor idiotic.


Alfrescian (Inf)
good evening sister. thanks for dedicating a thread on me and sue, especially when she's your best buddy. it's ego-boosting, libido-lifting, and at the same time soul-searching. after reading this i'll need to take a break and compose myself before replying in earnest with heartfelt sincerity. for now, it will be extremely difficult for anyone to take a 2nd glance at me let alone fall in love, especially in my destitute condition. i share a room with two others in bedok for lack of income and have to resort to "servicing" the landlady occasionally in order for her to waive rent. due to lack of space in the room, i'm forced to share a mattress with a part-time fourth roommate. she's an old lady who collects cardboards in the day and sleeps at night, which allows me to sleep on the same mattress in the day and do my shift at night. i earn peanuts as i work as a jaga and sometimes beg for a living or collect recyclables. the one treasured luxury is access to the jaga computer and internet so i can post nonsense during the midnight shift - a reason why i seem to be in a different time zone. the other luxury is a kup of kopi on saturdays at soy eu tua kopitiam on upper east coast road. it's my only form of weekly exercise as i have to drag myself from bedok to siglap by foot along the linear park trail. along the way, i meet pinoy maids walking their mistresses' dogs, and then there are aunties and uncles too out of shape to jog. apart from online interaction and my flat mates, those strangers are my other regular social encounters. the fun is in watching the dogs sniff each other. i'm sure with this confession you will not find me attractive at all, besides piquing your scant interest. hope your best buddy, sue, is also reading this, and this should cause her to cringe and go "yucks! what a bloody loser!" :p :biggrin: :wink:

excellent post! keep them coming. btw, are you a colleague of Jah?


good evening sister. thanks for dedicating a thread on me and sue, especially when she's your best buddy. it's ego-boosting, libido-lifting, and at the same time soul-searching. after reading this i'll need to take a break and compose myself before replying in earnest with heartfelt sincerity. for now, it will be extremely difficult for anyone to take a 2nd glance at me let alone fall in love, especially in my destitute condition. i share a room with two others in bedok for lack of income and have to resort to "servicing" the landlady occasionally in order for her to waive rent. due to lack of space in the room, i'm forced to share a mattress with a part-time fourth roommate. she's an old lady who collects cardboards in the day and sleeps at night, which allows me to sleep on the same mattress in the day and do my shift at night. i earn peanuts as i work as a jaga and sometimes beg for a living or collect recyclables. the one treasured luxury is access to the jaga computer and internet so i can post nonsense during the midnight shift - a reason why i seem to be in a different time zone. the other luxury is a kup of kopi on saturdays at soy eu tua kopitiam on upper east coast road. it's my only form of weekly exercise as i have to drag myself from bedok to siglap by foot along the linear park trail. along the way, i meet pinoy maids walking their mistresses' dogs, and then there are aunties and uncles too out of shape to jog. apart from online interaction and my flat mates, those strangers are my other regular social encounters. the fun is in watching the dogs sniff each other. i'm sure with this confession you will not find me attractive at all, besides piquing your scant interest. hope your best buddy, sue, is also reading this, and this should cause her to cringe and go "yucks! what a bloody loser!" :p :biggrin: :wink:
Good afternoon Eatty Eat Eat. I assume you must be “snugging” your bolster in dream zone right now. Hehe :smile: I am sorry that I have “embarrassed” you with such a sassy piece last night.

Forgive me, for I have “sinned” :o

Blame it on the red pauillac, though, I do believe that good wine is like an anaesthetic to my incoherent emotions, while at times, it becomes a catalytic agent for my valour. Perhaps, it was the latter last night.

I admire the down-to-earth approach you have to life. A measured ego, with a flair for looking at life’s multitudes of glitches, viewing challenges with comedy, but at the same time, with well-grounded principles of credence. Sue has read my piece and is of the same view as well. You now have two anonymous admirers “dissecting” you in cyber space and I am sure like the frog in the laboratory, you will be thoroughly scrutinized in all my fun and laughter with her.

Have a great day when you wake up and start your supposed “shift duty”. XOXOXO :smile:
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It's probably true love for Sue because the guy was successful in his career and rich. If it was the same chap earning about $3k a month, then no true love. At least they had some fun together.

Hello John. Can you be more romantic instead of robotic? Money is important but it’s not everything. You can be “poor” even though you have lots of cash.

Have a great day, John :smile:


Hi Claire, once again you and your hiao ji ness, me and my English lesson :p
Hope this line is not provocative nor idiotic.

Hi Choot

And your message from your nutty response is?

I am sure there are many “waists” awaiting your bodily wrap around. I know I am hitting you “below the belt”, but you ask for it. I do apologise but I am too lazy to delete what I have just written :wink:

Have a good day, and stop following me like headless chicken :smile:


Dafug?! What happened to the paragraphs?

Good day Zhi :smile:

I guess that is the beauty of Eat. It does make me read his post with more attentiveness, towing me into his fantasy world of thoughts, always second-guessing what he meant. It's just like staring into a pair of alluring eyes, wondering what's going on behind the shine.

Great day Zhi :smile: