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Woman Chooses Euthanasia on 34th Birthday Due to Depression, Eating Disorder Struggles: 'I Want to Step Out of Life'



Woman Chooses Euthanasia on 34th Birthday Due to Depression, Eating Disorder Struggles: 'I Want to Step Out of Life'​

“I’ve been struggling with this my whole life,” said Jolanda Fun, whose life ended on April 25

Vanessa Etienne

Updated on April 26, 2024 02:09PM EDT

A 33-year-old woman in the Netherlands opened up about her decision to end her life with euthanasia on April 25, her 34th birthday, rather than living with her mental health struggles.

Jolanda Fun, from North Brabant, spoke to The Times about being diagnosed with an eating disorder, recurrent depression, autism and mild learning difficulties. She said she’s tried countless therapies but has struggled her entire life.

“Dark, overstimulation, chaos in my head, loneliness,” she told the outlet. “Most of the time I just feel really sh!tty. Sad, down, gloomy. People don’t see it, because that’s the mask I put on and that’s what you learn to do in life.”

Although she has parents, a brother, a few friends, and a dog, Fun said she’s been living in constant pain. So when a counselor told her two years ago that euthanasia for psychiatric reasons was legal, she made it her goal ever since, admitting that she’s always thought about death.

“My father is sick, my mother is sick, my parents are fighting to stay alive, and I want to step out of life,” Fun explained. “That’s a bit strange. But even when I was seven, I asked my mother whether, if I jumped from a viaduct, I would be dead. I’ve been struggling with this my whole life.”

Doctor holding patient's arm

The procedure became legal in the Netherlands when the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act was passed in April 2001, taking into effect in April 2002. With its passing, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to make euthanasia legal, per BBC News. The country's official government websitestates that the procedure is performed by a physician who administers "a fatal dose of a suitable drug to the patient on his or her express request."

"Requests for euthanasia often come from patients experiencing unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement,” the website states. “Their request must be made earnestly and with full conviction. They see euthanasia as the only escape from the situation. However, patients have no absolute right to euthanasia and doctors no absolute duty to perform it.”

woman lying sick in hospital.

Woman Lying Sick in Hospital.

Fun told the outlet that her case was initially turned down by the Expertisecentrum Euthanasie, the institution that typically handles complex cases. However, she found a psychiatrist who was willing to carry it out. Following Dutch requirements, she also found two other doctors to agree.

“The rules are very strict,” she said. “You don’t just get euthanasia, there’s a whole journey… But it is death in a dignified way: painless, done by a doctor. Your loved ones can be there. And nobody discovers you in an appalling state — or you don’t end up unlucky and even worse off than before [after attempting suicide].”

Fun ultimately opted for euthanasia on her 34th birthday, April 25, preparing her own funeral invitations beforehand that read: “Born from love, let go in love. After a hard-fought life, she chose the peace she so longed for.”


Assisted suicide is only for terminal illness not for mental health sufferers, which is another form of fucking weak useless losers who cannot handle life.
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Byebye Penis

Assisted suicide is only for terminal illness not for mental health sufferers, which is another form of fucking weak useless losers who cannot handle life.

Depression should not be a reason for euthanasia. I can write a whole essay on it but in summary:

- We should help the patient by giving them their own space or special care/concern, including change of environment (workplace, school, family).
- Depression can be managed with lifestyle changes - eg outdoor activities, change of job, companionship, hugging, having pets, sex, etc.
- Many of us are depressed and we can develop coping-mechanisms for Depression and PTSDs (fail exams, sexual assaults, deceased of someone close), not limited to severe exercising, smoking, drinking, taking weed, etc.

We have to be more supportive towards people with depression. Sometimes, our society, or life-expectations are too overwhelming or it is a just a fake feeling, that we need to be aware of. I will not go further on medications for nightmares, mood-disorders, anxiety/fear, anger-management, etc.
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Byebye Penis

Aren't gay a type of mental illness ,
Why not we just apply this method ?

Being gay should be considered mentally-sound. Some of them lived a more fulfilling, accomplished and happier life than straight people. Like straight people, some of them are depressed and resorted to self-harm or sex-addiction.

Those gays who are are into sexual-grooming of young, and trying to convert others to be like them, will require euthanasia.


Old Fart
The Netherlands has very liberal drug laws. She could've smoked weed 24/7 and be high all the time. No need to resort to euthanasia. Such a pity.
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She could have worked as a prostitute like our Mayfair to distract her problems.

Slutty Gin is doing it so well and shamelessly alive with a meat cigar in her mouth every min.

She's clearly enjoying her sausages.


Being gay should be considered mentally-sound. Some of them lived a more fulfilling, accomplished and happier life than straight people. Like straight people, some of them are depressed and resorted to self-harm or sex-addiction.

Those gays who are are into sexual-grooming of young, and trying to convert others to be like them, will require euthanasia.
most of them are more well adjusted and kinder than 70% of daft Sinkies